Loki's POV

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I hadn't seen Raven since she told me that she was fond of me. I don't fully understand what she means by fond, did she mean she's fond of me as a friend or did she mean something more of it? At this point I was wandering the halls of the palace, paying no mind to where I was walking. "Loki dear" I hear mother call. I look up to see that I'd made my way to the entrance of the gardens where Raven and I spent most of our time together as children, not that she would remember that. "Hello mother" I say kissing her swiftly on her cheek, my mind still trying to find meaning behind Raven's words. "She's good for you my little mischief, you light up around her. Go to her, she's sitting in the garden." Frigga said with a knowing smile as she started walking off. I walk towards the garden trying to decide what way she would have walked, I turn left out the doors and I'm surprised to see that she's sitting under what was her favourite tree. She would always come here to find solace if she was upset, I wonder if she remembers this? I lean against the palace wall for a moment, observing her as she sits beneath the tree, concentrating on whatever is on her mind. When I approach her, I make sure my footfall is heavier than usual so as not to startle her.

Oh how she does look tantalising looking up at me through those thick eyelashes of hers. I want to take her to the apple orchard that we played in as children. I hold out my and to my pleasure, she reaches for mine with no hesitation. "Come darling, I have something to show you before we get ready for tonight." I don't let her hand go as we move further into the garden and she makes no move to remover hers. As we stroll into the apple orchard, her eyes light up with realisation. She begins to tell me of a memory that I remember as if it only happened yesterday. It had been her idea to make Thor kiss the guards ass, I was simply going to cast the illusion against the palace wall so that he hit his head.

"As we were climbing down you fell and cut your knee, I healed it and you kissed me on the cheek as thanks. It was the first time that anyone had shown me affection other than mother" I continue to explain, I had forgotten about that. She's done it twice now. I was never a crowd favourite growing up, many other children my age shied away from me. Many preferred my bothers company over mine. "Y/n" I snapped my head around being pulled out of my brooding, not sure that I'd heard her correctly. "My name is y/n" she said softly, a shy smile crossing her features. What a beautiful name, so fitting. Before I could stop myself I had my hands on the sides of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. To my pleasure, y/n kissed me back with passion. It was perfect. That is until I heard my halfwit brother shouting for us. Y/n broke the kiss first, leaning her forehead against mine. "Idiot brother" I mumble to myself. I sigh and drag y/n to her feet, refusing to let go of her hand. Well at least I know what she meant by fond now.

As soon as she entered the great hall, my eyes found her. She looked royal in her dress, I loved seeing her in my colour - I wonder if she did that on purpose? Thor had escorted her over to the imbeciles that he calls his friends and she quickly started downing any drink that was passed to her or walked by on a platter. As I was watching her I felt a hand on my arm. I looked to whoever it was with a glare for interrupting my thoughts but stopped quickly when I realised that it was mother. "She looks regal tonight doesn't she?" At this point y/n looked over to us but quickly diverted her attention when she saw who was staring. "Go to her darling, make sure she's safe. She won't have had our liquor before" she whispered. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before going to keep an eye on y/n. I don't know how to approach her, what does she think about our kiss earlier?

A while later I notice that y/n is starting to sway on her feet. I walk over to her and take the glass from her hand that she's just taken from a server. "I think you've had enough for one night darling" I say trying to encourage her to stop, she won't be well in the morning otherwise. I get a frown in response and she quickly grabs another glass and downs it before I can stop her, she passes me the now empty glass. I have to refrain myself from laughing at her childish behaviour. "Come on brother, let Lady Raven enjoy her time! She's never been to an Asgardian party before!" Thor booms, clearly he would benefit from stopping at this point as well. I turn, glaring at him "Exactly you dim witted fool! She's never had Asgardian liquor before!" I spit back in his face. I turn to see that y/n has another empty glass in her hand and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at her. "I concede brother" Thor declares, holding his hands up in defeat knowing that I wasn't going to listen to him either way. I give the glasses in my hands to Sif and hold one out for y/n to take, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. She resigns to her fate and grabs my hand, attempting to grab another glass on the way.

