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After what felt like forever, we finally arrived at the palace. Loki slid off the back of the horse and lifted his arms to help me down. I kept my eyes on the ground, embarrassed by my thoughts and praying that he didn't notice my face reddening. He still has one hand on my waist and he uses the other to lift my chin to look up into his eyes. They're full of lust and something else that I can't decipher. I didn't know that I was capable of feeling like this, not since Hydra did so much to damage me. A second later we hear Thor clear his throat. I snap out of it and step away from Loki. "This way Lady Raven, Odin is waiting" I keep my eyes down and quickly follow Thor through the massive building. I check mine and Loki's bond and can feel the roots sneaking their way into my heart. How is this possible? I've always been under the impression that this can't happen until I give someone my true name.

Odin and Frigga were lovely. It was nice to see how Loki's demeanour changed around his mother, he was still frosty towards his father but I can't blame him for all that they've been through. I had to retell exactly how I was taken by the poachers as Odin was investigating the matter, he had been since they found my mothers body. They assured me that she was given a proper send off. Frigga also invited me to lunch later that day which I kindly accepted. After all of the formalities, Thor invited me down to the training room. "Lady Sif is yet to be beaten in one to one combat, she is one of the top warriors of Asgard" he explained with pride. "So did you and Lady Sif ever court then?" I asked using a term that he'd understand. I wanted to know if her obsession with him came from anything in particular. "Hahahah" Thor boomed with laughter, the sound ricocheting off the walls and high ceiling. "No Lady Raven, we never courted. Sif is just a very close friend. She however has tried to, as you might say, 'hook up' with me a few times" I laughed at this. She still had it bad for him. "Don't tell her I asked Thor, I think I'm already on her bad side" I told him seriously. He just smiled and nodded his head as we walked into the training hall. This was much larger than the one at Stark Tower. Sif, the Warriors Three and Loki were down by the sparring mat so Thor and I headed over to them. I only heard the end of a conversation that Sif was having with Loki " deserve to be alone and always will be!" Loki was glaring at her, his hands balled into fists with the glimmer of a dagger starting to form. It breaks me to see him treated like this.

"Hey Sif, I'll make you a deal" I confidently shout as we hadn't quite made it over to them yet. I didn't want a full blown fight to break out. Sif scowled at me but quickly changed her expression when she saw Thor right beside me. Thor gave me a puzzled look and I just shrugged as I moved closer to her. "What deal could you possibly make me with mortal?" So Thor had left quite a bit of information out about me, I'll have to thank him later. I smirked up at her as she was taller and said "I'll spar you. Just me and you, no weapons, hand to hand combat. If I win, you have to back off talking to Loki like he's worthless, you'll treat him as you would Thor or the Warriors Three." She stood there mulling over the deal before a wicked grin crossed her face, this was going to be fun. No holding back. "Fine, but if I win you polish all of our armour and weapons AND you treat Loki like the criminal that he is". Loki's head snapped up at that but I held out my hand to shake on the deal before even giving it a second thought. Everyone could feel the smugness rolling off her as she grabbed my hand, shaking on the deal. "Lady Raven, is this wise?" Thor questioned concern crossing his face, the Warriors Three were already placing bets and Volstagg had a bucket full of food ready for the fight. Where on Midgard did he pull that from? "I should let you know before we begin Raven that I am yet to lose a fight, to anyone" Sif called, clearly eager to start. "So today shall be a first for you then?" I replied calmly and was greeted with a satisfactory 'oooooooh' from our small crowd. Just before we began, I heard Loki tell Hogun who was taking the bets that he's money is on me. This made me even more confident.

We started circling each other like a lioness stalking her prey, Sif was yet to work out that she was indeed the prey. Sif was watching my every move. She suddenly leapt forward and I allowed her to land a blow into my stomach. I grunted, it was a good hit. Confusion was clear on her face when she didn't take down the 'mortal' with her first hit. I was going to play with my food for a while before taking her down. We went back a forth, she would kick me, I punched her in the face. She punched me in the shoulder almost dislocating it, I kicked her forcefully in the side. The cheers from the Warriors Three for Sif were getting louder, Thor was becoming more concerned and was one hit on me away from breaking it up whilst Loki was sitting there with a proud smile on his face. He knew my game, he'd seen me too many times in training to know that I wasn't putting in my full effort. Just enough to put on a show. I let Sif land two more blows and I heard Loki push Thor back down in his seat, I better end this here before Thor comes to my 'rescue'. As she goes for a knock out blow, I dodge her fist and grab her arm. I see shock register on her face before I flip her over and pin her down on the mat. I put her in a choke hold as she struggles to break out, panic clear on her face. We're facing our crowd at this point, the Warriors Three have stopped shouting and Volstagg is choking on a chicken wing. Whilst in this position, I mind link Loki using our bond so that he can hear me and he can hear the intentions behind my words, I don't want him to get the wrong idea. I bend down lower so that I can whisper in Sif's ear so no one else hears "You know what Sif, Thor is mighty fine isn't he? Take a look for yourself. He sure does have some nice muscles under that armour of his, that I can assure you" I only know this because he often trains with his shirt off, I don't see him in that way though. You pause for a second only to hear her think:

I'm going to kill Loki! He had to go ahead and tell her!

"Oh no my dear Sif, I think you're mistaken. You see, you're not very good at keeping your thoughts to yourself, my 'talents' are similar to those of Loki's. But don't worry your secret is safe with me, Thor also isn't my type" I wink at her and quickly glance at Loki smirking at him. I look back at Sif, her face reddening. If she doesn't tap out soon she'll pass out. "A deal is a deal, remember that Sif" I say with venom before breaking the mind link with Loki. At this point she taps out, I let go of her as she chokes trying to get air back into her lungs. I hold my hand out to help her up when her face reverts back to its normal colour and her breathing returns to normal. "Friends?" I question now that I've cleared that up for her. She smiles and grabs my hand, I pull her up and she looks to Thor. "Can I keep this one? I like her." She asks before turning back to me and smiling. There's not a negative thought about me in her mind anymore, I'm still suspicious though.

I walk back over to Loki and flick my wrist to clean all of their armour and weapons as I go just because I can. I smile and grab Loki's hand before leaving the training room, leaving Sif and the Warriors Three to bombard Thor with questions.

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