Cat's Out of the Bag

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Ergh. Once again it's too early for this. I go to roll over to turn off my alarm only to be met with a pair of hands restraining me. My eyes fly open and I try to push myself away from the hands - I'm in full panic mode, I can't be here! They can't have me! "Shhh Raven, woah, it's okay! You're safe, your at Stark Tower - it's me, Bruce. I grabbed you so you didn't pull out your IV" a familiar voice says in a soothing tone. I stop struggling and take in my surroundings. I see Nat and Barton a step back from my bed ready to jump in and help, Thor awkwardly has his hands outstretched ready to pin me down and I quickly turn to see Bruce holding my arms to my side. My heart rate lowers as I begin to calm down and actually take in my surroundings. I look at Bruce and then at my arms, silently asking him to let go. He puts both arms up in surrender and takes a step back from me. I slump back in my bed, my head is pounding. I don't know if that's from having my head slammed into the concrete or if it's because Bucky was here... "Bucky!" I shout, grabbing the IV and pulling it out as I go to jump out of bed. Thor grabs me just as I'm about to hit the deck - black patches fill my eyes and my head starts to spin. "Where is he?!" I shout at no one in particular. It's Nat who answers me, "He's alive Raven, Steve is with him in a more secure hospital room. They we-"
"Were best friends before he fell from the train in 1945, I know" everyone looks at me with a million questions in their eyes. I sigh knowing that I'm going to have to tell them everything now. Thor gently places me back on the bed, staying close in case I tried to run for it again. "What happened after? All I remember is seeing a flash of lightning, which I assume was you Thor, and Loki before I blacked out." They didn't need to know about your unhealthy obsession with his eyes.

Thor took a step closer and started explaining. "When we got to our mission, Loki immediately said that something felt 'off', there were no where near as many Hydra agents as we expected" a shudder runs down your spine just hearing their name. "I stayed close to Loki as he seemed very unfocused on what was happening in front of him. He said that he felt on edge and panicked. That's when he received your message, grabbed me and said that you were in trouble. He teleported us straight to you and we seen you being dragged away towards a waiting jet. Loki and I battled with this Bucky and brought him to his knees quickly, Loki stressed the fact that we mustn't kill him which I thought was strange. That's one of his favourite past times but I didn't question it. The jet that was waiting just outside flew off and I knocked out tin arm as Loki ran to your side. You were still bleeding heavily so he used his Asgardian sorcery to help you heal. We rushed you to the hospital wing just as the quinjet landed. And now we're here... a mortal wouldn't be awake from or have healed from such injuries so soon. Lady Raven, what are you?"

I let out a sigh of relief that Loki didn't kill Buck, they would have found out the hard way about our connection. I quickly link Fury and he gives me the okay to tell my full story now that the cat is out of the bag. I choose to answer Thor in perfect Asgardian, "Of course the first question that you ask is the hardest to answer my Prince, please forgive me for not answering straight away or telling the whole truth sooner. I would prefer to have to relive my story only once if that's at all possible?" I bow my head in respect and give him a wicked grin as I take in the shocked expression on his face. He nods his head and excuses himself from the room, I presume he's going to find Loki - what a tattletale. Everyone else is staring at me in confusion. "I'll explain everything when everyone is together. I don't want to relive my story more than once. Bruce, can I go to my room to change and rest for a while please? I can't stand sterile environments." Bruce nods helping me get off the bed, he offers his support until he's sure I can walk by myself. I pat his arm in thanks and slowly make my way back to my room, hoping I don't bump into anyone on the way.

When I get up to my floor it looks like a tornado ripped through there. I hope Tony doesn't charge me for the damage, I don't have that kind of money. I think I'm in the clear until I open my bedroom door. The one person I was hoping to avoid for a while had made himself at home, reading on my bed. I scratch the back of my neck as his icy glare goes straight through me. [Speaking Asgardian] "Give me a minute to have a shower and put on something other than these god awful hospital scrubs, then I'll be right with you". Loki nods his head and goes back to reading his book. Fantastic, I've officially pissed of the God of Mischief.

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