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Dreamy dweams POV

George needs to stop going off without a plan. Now we have the number 2 hero in our fucking base. Did he think this through?
He didn't.

I stomped down the corridor, making my annoyance known,
"Lighten up Dream! This just moved our plans forward." Eret steps out of a dripping portal next to me.
"Gah!" I yell jumping backwards, "stop doing that Eret!" I snap.
She puts her hands up in a surrending gesture and steps back.

Their nice with his friends, but anyone else will feel his wrath.
"I'm just saying, I don't know why your annoyed about it,"
They fall into pace besides me and stays with me down the corridor,

"What do you think gives you power?"

They turn to look at me.

"Is it your crown?

She stops.

"Is it the fact that you're a villain?"

I stop a few steps ahead of him.

"If that's the only thing giving you power,"

They turn look up to me,

"If fear is the only thing protecting you from a knife in your back, fear is nothing, right?"

I turned to face him.

"Is that a threat. Dream?"
Erets deep voice questions from behind me.

I start walking again,

"Wouldn't dream of it."


I saw Siren waking up. He struggles for a bit but just gives up.
"Hello." I say whilst strolling into the room,
"Fuck off you twat oo what you gonna do, call 404??."

Siren pov

"Fuck off you twat oo what you gonna do, call 404??."
OK maybe not my best response but I am a string of pale skin and fragile bones- sarcasm and swearing is my only defense.
He whacked me round the head. My neck cracked. No it's not broken it just needed popping.

"Oh my god you punch like a little baby. Awww is baby dweam having a tantwum??"
I spat blood at his feet.

"You are the weakest fucker I ever know, you hide behind a stupid mask and all I see right now is a sad little man, caught up in his own fucking rage."

Good job Wilbur. Antagonise the person who holds your life in his hands. Smart fucking idea. Dream slips on a pair of brass knuckles. Oh. This is going fine.

He lifts his mask a little bit, allowing me to see his stupid little smirk. He has freckles and  a scar going down from his mask and into his stupid hoodie.
"Why you looking down my hoodie? See something you like?" His mouth pulls upwards
"Yeahhh daddy Dream!!!" I yell as loud as I can. My head flies back as he hits me in the nose.
Blood spurts out,
"Oh you wanna play it like that?" I lift an eyebrow.
"Soooo, is their a Mrs Dream?'
"You're seriously flirting with a villain?" He asked,
"What??? You're hot." I whisper .

Dream shakes his head and punches me in the stomach. I cough up blood.
"Oo that's not good . Might wanna let me go so I can see a doctor..?" I inquire, I'm not annoying at all.

"Shut it." He growls (ooo y/n stawp) 

I roll my eyes and shut up. He's annoying. Oh wait a minute. Oh my god I so dumb. He took my gag out when he cane in? Does he not know my power? Seriously? This is a joke???

"Dream let me the fuck go."
He backs up and unties the ropes !!
Wow I'm awesome.
"Go to the corner of the room and stay there."
Oop. He doesn't move,
"You really thought you could use your stupid power on me?"

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