Party Crasher

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Loki stayed with me last night, he insisted knowing that I was going to have a nightmare after showing him everything. If I did, I didn't know about it. We both woke up to Nat and Clint barging into my room to see how the date went. "Well, it looks like our job is done here Barton" Nat said wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me. "Get out you idiots! And shut the door behind you!" I laugh, throwing a pillow at their retreating bodies. I look down at Loki who is trying to suppress a smile. I wiggle back down in the blankets and into his waiting arms, both of us not yet ready to break the little bubble that we were basking in.

When we eventually got out of bed, we went down stairs hand in hand to grab brunch. I was saved from the suggestive comments that I would have received from the team as JARVIS informed us that they left for a mission an hour ago. After we'd eaten, I suggested that we go downstairs to train for a while. "So master, what skills shall I be practicing today?" I ask him playfully. "Well young one, I suggest we do some work on illusions." We worked for a few hours before I had 'perfected' casting illusions according to Loki, they weren't so different from projecting the image of my bonds so I'd picked it up quickly. I was standing there as Steve in his Captain America suit, shield and all when the rest of the gang walked in just home from their mission. Everyone looked between Loki, me and the real Cap confused before I dropped the illusion and transformed back into boring old me. "Nice work kid" Tony said enthusiastically. "Oh by the way, I forgot to mention to everyone but we're having a bit of a soirée tonight to officially welcome Raven and Bucky to the team. The press conference will be held in a weeks time to 'officially' present you to the world as Avengers" He added nonchalantly as he gave me a wink and went to find Pepper. I was shocked to say the least, I looked to Bucky and he had the same expression I'm sure I was wearing. I looked to Loki with the biggest smile on my face, he had his rare smile on full display in return. Today was a good day and it had barely started yet!

For the party, I chose a dress that I wouldn't normally be comfortable in, it showed a lot of skin meaning that my scars would be on display. It's a tight red dress that stops just above my knees, the top half is criss crossed at the front to show off my midriff. I decided to put up an illusion to smooth my skin over, I wasn't ready to share them with the whole world. I know Loki has already seen them since he undressed me in Asgard and he'll be able to see through my illusion, I can trust him to keep this to himself. Bucky is the only other person here that knows, he helped to keep a majority of these wounds clean after all. I put on my matching red heels and threw my hair up in a messy bun before leaving.

I went down to the floor that the party was on to see that some people had already arrived, Tony no where in sight. It was a massive space that had two different levels in the one floor. The top level had a 'lounge area' vibe whereas the bottom level had a dance floor, a bar that covered the length of the wall and plenty of standing room. The views from this space were phenomenal with floor to ceiling glass walls. I spot Buck over at the bar and head straight for him, hopping up onto the barstool next to him. "A mojito please" I say to the bartender before turning to Bucky who already had a beer in his hand. "Well don't you look strapping tonight sir" I say in a teasing tone, he turned his head to look at me properly and his jaw dropped. "Y/n, your scars! Where are they?" He asked in a hushed tone knowing there were people around. "Neat hey? Loki taught me how to cast an illusion, see!" I explain excitedly, quickly dropping the illusion so he could see and putting it back up before anyone else noticed. "That's amazing Raven, you look stunning!" I blushed and murmured my thanks as the bartender brought my drink over. We sat and chatted for a while before more people started to file in. As soon as Loki walked in, he came and joined Bucky and I at the bar. His hand hasn't left the small of my back yet and I don't want it to, I was enjoying his touch and the tingles it leaves on my skin.

Quite a few drinks later, the party had really started. The drinks were nothing compared to those on Asgard, there was no way I was going to get drunk on this. Tony had done a quick welcome speech that was very self centred but I wouldn't have it any other way. All of the Avengers had assembled in the lounge area and I was currently snuggled into Loki's lap. Surprisingly the team hadn't said anything about it but that could have been because of Loki's glares that he delivered when anyone stared at us for too long. I was blocking everyone's thoughts, I didn't want to know what they were thinking. "Why so grumpy Loki?" I whispered in his ear. "They're all staring at you darling, that doesn't sit well with me when you look so divine" he explained in a husky voice, I blushed as red as my dress. I tried to turn my attention back to the conversation that was happening but it was difficult with his hand resting so far up my thigh. I quickly shake my inappropriate thoughts away and hear Clint and Thor arguing.

"But it's a trick" Clint stated confidently. "Oh no it's much more than that" Thor tried to explain. "Whosoever, be he worthy, shall haveth the power! Whatever man it's a trick!"
"Well please, be my guest" Thor says gesturing to Mjölnir. Well that did it, Clint got up first and almost bust a vein trying to lift the mighty hammer. He gave up shaking his arm "I just don't know how you do it!". This started the procession of everyone trying to lift it. Tony used his Iron Man gloves to help, but failed. Nat didn't bother and Bruce embarrassed himself pretending to let Hulk out. I could have sworn that Steve managed to wiggle it... it didn't look as if he was putting much force behind his attempt either. "How about you Loki?" Nat asks. "It's a no from me" he says, grimacing at what I assume is a bad memory. "Raven, how about you?" Clint pipes up, clearly still frustrated that he's not worthy. "Alright" I say smiling, I know for a fact that I won't be able to move it. I casually stand up using this as an excuse to adjust my dress that Loki had worked dangerously high up my thigh. I grab the handle but at this point no one is paying attention except a nervous looking Thor, everyone already knows the outcome. Feeling ridiculous I grab the handle firmly and start to lift it towards me, it came off the table only a fraction but it moved. As quickly as I grabbed it, I let it go. I fucking lifted Mjölnir. I look across to Thor and he's clearly just as shocked as I am. I shake my head slightly at him and quickly link with him Thor we can't tell anyone, please don't tell anyone. Not even Loki! "So did you get it?" Clint asks turning back towards us. I quickly reset my face and turn to him laughing. "Obviously not Clint, as if I'd be worthy if someone like you isn't" I stick my tongue out at him before taking my place back on Loki's lap. My mind is reeling from what just happened. Loki looks between me and Thor, a questioning look on his face I just smile at him before leaning further back into his chest. He wraps his arms around me protectively and doesn't say anything.

The party is starting to wind down and it's getting very late. "I'm not feeling great guys, I'm going to head up to bed" I say with a small smile on my face, turning to look at Loki. "I'll be with you shortly darling" he says clearly wanting to have a word with Thor. He kisses me passionately to a chorus of 'gross' and 'get a room' before helping me off his lap. I wave to everyone and make my way to the elevator, my mind is unfocused still thinking about what lifting Mjölnir means. How am I worthy? I'm nothing but a science experiment. As I get to mine and Loki's floor the hairs on my arms stand on end, somethings not right. Before I can react a syringe is plunged into my neck and my world is once again, plummeted into darkness.

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