As we get further into the crowd, the more I have to support y/n, the liquor she's just consumed has hit her hard. As soon as the doors of the great hall close behind us I scoop her legs up and carry her, she was dead on her feet and I was practically dragging her from the hall. She snuggles deeply into my chest and my heart swells. "I trust you wholeheartedly Loki, I like you. Like, A LOT!" She giggles and slurs. I chuckled at the thought and kiss her forehead. How those few words made me extraordinarily happy. I decide to take her back to my room, hers is much further away and she's about ready to pass out. When I get to my room, she's that far gone that I have to undress her. Sleeping in that dress and those heels would be a nightmare. As I slip her dress off, I notice what seems to be hundreds of scars laces across her stomach and sides. I hate the bastards that did this to her! Seething, I place her gently on the bed and tuck her in and I turn to see that I've forgotten to close the doors. As I go to walk away and close them, she grabs my hand and whispered "Stay with me?" My heart flutters. I quickly close the doors before sliding into bed behind her, wrapping my arms securely around her. Little did she know, I was never going to let her go.

We'd been back on Midgard for a full day and a lot had happened in that time. Y/n and I fought, I lost, we went on a date and she showed me the hell that she was put through growing up in the Hydra base. She confessed that she was falling in love with me and I reassured her that I felt the same way. She was worried about what Hydra would do to me if they captured her again, I wasn't going to let that happen. I was laying in her bed studying her peaceful face when dumb and dumber barged into her bedroom startling her awake. She threw a pillow at them, kicking them out and snuggled back into my arms. Oh how I loved this feeling.

It was getting late and I was dreading attending another dull Stark party. The only reason that I was going was for y/n. As I got off the elevator, I automatically scanned the room for her. She was sitting up at the bar in provocative red dress, her scars on full display to me but an illusion of smooth skin to the mortals. In my opinion, she was perfect as is and didn't need an illusion to help her. I didn't press the matter, she had a confidence about her that I had not seen. I walked over to her and Bucky, placing a possessive hand on the small of her back.

Quite a while later, we were all seated upstairs in the couches. Y/n was sitting comfortably on my lap. I played absentmindedly with the hem of her dress, pushing it further up her thigh as I went. I was glaring at anyone who looked at her or thought about looking at her. She had caught the attention of many males tonight. "Why so grumpy Loki?" She asked quiet enough so only I would hear. "They're all staring at you darling, that doesn't sit well with me when you look so divine" I answered honestly. That made her squirm and she quickly diverted her attention back to the argument that Clint and Thor were having about Mjölnir. I rolled my eyes knowing where this was going. They each had their turns, I could have sworn that Steve managed to wiggle it. Thor was very relieved when he let go. My darling was next, she stood and readjusted the skirt of her dress which had ridden dangerously high. I was too busy blatantly staring at her ass to see her attempt to lift Mjölnir. She passed a quick look over to Thor who had a mix of emotions on his face, what had happened? She settled back into my lap and snuggled deeply into my arms. I would have to speak to Thor about it later.

Y/n suddenly declared that she wasn't feeling well and looked at me expectantly. "I'll be with you shortly darling" I said kissing her before she walked down to the elevator. "Brother, my I have a word?" I asked Thor pointedly. He nodded his head and we walked towards the vast windows. "What happened brother? With Raven and Mjölnir?" I quickly asked, entering his mind to read what he thought. He replayed the pictures in his head. Before he could answer I blurted out "She's worthy?" staring at Thor in awe of my little Asgardian. "Yes brother, I don't know what this means for her. She doesn't see herself as worthy and has asked me to keep this from the group. She even asked me to keep it from you, I did for as long as I could. Go to her bother." He said, clapping me on the shoulder before he walked away.

As I make my way to the elevator, a wave of dread and panic hit me like a tsunami. I quickly teleport myself to y/n's room. "Y/n? Y/n?!" I shout for her, panic rising in my chest. I run across to my room and she's no where to be found. I rush to the elevator, hoping that she's passed out there. When I get there, I find a note on the ground.

Thank you so very much Stark for taking care of our little 'experiment' for us. We've decided that it's time she come home. No need to worry, she's in good hands and will be taken care of.

I quickly teleport back to the party shoving the note in Starks hand, murder in my eyes. Stark cuts the music and shouts at the last few people who are still here "Everybody out. NOW!". The team shares concerned looks, Thor has moved to my side.

"It's Raven..." he says dejectedly "...they got her."

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