Loki's POV

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I'm sitting on one of the couches in the 'common area' as they call it, glaring at Thor for being the blundering oaf that he is. Did mother not teach him to lower his voice indoors? Clint and Natasha are trying to teach him Uno. The idiot can't even make the connection between the version that we played as children on Asgard. I'm not going to be the one who explains that to him, I live to see him fail when he's seen to be so 'perfect'. I divert my attention back to my book as the elevator doors slide open. I glance up again, annoyed that some else dares to interrupt me. I quickly stop seeing that Raven has just stepped out of the elevator, she's smiling like a fool at my oaf of a brother. Great, another Thor admirer. She seems very unsure of herself, asking permission to get something to eat and curling into herself as she walks. I wonder what happened to make her so closed off to the world? What happened to make her build such a strong mental block? I drop my gaze again, pretending to read as I listen to her quiet footsteps make their way to the ridiculous bag of beans that Tony loves to nap in.

"So... Loki. What are you reading?" She asks in a timid tone. I look over at her to see that she's noticed, or read the front cover of the book. She must know more Asgardian than she's let on, these are no easy or vulgar words. Her face pales, shock and sadness cross her features before she becomes a blank slate again. I turn away from her wondering what is running through that guarded little mind of hers. "It's Asgardian Poetry" I say quietly. I knew it, I knew she was hiding something from us. Ever since she bumped into me at the coffee shop this morning I knew that she was different. The way that she so fluently said 'asshole' in Asgardian shocked me the most. No mortal could possibly get the accent right and no being has ever had the pleasure of shocking me. Ever since she bumped into me I've been intrigued by this little mortal, oh how I long to know her name. I'll find out one way or another. She turned her face away and continued to eat the awful Midgardian food that they call 'pizza'.

I could sense that something was bothering her  so I closed the book and made small talk with her, hoping that I could crack into her mind or at least learn a bit about her. It seems that she had been living on another planet as she hadn't heard about what I did to New York and I felt compelled to tell her. I spoke of Asgard and mother and all of the magic that she taught me. I was just starting to tell her of the story where I turned into a snake in an attempt to stab Thor when we were younger when I was interrupted by Steve. We had a mission to attend. Whilst everyone was distracted, I placed the Asgardian Poems book where I was seated and left a note on the top for Raven. She obviously had some connection to the book and I thought she might like to read it since she isn't coming along. I changed into my battle armour and walked by without giving her a second glance. What on Midgard is this strange feeling that I have towards her?

We all boarded the quinjet whilst listening to Natasha and Clint argue like an old married couple. As we got further from Stark Tower, the more I felt we were heading in the wrong direction. Thor must have noticed that something was wrong as he stuck by my side the whole flight. "Brother, are you well?" He questioned me after a while. "Something doesn't feel right, I feel as if we're headed in the wrong direction". Thor gave me a puzzled look but didn't question me further, I knew he was worried and wouldn't be leaving my side for this battle. When we got to our destination, there were a lot less Hydra agents then we were expecting. As we were finishing up, a wave of panic hit me. Something has gone terribly wrong. That's when I hear a faint but distinct voice in my head

Loki I need help, Stark Tower has been attacked and I'm going down - don't kill him. Please... hurry.

I grabbed Thor's arm and shout "Raven!" He nods his head, giving me permission to teleport us both back to the tower even knowing he hates it. He must understand the gravity of the situation. We land back in mine and Ravens hallway to see her being dragged away by a man with a metal arm. Her eyes connect with mine for a second before they roll into the back of her head. "LET HER GO!" I yell at the retreating figure, they pay us no mind. Thor and I advance without a second thought and have the attacker pinned and knocked out within seconds. I crouch down and check that she's still alive, please Odin let her be alive! I check her heartbeat and am relieved to find it's still going strong. I quickly patch up some of her open wounds before going to move her. I look to Thor as he says "Go, take her to the hospital wing. I've got this from here" as he pulls out the same pair of Asgardian handcuffs that he once used on me. I roll my eyes and gently pick Raven up cradling her into my chest, she seems so fragile.

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