Last Hope

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From what I can tell, some weeks have passed and I'm stuck in a cycle. Four days torture, one day rest and food, repeat. I only know so much time has passed as I've started loosing muscle and my bones are becoming apparent under my almost translucent skin. They've been trying to explore my bonds further and have managed to make Fury and Bucky's bonds appear. They already knew of these two but they refused to believe that I hadn't formed any new bonds having spent so much time with the Avengers. Maybe I should have let Fury and Bucky's bonds show from the start, a stupid mistake that's costing me now. Because of this, they have started with some more intense 'exercises' and have even brought some of their other Subjects in to try and break me. They mainly used Subjects like me to try and feel out my bonds but none of them were able to. They'd also tried to use mind readers but I was stronger than any that tried. The ones who failed were brutally beaten in front of me. I wasn't going down without a fight but I'm glad that my mental blocks are so strong, I did feel sorry for the others. I was laying in bed as it was the start of day four of torture. I was too sore to move from yesterday so I wasn't surprised when I received a long lasting shock from my collar when I didn't get up for the guards when they burst into my cell. They injected me whilst I was still laying down, beat me bloody and roughly dragged me back to the white room.

I was strapped to the table by the time Dr Azazel came in. He'd gotten himself into the habit of telling me what he was going to do before he did it. "Subject A, you've been reacting poorly to our previous attempts to uncover the bonds that you are so intent on hiding. Today, we're introducing a new method to help you remember." He explained, smirking as he turned to put his scrubs on. I tuned out his talking not wanting to know what new horrors he has planned for the day. He came over and started his usual way by making an incision down the same line of my stomach, never letting it fully heal. Next thing I know I have a bucket of boiling water being poured into it. Thankfully, it's not long before I pass out.

This round of treatment has been ruthless and I don't know how many more days of this I can handle before I break. I was meant to eat and rest today but I've been told I won't be getting any meals until I show my bonds. I needed to get out and I needed to do it now. I rack my brain for ideas. I can't use my full powers because of my stupid collar but I'm sure that I can still break it off. Maybe the only way out will be death itself? I could rip the collar off and use my last bit of energy to plunge a scalpel into my heart. They wouldn't be able to bring me back from that. I let myself think of my family just this once, it could be the last time after all. I just want to be home, back at Stark tower in Loki's arms. I want to be around Clint and Nat and their constant bickering. I want to go to the lab to see Tony and Bruce arguing over the next best modification that they can make to some piece of technology. I want see Bucky and Steve fighting in the training room. I want to hear Thor's booming laugh and see him wielding Mjölnir again! Wait... Mjölnir! What did Clint say that night? Something about those being worthy having the power? Does that mean that I could possibly summon Mjölnir and hope that Thor is attached? A spark of hope flies through my mind. I close my eyes and open my mind. I try to feel where Mjölnir is. Faintly, I can feel someone throwing it up and catching it, that's what Thor does when he's nervous!

I try not to let the excitement consume me as this is a huge risk that I'll be taking, it may not even work! If it doesn't, I'll make sure it's the death of me. Laying still, I open my hand and when I feel Thor catch Mjölnir again, I summon it praying to Odin that he's holding on, that this works! A short while later I hear an alarm sounding in the corridor INCOMING! INCOMING! INTRUDER ALEART! INTRUDER ALEART! I lay still, pretending to be passed out as a guard checks that my room is secure. Not five seconds after he checks, Mjölnir smashes through the concrete ceiling and lands gracefully in my hand. I look up at the hole that it has left and see that I'm a few floors underground, 10 at the least. "I hope you brought friends" I whisper to Mjölnir before squinting up through the hole, trying to see if anyone was up there. For a brief second I see a flicker of red and hope swells in my heart. "Time for you to go back to your rightful owner, help him find me" I plea as I fling Mjölnir back through the hole it first created.

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