Meet the Gang

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Exactly 5 minutes pass and as Fury said, the 6 Avengers that lived in Stark Tower assembled in the conference room. Mr. Stark isn't surprised to see me but every other face in the room is confused to say the least. We sat there awkwardly for a minute before I realised that everyone was waiting for me to say something. This is going to be interesting.

"Umm, hi everyone. I'm sure you're all curious as to why Fury ordered you not to make any introductions until I've explained myself..." hopefully I explain this right, I just want them to understand! " can't tell me your first names yet because of one of my powers if that is what you would call it. As soon as you, the owner of the name tell me, a kind of connection or bond begins to grow between me and that person. If I hear it in passing, it's not the same. I can't form a bond unless you willingly tell me your first name. The best way that I can describe it is like a tree. I am the tree trunk and every person that gives me their name makes a their very own branch. These branches get stronger by the person calling my name and allowing me, fully accepting me saying theirs back. These ones are hard to break. Some become as solid as vibranium and are nearly indestructible. Branches become weak by not saying the names or not being accepted, they're easily broken or snapped off."

I pause wondering how to phrase the next part. Captain America confidently says "If that's all, I'm St-" "I'm not done yet" I say, cutting him off quickly. He closes his mouth and motions for me to continue. "As soon as this branch is connected, I can control small parts of people for example, their emotions and we can communicate telepathically, one of my other powers is also mind reading. As the branch gets stronger, I have more power over that person. I could control them fully if I was that way inclined. I've only ever done that once in a life and death situation, I would never use this over my friends. There are many other things that I could do with that connection but Fury has advised that I shouldn't disclose these things to anyone just yet. As you can see, this power requires a lot of trust. I don't want to take away the option for you to choose if you want that bond with me or not."

I let out a sigh, rubbing my temples hoping these people don't think I'm a whack job. I look down into my lap, playing with my fingers. I hate people staring at me, I hate being the centre of attention. I keep going before I get interrupted again. "There are two sides to this bond, yours and mine should you choose to accept me. If at any point you decide you don't want this, we can break it. However, you must know that this is a painful and a highly dangerous process for me, you wouldn't feel a thing and are completely safe if our bond ever broke. So forgive me for not giving you my name straight away, I am just trying to protect myself. I won't go any further into this today, I'll let you all think about the information that you've been given. For now, you may call me Raven." I keep my eyes down as I don't want to see their disgusted reactions to me. That's what it's always been, that's all I ever heard from them.

I hear the sound of a chair getting pushed back and automatically assume the worst. How am I meant to live with these people if they don't accept me? Maybe Fury could find me another dank apartment to live in? I'd rather live alone in a hole than in a place where I'm not accepted. Before my mind could make up anymore wild scenarios, a hand appeared in front of me, I looked up at its owner confused. "Steve, Steve Rogers. It's a pleasure to meet you Raven and I hope that in time, you'll share you real name with me." He said with a genuine smile. I'm shocked, there have only ever been two other people in the world who have accepted me completely. I smile timidly at the giant of a man and grab his hand, "Thank you, Steve" I say as I feel a branch starting to form. This started the procession of introductions.

"I'm sorry Raven but I would prefer if you called me Barton or Hawkeye for now. I've done the mind control thing once and I'm not overly keen for another round so soon" I only nod at his statement, not really understanding what he meant by that. I wouldn't use our bond to control him, I hope he doesn't think too badly about me.

"Hey, I'm Natasha. You can call me Nat" she said giving me a warm smile and a hug.

"I'm Bruce, I'll let the other guy introduce himself some other time... maybe"

"Welcome Lady Raven, I am Thor Odinson - God of Thunder". Gods I'm glad he doesn't recognise me! I once played with him and his brother as a child on Asgard.

"Hey kid, I'm Tony. Welcome to your new home! Follow me and I'll show you around." I'll allow Tony to call me kid for now, he is letting me live here after all. The others stay behind, obviously keen to talk about the new girl, they don't even know the half of it. I give a shy wave to everyone as I walk out the door.

I follow Tony around taking in my surroundings. This place is huge and we've only been on the business and leisure activity levels! It's so light and modern compared to the shit bucket I lived in before. I must remember to thank Fury for organising this the next time I see him. Tony and I hop back into the elevator with the intention to head to the common area which is the main floor that everyone hangs out on. The door slides open to a beautiful open plan living space. I'm gob smacked by how luxurious this place is. I get an uneasy feeling that I'm being watched, my eyes land on a familiar face when I scan the longe area. I freeze.

"Reindeer Games!" Tony says in a disapproving tone.

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