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A month has passed and not a peep has been heard from Hydra. I've been using my time to practice my combat skills with Nat and Clint, I want to be ready for if they attack again. Nat realised that I wasn't using my full force when I sparred with her and Clint, they want me to but I'm scared I'll injure them badly. I still never let them win, where would the fun in that be? We've become a tight little family since I spend most of my time training with them. Loki has been helping me with my magic as well, his confidence in me is astounding. He gets me to practice harder and harder skills each day and I've slowly been able to use more magic without feeling drained after. Loki's magic is amazing to watch, I could sit there and observe him for hours. I wonder what my skills would have been like now had I not been taken from Asgard? I've made it my mission to become just as skilled as he is. Loki has kept up the nightly routine of him coming to my room to read each night, I often drift off to sleep before he leaves. After the first night that I fell asleep on my couch and woke up with a sore neck, we took to lounging on my bed instead. The odd occasion when I fall asleep on my couch, he'll always move me back to my bed before leaving.

After a long training one day, Loki pulled me aside as Nat and Clint left to go and get food. "What's up my Prince?" I ask in a teasing tone, knowing how much he hates being called a prince. "Well I was going to offer for you to come to Asgard with Thor and I tomorrow morning but I'm not so sure anymore" he replies with a scowl on his face. My eyes light up at the thought. Home, I could go home again. "You'd really take me? Loki I'd love to come!" I squealed excitedly, giving him a peck on the cheek before running off to pack. "There's no way I'm letting you leave without me now that I know! Thor and Heimdall won't let you!" I glance over my shoulder as I go. He's standing there with a shocked expression, one hand on the cheek that I kissed. Gods his cute when he's flustered! I believe that leaves the score as me: 2, God of Mischief: still 0.

I've never been so excited about anything! Come to think of it, I've never been excited by anything - ever. Loki and I have said our goodbyes and are waiting for Thor at the bifrost point, well I said goodbye whilst Loki waited for me at the door. I'm a nervous ball of energy bouncing on my toes, Loki filled me in yesterday and said that I'd be meeting Frigga and Odin as soon as we get there. They plan to have a celebratory party to welcome me back to Asgard, Thor also mentioned something about lunch with Frigga. I'm becoming impatient and use my bond with Thor to work out where he is, I haven't told them about this aspect of the bond yet. Fury's orders. It's like a homing beacon that lets me know where the people connected to me are and I can also flip it if the bond is strong enough so that they could find me. It's only ever failed me once, and that's when I was trying to find Buck.

It turns out that Thor is a few blocks away so I mind link him. Thor I don't know what you're doing but you better getting your ass back to the tower right now. I don't want to be late meeting Frigga and Odin! A few seconds later and he's used Mjölnir to fly up to the top of Stark Tower. "Sorry Lady Raven, I had some business to take care of..." he says distractedly. I snicker at the sight of him, he has lipstick smeared across his lips. Loki is smirking at him as well. "And would that business have been Jane by any chance?" I ask trying not to laugh. "Not at all Lady Raven, not when we have such important business to attend." I roll my eyes and look at Loki, we silently agree not to tell him about the lipstick stain. Thor looks up at the sky and calls Heimdall, I subconsciously move closer to Loki and grab on to his arm.

Before I know it we're rocketing through the rainbow bridge and land smoothly, no thanks to Loki, on the other side. A tall, strong man with the most striking golden eyes is standing before us, pulling a sword out of a golden podium. This must be Heimdall, I've only every heard of him and what he can do. I've never seen the man before. "Lady Raven, welcome home. I can't begin to express my deepest regrets of not seeing the poachers all those years ago" he spoke in a strong voice that was laced with sincerity and regret. "That's not your fault Heimdall, I don't think anyone would have been able to stop them even if they tried" I smile up at him. He smiles back before nodding to Loki and Thor and turning back to his watch post. "Shall we?" Loki asks motioning for us to move forward. It's at this point I realise that I'm still hanging on to his arm, I blush and quickly let it go. What has gotten into me?

As we step out of the entrance of the bridge, I'm struck with the most beautiful view in all 9 realms. My memories do not do Asgard justice. My attention is diverted from the golden buildings when I hear Thor shouting and running up to 3 men and a woman. I hope he's warned them about me. Before I can ask, Thor drags them over and roughly flings an arm around my shoulder to pull me to his side. I look to Loki for help but all he does is glare at his brother. Typical. "This is Lady Raven, the girl I've told you about" Thor explains with a big grin on his face, he's like a proud brother. Not seeming to care about what Thor had told them, the men all eagerly introduce themselves "We are the Warriors Three. I am Volstagg the Svelte, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He says with a slight bow.
"I am Hogan the Grim"
"And I am Fandral the Dashing, obviously" he says grinning and grabbing my hand to kiss. I have to hold back a giggle. The woman was more hesitant to come up, she was a step away from the Warriors Three. She has also been giving me the coldest glare I think I've ever received in my life since Thor put his arm around me. I quickly read her mind wanting to know what could make someone hate me at first glance.

Who is this pathetic Midgardian? Why does Thor care so much for her? Does he like her? He's very cosy with her. She looks weak, she'd be easy to kill in battle. What does he see in her? I'll play nice and soon find out. She looks up at Loki. And not a word out of you God of Mischief or I'll more than happily remove your head from your shoulders. Stay out of my mind.

I shudder at the thought of ever seeing Thor as more than a brother. Gross, he's not my type. I look over to Loki at the last line. He's looking at the floor grinning, Thor had clearly forgotten to mention that I can read minds as well. The woman takes a step forward and smiles at me "I'm Lady Sif, I'm excited to have another female around here! It gets dull with only these three to keep me company" I smile back at them all. "It's lovely to meet you all, I'm Raven" I say, shrugging out of Thor's grip and stepping closer to Loki's side. I don't want to get on Sif's bad side. "We must get moving, we can't keep the Allfather waiting. And Thor, I suggest you wipe you face" Fandral states as he and the others mount their horses.

I look and Loki and we start laughing as he uses his cape to wipe the lipstick off. Thor gives us one look before jumping on the back of one of the three horses that are left. He scoops the reins of another up and rides off into the distance leaving only one horse behind. The Warriors Three and Lady Sif laugh as they follow Thor like lost puppies. "What a big baby" I say still laughing. "You can take the horse Loki, I've never been on one. I don't know how to use it." I say starting to walk down the bridge towards the palace. As I do, Loki grabs me and places me in the saddle before swiftly jumping up and sitting behind me, I'm practically sitting on his lap after he readjusts my position. I can feel my face redden as I realise the compromising position that I'm now sitting in. All I can say is I'm regretting my choice of wearing my favourite summer dress. He nudges the horse forward and we take of at a trot. As we move I can feel his member harden and I'm trying my hardest not to squirm or moan at the feeling of it rubbing up against me. It's a silent ride back to the palace, Gods I'm glad he can't read my mind.

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