Long Night

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Warning - this chapter is 18+/contains mature scenes. Skip if you're uncomfortable.

I don't know what time it is but I assume it's late at night or very early in the morning, the sky outside is pitch black. I open my eyes to see Loki sleeping peacefully beside me, I'd turned around in my sleep. The same desire from earlier has made its way back into my body, I reach up and lightly place my hand on his cheek. His eyes flutter open as I trace my finger down his jaw line. When I get to his chin, I pull him down towards my lips and kiss him hungrily. He kisses back with passion and his hands make their way down my waist to where my shirt has ridden up. I can feel his cock thickening against my front. I break the kiss to rip the shirt over my head, I grab the hem of his and pull it off before taking my lips back to his.

I push him down into the mattress and straddle his waist, kissing him hard. He abruptly sits up with his hands moving down to firmly squeeze my arse. I let out a soft moan as I feel his cock rubbing against my panties as I grind against him. I'm already wet down there, a thin piece of fabric is all that's separating me from what I want. I tilt my head back as pleasure takes over me, giving him full access to my neck. Loki quickly flip us so that I'm under him on the mattress, he's right hand is clamped around my neck as his left hand moves tantalisingly down to my nipple, the feeling of his cool hand leaves tingles across my skin. His lips haven't left mine. I can feel his hard cock pressed against the place that I want it the most as he starts moving his hips. I moan as the pleasure in my body is starting to build. The pressure is too much and I'm on the edge of finding my release, as I'm about to cum he abruptly stops his sweet torture, he's taken all hands away from me. My eyes shoot open in frustration and I'm met with a wicked grin as he sits up looking down into my eyes.

"Not yet my pet, be patient." He says as he hooks his fingers in the side of my underwear and tears them off. I feel exposed laying here naked as his stares down hungrily at my body. I move my hands to cover myself but he grabs my hands and stops me, his eyes darken. "Don't hide yourself from me" is all he says before he plunges two thick fingers deep inside of me, I gasp at the unexpected movement but it turns into a moan as he starts to move them around. He moves his fingers in and out of me as he rubs my clit with his thumb, he starts sucking on my neck, kissing a trail down to my breasts.

He sucks on my nipple, moving from one across to the other as I writhe and moan under him. He continues his train down my stomach and before I can register what he is doing, he fastens his mouth over my clit and slides a third thick finger inside of me. He expertly moves his tongue around, building up the sensation between my thighs. He has one hand placed on my stomach to keep me still whilst the other is busy pumping in and out of me. My stomach starts clenching and I can feel my body tightening, once again I'm on the on the edge. Loki's mouth leaves my clit for a second as he said "Cum for me darling" with a guttural voice. His words tip me over as the most intense orgasm that I've ever had rips through my body. Loki continues to suck on me as I ride it out.

I quickly push Loki away from me only to grab his boxers and rip them off him, I take a second to look him up and down. He has a very muscular frame for someone who seems so thin. My eyes land on his cock last, it's thick and long. I push Loki back onto the bed and grab it in one hand and wrap my lips around it's head. He lets out a pleasurable hiss as I push him further into my mouth, his dick hits the back of my throat and I haven't taken him all in yet. With one hand, I start rubbing him up and down as I move him in and out of my mouth. I look up at him so see he has his eyes closed and his mouth is in the shape of an o. I suck harder and with this, he lets out a gruff moan. His eyes snap open as he grabs me by the throat and pulls me towards him, his dick pops out of my mouth as he does.

He flips me over so that I'm looking at the pillows and positions my legs so that I'm 'kneeling' in front of him facing the headboard. He wraps my hair in one hand and yanks it back hard so that his lips are near my ear. "How I love to see you kneel for me darling. Now beg. Beg me for it!" He commands with a rough, low voice as he whispers in my ear. He teases me with his cock at my entrance, moving his hips so it rubs in all of the right places. I let out a small moan "Please Loki" I beg in frustration. "Again" he grunts as he pushes his tip in. "Ahhhh... please Loki!" I whimper. He slams into me and my eyes roll into the back of my head. I'm a moaning mess as Loki takes me roughly, giving me more than what I thought I could take. His hand snakes around my waist and he starts methodically rubbing circles around my clit with his thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure. The familiar sensation begins to build again, "Ahhh fuck Loki! Yes, just like that!" I say through clenched teeth as he slams into me, ruining me. "You're mine" he grunts, his words make me find my release as he finds his at the same time, filling me with his seed. We collapse in the bed and Loki wraps me in his arms. We both lay there panting catching our breath.

After some time, we both go to clean up in the shower. Loki washes my hair for me and starts to rub the knots out of my back. He wraps me in a hug from behind and I gladly lean back against his chest. His hands start to wander down my body, one hand is places across my stomach holding me up as the other glides down towards my clit again. When his fingers find their target. I throw my head back against his shoulder, enjoying the sensation his cool fingers leave on my flushed body. Before long he has me pinned up against the shower wall, my legs wrapped around his waist as he slams into me for a second time tonight.

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