Ghostly happenings

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Tubbo pov

I sigh and do as he says.
"Gimme the stuff, you dumbass duck." I can assume he's holding his hand out and moving his fingers.
"Don't hold my friends at gun point then." And at that he vanished. Stupid Big Q and his stupid potions.
"Well it's been a pleasure it really has-" I strut to walk away when a sword is pressed to my throat.
"Don't think about it."
A smiley mask is slightly tilted to the side, as if considering me. I'm having an absolutely shit day. Through my amazing inference I could tell this was the Dream Team. Sucks to suck I guess.
"Wow, I'm a huge fan," I say with a 'fan boy ' smile.
Dream chuckles and presses the sword closer to my throat.
"Bet you are."
I feel my hands pulled from the air and tied behind me. That's not good , I think. I didn't get much sleep last night so my brain is kinda slow right now.
Where was a 6foot teleporting genderman when you needed them? I tried flexing my fingers, but -I'm guessing his name was sapnap- clutched them, very hard and broke one or two. I winced and obviously tried the other hand. Reaching over I pressed the panick button on all of our watches. Its spelt like that because Tommy fucked it up.

I was shoved forward, and the reflective white mask swarmed my vision. Faintly I heard a vhwoop and smirked. The performance has started.

I flung myself back into Sapnap and rolled out the way of Dreams sword. Ranboo melted out of the shadows and proceeded to engage in a fight with a bruised Sapnap.
Whilst getting into a fighting persition Ranboo threw a knife at me- which I caught with skilled ease- and I started to hack at my bonds.

Dream starts to walk towards me and pulled his sword back- my hands were still tied. Luckily a pair of claws caught the blade and threw it back (If I throw it back, is it fast enough?) towards Dream. Right on time Tommy. Claws and metal sword clashed in the middle, creating a nasty clang. I hurried and sawed at the rope fatser- was the knife blunt or the rope strong? I got tired of trying to knife it and just ripped the remaining rope off (buffbo) . We needed to go and get outta here before a hero or backup for these villains come and join in the fight.

A animal screech came from Tommy as Dream managed to cut his arm- quite deeply as well- dark blue blood ran from his arm, soaking his sleeve in seconds.

Ranboo was holding out well against Sapnap, evading his flames with a acrobatic grace. They occasionally landed a punch on Sapnap, but was more focused on wearing Sapnap out. I fumbled with my belt, trying to get a bo stick out of its hold- Ranboo forgot theirs and it was showing in their lack of ferocity towards the flamed villain.

I chucked it to them, and they caught it and whacked Sapnap one around the head. Ouch. I reached further into my pocket and pulled out a few explosives. Better to go out prepared then not at all.
"Cover !" I yelled. Tommy and Ranboo ducked and closed their eyes tightly, just in time as at that exact moment a false bomb went off- hopefully blinding the villains. Sapnap stumbled around blindly,  the flash having blinding him; however, Dream just slowly turned around to face me. Obviously the mask blocked out the flash.

He slowly advanced towards me, sword out. Just like earlier. Only there wasn't a Tommy to save me. I readied myself and flexed my unbroken hand, reaching out to the ivy covering the walls. It suddenly shot out to encase the masked man, and trapped him. He thrashed like a fish out of water, trying to get out.

It was a risky move as I didn't know what his power was- but it was a risk I was willing to take. He eventually stopped, having resigned himself to being trapped by the ivy. Although it appeared Sapnap had other plans for the way this fight should go.

He sent a flurry of flames towards the viney cocoon , burning away the first layer of vines. I fell back, and felt my skin peel. A side affect to my power. My hold on the vines loosened and I felt Dream wriggle through the lax vines.

Ranboo was leaning against a wall, their face half singed. How didn't I notice that? Tommy was trapped in an illusion bubble by the looks of it. He was pounding on the walls bubble -seemingly scared from the illusion- wanting to he let out. Once again how didn't I notice that?

Tommy pov

Dream had thrown a translucent white orb at me and it had expanded around be, encasing me in its bubblyness. I knew what this was. Immediately I started to panic- I didn't know what illusion Dream had put me in. Maybe it was one from my head. Either way I had to get out now. I started pounding on the sides, my claws were useless right now. It can only be destroyed by a high explosion, or if the creator double taps it. Stupid I know.

I see Tubbo grab Sapnap by the shoulder , putting a blade to his neck. He glowered at Dream and his mouth moved. Hopefully telling Dream to let me out or Sapnap dies. Dream shakes his head and walks slowly towards me. He taps once. Oh no.
Another illusion starts to play and this time it's one from my nightmares.

Slight gore and death scene

I look over and see Tubbo. Ranboo aswell. Their both dead. Their lifeless eyes state at me , blood running from their mouths. Ranboos arms are twisted in a way they shouldn't. Tubbo has his whole torso twisted, spine sticking out at a weird angle that  definatley wasn't normal. My whole body starts shaking and sobs force themselves out of my chest. Running forward I reach for Tubs  wrist, checking for a nonexistent pulse.

Tis over the gore and death scene

Ranboo POV

I see Tommy shaking and crying inside and I'm consumed with an overwhelming wave of rage. I begin to start forwards to Dream but I remember that he has Tommys life and sanity in his hands...

Sorry for not updating for so long,
I had a bit of a writer block
Comment if you wanna see anything specific

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