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Deadza pov

I floated next to Techno. Right now he was training and wilbur was sitting by the side. Lazy shit.
"Ya gonna do anything?" Techno pants between punches, a sheen of sweat shining on his head.
"Hahahah your so funny. No." Wilbur replies dryly. I rolled my eyes. Still the same.
Tech stopped punching the bag,
"Do you miss him?" He asked suddenly
"Who-?" Wilbur asks, yet he clearly knows who.
He sighs, "You know who," he shakes his head, "Don't try to ignore it and all."
Will leans his head back against the wall and closes his eyes.

"I know he would want us to move on. Atleast I hope so," some tears slip down his face , "he died so horribly I don't want to think about it to be honest,"
Techno nodded slowly and returned to hitting the punching bag.
Wilbur was still crying. Techno , the little shit, didn't comfort him. So Wilbur was just there balling his eyes out.

The TV in the corner flashed red,
They looked up
Wilbur and technos heads shot up,
"Guess what I've got?"

Tommy pov

Ranboo still wasn't back. I'm now worried.
I walked back to the apartment and saw tubbo with tears in his eyes.
"What?" I ask with a scoff, I wasn't gone that long, was I?
Tubbo just nodded towards the TV.

Schlatt was on it.
"Hello, I know you're watching so called Bench Trio,
I wonder where your third member of the Trio is?"
That mother fucker. He had Ranboo.

Ranboo pov

I woke up with a splitting head ache, I couldn't remember where I was.
I'm.... in a glass box? And I'm chained to the floor-


Bright fluorescent lights glared on , making the walls look yellow.

Oh. I tried to get up but the chains were tight on my wrists and cage.
"Let me the fuck go you ugly bitch." I said lowly, venom creeping into my voice.

"I told you the show would continue, and you're not important to my  future plan," he explained , whilst examining his nails.

"Ahhhh!" I scream, my face burnt, he'd put water on me. Was this his plan? To torture me?

I knew who it was. Stupid bitch Schlatt.
If I were going to get water poured on me could I too make it into a show?

"PLEASE STOP PLEASE YOU'RE SCARING ME!" I scream at him, glances coldly in my direction. He knew what I was doing, a golden tooth shone as he grinned,
"I can't help this awful energy,
"Who is in control?"He smirks at the end. Obviously he was in control,I was chained to the fucking floor.

"Cmon little boy, not got anything to say?"
At that I flinched. Little boy.
"Maybe if you werent such a bitch then I would have more to say dickhead."
"Careful now, you're being live streamed to the whole country..."

Ah. Oh.

I try to wave a little.
"What are you doing-" mmm schaltt was confused
I grin.
"Paparazzi needs comfort y know?" Obviously he didn't know.

More water dribbles down and smoke rises from my skin.
"You won't get away with this you do realise that?" Maybe he was not as smart as he pretened to be?

Niki pov

This was fucking unacceptable.  He can't torture bloody kids. I stormed out of the room and knocked violently on the door that Schlatt was behind.

Fuck blowing my cover.

"Let me in!" My German accent was more notacible atm because of my anger.
"One moment love," (not shipping I just feel like he would call people that as a villain <3)
Twat. I shove the door open and quickly encase him in a bubble before he can escape.

The water was still dripping

Oh shit their an Ender hybrid. Looking around I quickly spot the faucet and turn it. A pained scream tell me it was the wrong way.

The water stopped and Ranboo laid there, panting from pain.
"I must say it is a blessing to see you," they say.
"Yeah yeah."

Schlatt is angrily pounding on the bubble.
"You dont torture fucking kids Schaltt,
"Ooh she just swore," ranboo inputed
" and you certainly don't broadcast it to the entire freaking world you uncultured swine!"
Quickly unchaining Ranboo I leave.

It's short and I wanted to kill Ranboo but my sister convinced me otherwise:)

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