Tubbo is very scary

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Get outta there Chaos!"
"C'mon Bee Boy, let me have a bit of fun for once"
"I'm trying to save you here Chaos"

A groan was heard from the floor as the guy Chaos was beating up regained consciousness. Tommy sighed and bought his foot down on the thugs nose.

"if you want to do it yourself fine. Also the Blade is behind you :)"

"How did you- Wait the Blade!"
A shadow loomed over him and he felt the cold tip of a sword on the back of his mask.

"Hey there Theseus, what you doing?"

At this point Tommy froze up. One because of fear and secondly out of sheer respect for the man. Slowly turning around, he was met with a terrifying sight.

"Hey big man... What you doing out here?"
The charismatic (ye sure tommy) vigilante tried to stall for time whilst Tubbo found a way out of the situation.

"Wait, what for?"
Suddenly arms hooked underneath his armpits and heaved him into the air. He kicked his legs and tried to loosen the death grip the Angle Of Death had on him.
"Stop struggling mate, let us take you in."
"mmmmmmm. Nahhh"
At this Tommy bought his body up and kicked the Angel in the chest. A wheeze fought it's way out of the Angel's chest. Tommy thought he heard a crack sound - but maybe that was wishful thinking.

"PHI- *clears throat* I mean, ANGEL YOU ALRIGHT?"
"Yeah I'm fine, little shit got a good kick in though." Angel said with a slight wince.

At this point Tommy was already running along the roof tops, letting Tubbo guide him .

"Right Chaos, No that's left. I SAID RIGHT CHAOS!"
"Okay chillax. I think you need the-ro-pay big man"
"Chaos get home right now."
Tommy gulped , not that he was afraid or anything. Although the dangerous tone in Tubbos voice wasn't helping his nerves.

Unfortunately, due to his bad attention span he missed one of the jumps. He decided to get changed in that alley as he was productive -it would also make it less likely that he would be followed.

Walking out the alley, Tommy felt eyes on him but he couldn't find where they were from. He quickened his pace but was still pulled into a dank alley.

He heard a faint crack as he was thrown against the wall. Damn quirks. They probably had a strength enhancer.

"Give us your money kid."
"What are you? High school bullies?"
"Just give it us and you won't get hurt."
"Too late for that, but B- for effort"
" Don't get smart with us."
"Oh yes. let me magically get dumb again, dumb bitches"

"Let's break this up , yes?"
Whisper landed in the alley as if he were made for jumping into dark and dubious looking alley ways (let's be honest, he is a wrongun so he probably was)

"W-Whisper?!" The lead robber backed up a bit.
"Yeah. Don't wear it out," apparently Whisper was a smart arse. He started to walk towards the robbers, pushing them away from Tommy (he was a bit of an àrsehole but he was still a hero)
As Whisper took care of the bad guys, Tommy realised that he was still illegal -even if he wasn't in his outfit he was still allowed to be scared *big man Tommy is never scared*

Backing out of the rubbish filled alley , Tommy broke into a run. Trying to get as much distance between his inevitable doom. However, The Great Tommy Innit can never catch a break.

He tripped on his shoelace. It would be alright if The Angle Of Death wasn't there to catch him.

"steady there mate,"
"E-er can you let me down Only Man Ever?"
"Sorry mate"
Tommy was gently let onto the ground and he dusted himself off. He turned on his heel and walked off, leaving Philza Minecraft standing there awkwardly.


A chair spun round, Tubbo seated in it like a super villain. His finger were linked and he leaned forward.
"Theseus Innit You Are Late. >:|"
"How do you do that???"
"Power. Answer my question"
"I got mugged" Tommy said this like a lie, even though it wasn't.
"You turned your ear peice of again."
"wha-  you were being annoying."

--no one understands how Tubbo says stuff like that--

Authors note:

Don't have one. :)

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