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Wilbur pov

"Yeah... listen to me Technoblade."
The voice haunted me, and my dreams.

From that one day,  The Dsmp War.


"Techno, I think it's best to let the vigilante go, we can come back another time," I nervously chuckle, I can't move.
Eret like always carried expolsives- sometimes he is worse the Bee/Nuke, and I wanted to keep my face in one peice thank you very much.

"Haven't you told him what I did Wilbur? That just saddens me." Their deep voice  bounced through my head.

"Wil, what happened?" Techno still had no emotion in his voice,
"I- you weren't here when it happened, wait.."   He paused and tilted his head at me,  "how old are you?"
"20," I try and make my voice deeper, but it doesn't work that well.

"So you remember Dawn of 16? And The Fall? Maybe you remember the Election?"  Whisper snarls, regret in his voice.

Hah. Remember? I was a fucking part of it. Does he remember that young blonde? That he forced to fight in the war?? I don't fucking think so.

They seemed to notice my pause.

"Yes... I remember it. Quite well actually, can I be let up yet?" I whine at the end. Wilbur shakes his head, whilst Eret nods hers,
"I vote to listen to Eret."
"Nope, you're hostage and we can't let you escape, backup is gonna get here like imminently."
As soon Technoblade said that we could see figures jumping along the rooftops,

"Right.. I wanted to thdo this the har way, but you chose the easy way i guess." With that, Eret does this weird glowy eye thing and I was falling into his arms,oof. That hurt my bones.

"This has been fun gentlemen but we gotta go," Eret voice shakes her chest, "bye."


Wilburs pov

"Fuck! Why did I freeze like that Tech?!" I yell.
Like fuck stealthy, people were recording that for hells' Sake!

"Wil, you couldn't help it, I don't know what you went through, but trust me. It must have been alot to affect you in that way."

"Tech, we need to go."

We jump away.

I'm really sorry for not updating. Ive been busy and lost motivation, this was a draft from before I lost my motivation, I'll try and update soon:] <3

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