could i save him?

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Techno pov

"Cmon techno~ "
I violently turn around , trying to locate the voice
"All you did was stand there."
The echoey voice resembled Phils. He's dead.
"You just watched.. all you ever do is watch."
I clutch my head in an attempt to block the voice out.
"You just watched."
A grey feather fell infront of me and my eyes widened

I shot up in a cold sweat. None of it was real, hopefully.
Swinging my blanket off my bed I swing my legs onto the floor. On the ground is a large grey feather.  My whole body froze. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I'd tried to keep it together in front of Wilbur, but the facade cracked here- alone in my bedroom. I clutch my arms, digging my nails in leaving bloody marks. A faint whisper sounded around my room and it felt like I was going insane . The cream coloured walls closed in on me, forcing me further into my own cricket of darkness.

My breathe quickened and I clutched my heart as it raced. Oh why now, why with Wilbur here?

I pull on my hero outfit , write a note and proceed to jump out the window ( it's a family thing ig)  .

Walking down the street in my patrol area I glance around every so sudden. Hard not to be paranoid when someone just killed your father in cold blood. I shivered- due to the cold or the memory I didn't know.

Shadowy shapes floated infront of me every minute or so, big growths on their back. Wonder how they died. Wind ruffled my long plait , and brushed my neck. Kinda felt like fingers. Creepy.  The wind howled around me, picking up leaves. It was just turning autumn and the air had quite a chill to it already.

I climbed onto a roof, and roof hopped. Trying to find something to do. The only thing I was left with were my thoughts.
Man up, your the blood god
Oml your so bad at this
Guys shut up he's sad
Big L
Why is everyone here so annoying?
Idk ask Techno
Blood for the blood god.
I would kill chat if I had the chance. Just like Philza was killed. I could've saved him. I'd zoned out so My body was just on auto pilot.

"Blood God, how do you feel about your co workers death?" Cameras flashed in my face. Jesus they were annoying, they couldn't leave a man to grieve?
"He was more then a Co worker."
With a swish of my cape I turned and strutted off. I knew I fucked up when I said that, I'm known for not interacting with any media's, and now there would be a big surge in questions and interviews for me.

On the way around town I came across someone trying to mug an old lady and I jumped in before it got bad. However this particular person seemed familiar.  Very familiar.  Like so familiar that they were there the day Philza died.

Tubbo POV

I looked up to be met with the sight of the infamous Blade. Number 2 hero- well I guess number one now with Philza gone- he was truly a worthy enemy or allie. 
"What buisness?" I ask, trying to keep neutral ground.
"I just stopped you from robbing someone, don't pull that shit." He growled.
OK. Rude.
I felt my power inside of me, and started to slowly grow the weeds nearby.
"How are you Blade? Must be sad that Philza died. Your comrade, your friend , go as to far as to say it was fatherly?" Never poke the sleeping dragon, and I'll admit that was low of me but he's distracted.
He winced as if I'd cause him physical pain. Not yet.
"Shut up, you didn't loose anyone there, you don't know."
A loud laugh escaped my throat. Oh if only he knew.
"Well you make a convincing argument I guess," I wheeze out through laughter, "however I think your a bit preoccupied."
With that I let the weeds entrap his arms and legs, lifting him off the ground.
"I'm the God of Nature, what we're you the God of again?"
He bares his teeth at me,
"I'm the God of Blood you dumb bitch." As he said that I could feel my blood draining, and a red haze clouded to the side of me. OK ew.
"Nice try bitch boy." I grew a dandelion and curled it round his neck, swiftly cutting his air supply and knocking him unconscious.

However I felt something slice at my arm and looking down I say one clean cut,  and a feather lying nearby...

Walking home in the dark is always a risky buisness, yet if your dad's just killed the no.1 hero and is after you and your best friend and may send men after you, its even more dangerous . Every creak of the buildings made me even more paranoid,  even if my power was overpowered getting caught of guard was never good. I've had that happen to me before. The people who jumped me weren't alive by the end of it but that was their fault for trying to rob me.

I hear some whispering coming from a dubious looking alley and naturally I went to see what was happening. I peered round the corner, having enough self preservation to know that full on confronting the mysterious individuals would be very dangerous.

The cut on my arm is throbbing, making it hard for me to concentrate on the clear drug dealing infront of me. A guy with yellow duck wings stood infront of me, offering a bag of weed to a hooded figure.
"Big Q?" I ask astounded. Last I heard he was in jail.
"Ayyy, Tubbo my man!" He spread his arms out in a welcome greeting. I lift an eyebrow and trap both Big Q and the hooded guy in a plant, looked like an over grown moss by the looks of it.
"What you doing Big Q?" In an apprehensive time, knowing full well what buisness he was up to.
"...therapy?" I scoff and presently drop him- the hooded guy is now panicking, thinking I'm not gonna let him down.
"Yeah big man, it's just a calming thing." Quackity says, in his awesome accent.
"Mhm you may have fooled Tommy but not me." At this it seems the hooded guy -I should probably get their name- pulls out a gun and aims it at me.
"Move or do anything I shoot." So he's not playing games.

A fire lights in his hair, and slowly lights the moss thing on fire. If someone damages the plant I'm controlling it can also damage me, so out of pain I drop the fire maker.
"Put your hands where I can see them and don't try any shit."
Now would be a good time for Blood God not to be knocked out in an alley.

I sigh and do as he says.

Welcome one and all to the game.
Is philza dead or alive?
And can you guess the twist.

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