Loki's POV

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I've been working closely with Raven on her skills over the past month. I've had to teach her a new skill each day as she masters them quickly. The speed at which she masters these skills scares me, they took me decades to perfect and it's only taking her a day at the most. I still haven't found much of her family from all of the reading that I've done, I'm not sure she knows the whole truth of her origin, she's too powerful to simply be Asgardian. I've enjoyed my time with Raven lately, I go to her room to read every night. She thinks that I leave after she falls asleep but she's wrong. I stay to make sure she escapes her nightmares when she has them, after that first one I couldn't bare to let her ride them out on her own. She had Tony soundproof her room so not to wake me so I stay until the early hours of the morning reading my books, making sure she's safe.

We're in the training room right now and I'm yet to ask Raven if she would like to come to Asgard with Thor and I. She doesn't really have a choice in the matter as Odin has requested her presence but she doesn't need to know that. She's too soft on Clint and Natasha and refuses to use her full strength against them. Having said that, she never lets them win either. Training is called off around noon and I pull Raven off to the side. It's now or never, we leave in the morning. "What's up my Prince?" She asked in a teasing tone. Gods I hate being called prince, I should be a King. I decide to tease her a little "Well I was going to offer for you to come to Asgard with Thor and I tomorrow morning but I'm not so sure anymore!" I say with a scowl. The way that her eyes light up makes me feel strange things. I've very protective over this little Asgardian and I'd do many things to make her happy. "You'd really take me? Loki I'd love to come!" She squealed, giving me a peck on the cheek as she ran out of the room. I stood there dumbfounded, no one other than mother has ever kissed me. I didn't hear a word that she said as she was running away, I was too busy enjoying the moment. I liked the way her lips felt on my skin.

We're standing at the bifrost point waiting for my oaf of a bother to hurry up and return from wherever he has been all night. Raven seems to be concentrating hard on something, maybe she's linking him with her bond? Not a second later Thor is standing beside us looking ridiculous with something smudged on his face. I roll my eyes knowing exactly where he's been. Raven and I silently agree not to tell him about it. As Thor looks up and calls Heimdall, Raven steps closer to me and grabs onto my arm. I look down at her then across to Thor and he has a confused look on his face, I just shrug not minding the contact at all. When we get to the gates of Asgard, Heimdall is of course there to greet us. Raven still has my arm and doesn't seem to notice until I say "Shall we" and motion for us to move on. She blushes before letting go of me, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a bit disappointed.

The look on Ravens face is priceless, she's clearly forgotten the true beauty of Asgard. She's broken out of her trance as Thor's imbecile friends approach us. Sif gives me one hard look before glaring at Raven. I look to Raven to see that Thor has his arm wrapped around her shoulder, he's showing her off like a shiny new toy. I glare at Thor. Sif's thoughts hit me like a train, it's as if she's shouting them.

Who is this pathetic Midgardian? Why does Thor care so much for her? Does he like her? He's very cosy with her. She looks weak, she'd be easy to kill in battle. What does he see in her? I'll play nice and soon find out. She looks up at me. And not a word out of you God of Mischief or I'll more than happily remove your head from your shoulders. Stay out of my mind.

I smile at the ground Thor has clearly forgotten a few key details about Raven, one of those being that she can also read minds. I quickly look at Raven and see a mischievous grin forming. I look forward to seeing what she has planned for Sif. Fandral states that we should get going but unfortunately for us mentions that Thor has something on his face. I look at Raven and we start laughing. Thor jumps on his horse and takes the spare with him, he left my horse here. He knew exactly what he was doing. Raven was saying something about walking and I grab her by the waist and put her on Hulda before jumping up behind her. There's no way I was letting her walk. I had to reposition her so that I could guide Hulda, she ended up sitting comfortably in my lap and her face went a deep red. How I'm glad she chose to wear a short dress today. As we trot off, I feel my member harden and feel embarrassed. That is until I hear her breathing hitch, is she...enjoying this? I smirk and keep Hulda in a slow trot back to the palace.

When we get back, I slide off Hulda and help Raven down. He face is still red and her eyes are trained on the ground, I noticed that this is something that she does often. I keep one hand on her waist and use the other to tilt her head up to look into her vibrant eyes. How I wish I could read her mind right now. As I was about to move closer, my meddlesome brother clears his throat. I glare at him and he smirks as Raven follows him into the throne room. As we walked in I went straight over to mother and gave her a hug. It had been too long since the last time that I visited. I gave Odin a curt nod, things were still tense between us. Odin asked Raven many questions and had her explain about the poachers. I excused myself after a while and decided to head to the training room. I'll go and throw some daggers whilst I wait.

Unfortunately for me, after only an hour Sif and the Warriors Three joined me in the training room. They were all pompous assholes if you ask me. At least the Warriors were somewhat nicer towards me than Sif was, well she knew how to push my buttons. They had been in the training room for only 10 minutes when Sif spoke up and started throwing slurs at me, I was a joke to her. A criminal. Raven and Thor had walked in at the end of her rant, Raven must have caught the last part as she looked murderous before her expression changed to mischief. This was going to be good.

Raven made a deal with Sif for her to treat me as she would the others, I wonder what made her? No one has ever stood up for me, what really got my attention was when she agreed without a second thought that she would treat me as a criminal if she lost. She was either very confident in herself or she didn't mind either way. As they started circling each other, I went to Hogun and put my money on Raven which made her smile even wider. I sat next to Thor knowing the he was concerned for her, he had only seen her train once or twice since she joined. When they began, it was obvious to me that Raven was playing with her food. There was no way that she was going to let Sif win. Raven put on a good show letting Sif get a few punches in here and there, lulling her into a false sense of security. I had to push Thor back into his chair and I could have sworn that I heard her sigh, she was enjoying this. Not a second later did Raven have Sif positioned where she was choking her. I grin when I feel Raven connecting me to her mind link so I can enjoy the show even more. She started by teasing Sif about Thor which is a sore point for Sif. Mmmm, I'd like to see more of sadistic Raven...

I'm going to kill Loki! He had to go ahead and tell her!

"Oh no my dear Sif, I think you're mistaken. You see, you're not very good at keeping your thoughts to yourself, my 'talents' are similar to those of Loki's. But don't worry your secret is safe with me, Thor also isn't my type" I didn't miss the devilish smirk she sent my way. "A deal is a deal, remember that Sif" she spits with venom I didn't know she possessed before she cuts the link with me. My protective little Asgardian sure can put on a show. I stare at her in awe as she grabs my hand, pulling me from the training room. I'd follow this woman anywhere.

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