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Lunch had come and gone but I had missed it as I spent more time than I originally planned hanging out with Bucky. To be fair, we had a lot of gaps to fill for each other. When we decided to eventually leave his room it was 1.30 in the afternoon and everyone was down in the train hall room. We headed straight there hoping that we hadn't missed out on too much. I wasn't disappointed when I rounded the corner and seen Nat take down Cap and place him in a choke hold, he tapped out within seconds. As I looked around, I noticed that Bruce had let the other guy out as from what he explained, they had an 'understanding'. I confidently walked over to the big green wall of muscle and looked up to him. "Hey big guy, Bruce said that he's let you introduce yourself one day. I assume he's told you about me? I'm Raven" I said calmly waiting for him to respond. He studied me for a minute before nodding his head slightly and said with a smile "Me Hulk, you small little birdy." I giggled at the new nickname. "Well it's a pleasure to finally meet you Hulk. I do hope I get to see you again soon" I grinned up at him as he started walking away. As he did, he shoved passed Loki muttering "puny god". Loki's face went pale but he didn't move or say anything back which surprised me. I checked to see if a new bond had formed and was surprised so feel that the Hulk's bond had been entwined with Bruce's, I thought of them as two separate people but they much be more connected than anyone realises. I hadn't noticed that everyone else in the room had frozen in place and they were now staring at me shocked. "What?" I asked genuinely confused. They all just shook their heads as I walked over to them.

I sat and watched as the Avengers went round for round with each other. None of them took on Thor or Loki. Bucky and Steve had to call it a draw as the were both too evenly matched for each other. "Hey Thor, want to go in for a round?" I asked smirking. "Not after seeing the way that you handled Lady Sif, I do not want to damage my reputation" I huff at his response, "Loki?" I look at him hopefully. A wicked gleam is evident in his eye, he's up for the challenge. He walks over to the circle and gestures for me to step up. "What's the catch darling?" He asks low enough so only I hear. "If I win, you take me on a date" I say smirking. "And if I win, you stay with me tonight" he said confidently. "It's a deal, same rules as when I fought Sif and no magic?" I clarify. "Oh darling, it's on. Just know I do not plan on taking it easy on you, I hate losing". I smile tantalisingly at him. For a brief second, I swear I could have seen some panic in his eyes. Everyone had gathered around to watch.

Loki took the first jab and just like Sif, I let him hit me. He connected with my shoulder and pulled away quickly. In fights like these, I always let my opponent have the first few hits so that I can see how they move. Loki was quick on his feet but I noticed that he does a weird little step before each punch and kick. Watching him move I dodge his fist, as he's left his face unprotected I land a solid blow on his right cheek. A bruise formed straight away. Fury sweeps his eyes as I don't think many people have manage to hit this man before, he is the God of Mischief after all. His moves become faster and harder to block, he lands some good blows on me that I was too slow to move out of the way from. As his moves get faster, his feet become sloppier. By now, we're both covered in bruises and I can feel a cut has opened on my forehead. I hear Steve and Bucky asking Thor if they should break it up, "Lady Raven can handle herself, just watch". At hearing this, Loki becomes even more agitated and I can tell that his intent is to end this soon. I sigh sadly, enjoying the fight whilst it lasted. As he went to make his final kick, I swept my legs under his as he did his weird little step and he landed on the ground with a hard thud. I quickly slammed myself on top of him, pinning his arms to position him in a choke hold. He tapped out knowing I wouldn't let go. I dropped the choke hold and he kneeled, puffing. I crouched down in front of him smirking. "I believe you owe me a date" I say cockily, kissing him on the cheek before I get up and walk over to the others who are stunned at what had just happened. "Little birdy strong" Hulk declares to everyone. This broke the trance that everyone seemed to be in, we all laughed.

Tony went to grab the first aid kit to help clean my face and knuckles up since the resident doctor was still big and green. Whatever he was using stung like a bitch. Loki finally recomposed himself and came up to Tony and I. "May I?" He asked, before practically shoving Tony out of the way. I rolled my eyes as he placed his hands over the cuts on my face, healing them before tending to the cuts on my hands. He's already cleaned himself up. "Much better, I can't have my date looking like a mashed potato now can I?" he smiled, grabbing my hand and helping me up.

I was up in my room putting the finishing touches of my outfit together for my date with Loki. I'd gone with a skin tight, black mini dress that had spaghetti straps and a small split up the thigh. I paired it with pointed black stiletto sock boots and a leather jacket. I heard a knock on my door so I chose to leave my hair down, not wanting to leave Loki waiting. I know he's still sour about loosing to me, the team won't let him forget it. I think they were going to have a movie night tonight to watch the fight again. I opened the door to see that Loki was wearing the sharp black suit that I'd first met him in. "I'm glad to see you've washed that since the last time you wore it" I laughed. "You look ravishing darling" Loki purred has he held out his elbow for me. I grabbed on as he escorted me to the elevator and down to one of Tony's many fancy cars. We had been driving for a while and I was starting to get nervous. "We're here" Loki says as we turn down a road towards a lakeside restaurant. When we get there, he comes to open my door and guides me away from the restaurant itself. As we come around the side of the building, I see a single table adorned with beautiful flowers right in the lakes edge. It's beautiful. "Did you organise this yourself?" I ask skeptically. "Truthfully no, I had a little help from Natasha and Clint. I think they even went as far as ordering the food and wine for us." He explained nervously. Now I was excited, Clint was one of the best cooks that I knew.

As we ate we made small talk, getting to know each other further. Favourite book, favourite movie, favourite food, those types of things. When we had finished, Loki offered me his hand as we took a short walk around the lake. We found a bench out of sight of the restaurant and prying eyes. We sat down in silence, it was now or never I thought to myself. "Loki, I need to say a few things..." He turned to give me his full attention. "...when we got back from Asgard, I went to see Bucky. I was so conflicted about how I felt for you and I was scared as hell about Hydra and what it would mean if I was recalled. And, argh!" I'm so flustered that I can't get my words out. I grab Loki's face in my hands and let my walls fall down, Loki audibly gasped as he picked up my first memories. I showed him what I talked to Bucky about, I showed him my fears. I showed him what Hydra did to break my last bonds and what they were willing to do to Fury if they every got hold of him. I showed him what they did to Bucky to make me comply, they were never going to kill him. I showed him everything from the beginning to now. "So you see Loki?" I ask whilst rebuilding my walls, my hands still on Loki's face so I can read every emotion. "That is why I'm scared, that is why I haven't fully given myself to you yet no matter how bad I want you! I had to let you know the risks, the consequences of getting anymore involved with me. I'm falling in love with you Loki and I nee-" I was cut off as Loki's lips crashed hard and passionately onto mine. After a few minutes he pulled away and held my tear stained face in his hands. "I'm falling in love with you too y/n." He proclaimed, emotion laced thickly in his voice. "I'm in this no matter what!" Tears fell thick and heavy as he hugged me tightly, vowing to never let me go.

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