404 my beloved.

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Hello Queens, gentleman's and gentle-thems  I realise I made a plot mistake in a previous chapter. Ranboo handed Tommy his vigilante gear,so all Wilbur and techno don't know his identity. That was a really bad mistake on my part, Tommy will be able to go back to interning. Sorry, again.

Tommy pov

I bounced down the street, my backpack banging on my back, the cans uncomfortable against my shoulder blades. Pogchamp crimes shall be committed today.
I started running, to excited to walk the rest of the way. I end up outside the heroes agency. There's gonna be paper work for me tomorrow if I vandalise today but its so worth it. My mask is secure around my face, as is my hoodie. I reach into my bag and pull out a can...
... after about 10 minutes my graffiti is starting to take shape. Right now I'm just trying to give it a bit of dimension with some light greys and blacks. No matter what anyone says I am quite a good vandal.

The yellow neon I sprayed gave it a lighting up effect. I am an inspiration:

It's pogchamp. Besides it was another very true and inspirational message. 'I love women'. Put that in the quote book. I smile under my mask and readjust it with one hand, whilst putting the cans away with the other.
"Great job, however I have to stop you," I froze, recognising the voice from a certain lift trip. I swivel around,
"Vos! My favourite furry!" I swing my arms out in a  welcome greeting.
"I am not a furry," he says through clenched teeth. I tilt my head to the side,
"Your name says otherwise."
He growls ( furry) and runs towards me, jumping up to gain height. Ready to bolt I brace my legs; however something stops him. A fungus, funnily enough.
"What the-!" Vos exclaims in surprise. I will admit I too am very surprised.
"Under our protection- only we can hurt him." 404 says from behind his overly large clout goggles Like those were never in fashion.
"I never agreed to this." My obnoxious self says. 404 merely glances at me then turns his obscured face towards Vos. 404s power was not one to be messed with. Although he was asleep most of the time his was a dangerous opponent. Honestly I would rather face Dream the 404. The man is a mystery, no name or much of a face. He hardly ever speaks aswell so, yeah mystery.

"Well I'm going to have to take you both in," Vos says quietly. I realise his hand had found its way to the help button on every heroes outfit.
"No." 404 has a smile on his face and he brings his arms up, growing fungi all around him. The worst part of his power is the sleep. His and Tubbos powers are extremely similar.  However, whilst Tubbo can only control vines and flowers, 404 can control anything - although he usually uses fungus due to its toxins- and he has a sleeping element. No one knows where it comes from.

404 is every child's nightmare. Parents tell their kids about him , 'the man who can kill in a single swipe of his hand'. Granted alot of people could do that, but he has a reputation. Once their was a great mystery...

"Tubs! Look at the news!" I yell from downstairs.  I hear a grumbling upstairs signifying he heard me.
"Holy shit!" Tubbo shouts.
On the news was a warehouse. That shipped some of the most confidential items and info that could be found. And a giant mushroom was breaking through it. Smaller mushrooms dotting around the sides and inside, but the main one produced above all the houses.
"This is the work of renowned villain 404."

I was broken out of my memories by Vos and 404 fighting; however Vos and his claws were not enough for 404 and his godly powers. I glance back at my awesome graffiti and start to slowly back up, trying to get away. 404 points at me and I freeze, even big men like myself are scared of 404.

Vos was a ginger blur, bouncing around and trying to avoid 404s fungi. I wonder where the other heroes are? If their nearly here then I need to scarper- quick. I tighten my back straps and attempt to sneak of again. Mine and my other friends didn't fare well against the other tow: and I don't want to stick around. Unfortunately 404 saw and trapped me in a toadstool. Points for looks I guess. The mushroom trapped my arms, not letting me claw myself out. It pressed my tail against my back uncomfortably. Oof.

404 pov

I was fighting Vos. Why on earth did Dream or Schlatt want this stupid bitch alive? I had better things to do quite honestly. My clout goggles were starting to slip down my face - unlike what most people think I am actually human and am not perfect.
My arms were starting to hurt from all the pulling of fungi. The fungi we're actually really heavy and cumbersome so it tired me out really quickly.
I needed a nap, like soon. Vos wasn't giving up anytime soon though and I needed to keep this orphan twat trapped in this other mushroom.
I realised quite soon that this orange prick had called other heroes to the scene and I needed to get me and the orphan out of here.
What was I doing? I need to keep up a reputation. I throw up an army of small brown mushrooms, trapping Vos's feet.
Grabbing the stupid orphan by his middle , I drag him off before more heroes showed up.

Thanks for reading, I will update soon. And god 404 is a mardy child lmao.

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