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It's been some weeks now since I woke up. I dove straight back into training and Loki hasn't left my side, that is unless I was training with Hulk. I've become his favourite person and he was very happy to see me when Bruce finally agreed to let him out in the training room one afternoon.

Later today Tony is holding a press conference to officially announce that Bucky and me are Avengers even though we've been on a few mission already. They all involved breaking into different Hydra bases, each their own little version of hell. None had been successful in enhancing as they had been designed to... we'd found a lot of dead people. "Hey kid..." Tony calls to me breaking me out of my trance whilst waiting for my toast to cook. "We're having a party tonight. I promise I've ramped up security this time!" He calls over his shoulder on his way to the lab. "He says that as if I'd be leaving your side tonight. No mortal will dare mess with my little Asgardian!" Loki says seriously. I just roll my eyes and pop my toast before it starts to burn.

It's 7.00pm and I'm already late for Tony's party. Loki was in his old room grabbing who knows what and I'm standing in my cupboard trying to decide what to wear. Do I want something from fitting or do I want it to flow? Do I want to look like a princess or feel like a boss ass bitch tonight? I end up grabbing one of my floor length dresses, this one is new. It's an emerald green satin dress that has a plunging neckline and a fitted bodice with spaghetti straps. The back of it forms a crossover corset-inspired silhouette and it falls into a free-flowing maxi skirt that has a deep split up the left side. Emerald has become one of my favourite colours. I quickly put in some gold drop earrings that have an emerald stone in them and I decide to go with a pair of black stilettos. I apply some light, natural makeup and curl my hair just enough to make it wavy. Just as I finish making sure my hair is presentable, I hear my door opening.

I peek around the bathroom door and Loki is standing there in his black suit, at least he had a white shirt on this time. I come out of the bathroom and his jaw drops so I give him a quick spin. "What do you think?" I ask. "You look incredible darling." He says huskily as he walks over to me and grabs me by the waist. He leans in for a kiss and I'm quickly to return it. My hands move to his hair and I give it a slight tug eliciting a deep moan of appreciation from him. His hands glide down my waist and he gently pushed me away, I pout at the gesture and he chuckles at my response. "Later daring, we're already late for Tony's party."

"It's not like he won't have another one next week!" I say as I roll my eyes. I grab Loki's hand and guide him out of the room towards the elevator.

We've been here officially for an hour and this party is really going off tonight. We're sitting upstairs with the rest of the team minus Thor playing drinking games, he was late as per usual. This time he had an excuse at least, he was visiting Asgard and hopefully bringing back some liquor better than this! I hear a cheer from downstairs and peer over the balcony to see what all of the commotion is about, before I know it Thor is passing me a large bottle of alcohol. "Don't drink it all at once." He says winking at me, I pull him in for a hug which earns a glare from Loki.

As Thor makes his rounds to say hello to everyone, we all settle back into the couches and start a game to truth or dare. "Truth or dare Nat?" Clint asks, Nat rolls her eyes, she nearly always says dare. I hope Clint has something good up his sleeve. "Dare" she says. "I dare you to make out with Steve!" She rolls her eyes and takes a big swig of her beer before sauntering her way over to him. Steve is sitting there dumbfounded. She confidently sits on his lap before grabbing onto his face and pulling him into a kiss. It takes Steve a second for the shock to ware off before he's grabbing at her waist pulling her closer. "Get a room!" Bucky shouts whilst throwing a pillow at them. Luckily Steve catches it before it hits Nat, it was a hard throw with his good arm. They break off and Nat laughs, she just twists in his lap and makes herself comfortable. "Raven, truth or dare?" They all use Raven out in public, they don't want anyone to catch onto my name. "Hmmm dare" I say from Loki's lap. "I dare you to lift Mjölnir since no one here except Thor has seen you do it." That's one way to get everyone's attention. I look at Thor, unsure if I should or not but he just smiles and nods his head enthusiastically. I sigh but don't move, I just lift my hand and Mjölnir is there in a flash. "It's so well balanced it's ridiculous Thor!" I say smiling like the Cheshire Cat at everyone's stunned faces. Just for the hell of it, Thor and I throw it back and forth to each other for a few seconds before I get up and place it on the table. "Anyone else want a go? Clint?" I say smirking. Everyone just shakes their head.

Before I can ask Thor truth or dare, he cuts in and takes his turn. He can be so impatient sometimes. I roll my eyes and grab a drink off a passing tray as he shouts so quickly that his words almost mash together "LOKI I DARE YOU TO DO THE THING THAT YOU'RE MOST AFRAID OF RIGHT NOW!" I turn to Thor with a questioning look just as everyone else has, he's sitting there smiling at Loki like he's won the lottery. Nat is looking at Loki with her hands coving her mouth, her eyes look like they're about to pop out of their sockets. Everyone has similar looks plastered on their faces. I slowly turn around to see what Loki would be afraid of only to see him kneeling down on one knee in front of me, a large gold and emerald ring in an emerald velvet box in his hands. My hands shoot up to cover my mouth as Nat's had, tears are welling in my eyes.

"Y/n love, there is no one else in the nine realms that I would kneel for. You are my beginning and my end, I love you darling. Will you marry me?" He asks, his voice breaking at the end. I frantically start nodding my head, "Yes, yes Loki!" I say as I start bawling my eyes out. He slips the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me hard on the lips. We only break apart when Thor booms "SHE SAID YES!" so that everyone at the party can hear him, I don't know who is more excited about this him or me? I wipe my tears away and smile up at Loki. He's looking down at me in awe, relief clear on his face. "This is the thing that you're most afraid of?" I ask. "No darling I'm most afraid of losing you and now that you are to be mine, I will never lose you again." He says kissing me on the forehead.

Everything is perfect... for now.

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