I cant right fanfictions

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Tommy pov

A thud sounded from the living room and I realised Tubbo had fainted.

I walked in and nearly fainted myself.

"You should not be here- you should be burning in hell."

"That's not very polite- not something you should say to your brother."

"Hahahaha. My brother is dead, and you are not him."

"No he was reincarnated. Do you not remember what happened,"

"No. I don't want to you bitch."
"Too late."
I could hear the smile I his voice as I fell into his voice trap.
"Have fun~"


"We're like brothers wil!"
Wilby looked at me with tears in his eyes,
"Don't say that I will cry."


"Wilby look!"
"Did you just call me Wilby? Did you just fucking call me Wilby?!"
I could hear the smile I his voice as he exclaimed over the stupid nickname,
"No! No! I didn't call you Wilby!"
A hand ran through my hair,
"Aw you can call me Wilby if you want Toms,"
I fell asleep to Wilbur running his hands through my pale hair.


"Down with the revolution boys,"
Eret rasps.
"It was never meant to be."

I felt Wilbur grab me around the waist and pull me down, away from the explosion, hot tears trickled down my face and my ears rung from the loud noise,
"Shh you're safe Toms, I won't let anyone hurt you."
I clung to his stupid trench coat for my life


I saw as Philza stabbed my brother through the chest, and how he fell to the ground lifeless.
I screamed and fell to the floor, my hands clutching my head.
Others looked to me and their faces were twisted with concern, they look up and see what's causing my grief.
Stifled cries rang out from the blown up land.


"Who the fuck is friend?!"


I shot up, no one was here. Someone was in the kitchen and I was laying on the sofa. Sweat sat upon my forehead as I recalled what I had remembered.

The Fall of L'manburg.

I was glad it stopped there. I didn't know how much more I could take.
Wilbur reminded me of someone. Someone who wanted me imprisoned.

Siren pov

I strided down the street, my combat boots hitting the cement with a soft thud.
The ground still had a layer of ice, making walking on it hazardous.
I was walking to a nearby cafe- Nikis had shut down due to 'undisclosed circumstances ' which was total bs.

Bads muffin place seemed decent I guess. I surveyed it apprehensively. I had the weirdest dream last night ; it was about the Fall of L'manburg.  And who I lost there. And who lost me.

The outside was a dark browny colour, and the inside looked really cozy. However due to rememberance of that dream I have now since lost my appetite. I spun on my heeled boot and walked down a narrow alley.

Dubious I know but I wanted to go somewhere special. The L'mantree. It was a tribute to the Fall of L'manburg.  Someone tried to burn it down a few months ago but they hadn't succeeded.

It was surrounded by a park with benches,  and it was very pretty.
My outfit didn't really fit with the scenery. When Tech saw me he called be a Depresso Espresso.  Which I found quite funny.
Alliums sprouted from the cracks in the overgrown pathway, moss lining the sides.

God moss is awesome .

It's a quick + short chapter today- hope you enjoy mcc :))

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