Snitches get stitches

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"What the hell Henry" I say, my voice full of disbelief. The winged being seated behind the desk looked at me with suprise and a hint of what I thought to be concern.
"Is Henry serious?" He said, in confusion .
"Well-" I say haltingly. That was probably the most suspicious thing I could have said in this situation.
"Have you?" He inquired one perfect eyebrow raised (shut up I'm not a fan boy)
"Nope" I say popping the P, not suspicious at all.
"Mhm," he looks me up and down ,"Henry take a live scan."
"Theseus Innit seems to have two cracked ribs on his left side bottom two ribs, and a mildly sprained wrist along with several other and not life threatening abrasions."
"Even I didn't know that," I comment- like the smart human I am.

Philza (greatest man ever) pressed a button on his desk and spoke into it.
"Wilbur please come escort one of my interviewees to the medbay"
A faint static grumbling could be heard from the speaker, or it could just be his poggers racoon ears.
"One minute mate," Philza said sheepishly with a hesitant smile on his face.
"Why the hell do I have to do the escortin'?" A new voice entered the fray. It was slightly melodic yet at the same time kinda raspy. Like stone on stone.
"Well you were the most charming person to call up," Philza said, with a dazzling smile no doubt trying to get this new person to agree to take me up to the medbay.
Bitch boy (as I have dubbed him) narrowed his eyes, and the five stages of grief flashed across his face in the span of 2 seconds.
"Fine," wilbur said," follow me," and at that he walked of at a brisk pace, not even allowing me to thank the greatest man ever. Rude.

"Soooooo what's your name?" I ask, elongateing the vowel in so, just to be annoying.
"Doesn't matter brat" again, Rude.
" I Am Not A Brat So Take That Back."
Trauma from that word go brrrrr.
(Getting into angst later please Tommyinnit)
He looked back at me in suprise but that look quickly morphed back into disinterest. He sped up even more and stepped into the elevator. I slipped in after him , nearly having the the doors close on my leg.
"Why you so grumpy? You constipated?" I ask, being very kind, considerate and concerned.
"No. I just have better things to do then escort gremlins around our building."
"Like..?" I ask, prodding him to continue,
"None of your buisness," he growls there is the stone on stone bit.
"Why is this taking so long?" I say, being the observational pro I am.
We both look over up to the roof of the elevator.
Wilbur sighs, "Henry take us to the medbay."
" yes stupid siren."
Wilbur looks ready to cry quite honestly. Wonder why his name was set to that. Eh, none of my buisness. I heard a ping that announced that we had arrived.

The medbay was bustling with heroes and I smiled at the thoguht of being among some of the greatest heroes, and I let out a little chuckle. Which reminded me just how broken my ribs were. To be honest I can't remember how i broke my ribs and neither can the author. We were directed to a bed and a pink haired women came up to us.
"Hey wilbur , whose this?" She asked, just as sweet as her face (I am NOT shipping them) Wilbur just sighed in response and gave a thin smile, obviously liking this sweet nurse enough to atleast to try to be civil.
"He's no one important Niki, just has some cracked ribs and a sprained wrist."
"Sound pretty serious young man," she said smiling at me. Does she think I'm 5? I will show her how big a man I am. Maybe.
"Um, how do you treat broken ribs?" I ask like the confident man I am.
"You don't really, I just need an X ray." Niki replied. If she does an X ray will she see the scars?
"Umm, do I have to like, take my shirt off?" I ask because I am polite and Poggers.
"Yes but it will be real quick," she promised.
I whip my shirt off and both her and Wilbur look at my body critically.
"What? Just because I'm built like a heron on a strict diet doesn't mean you can stare," myself said, being sassy. They blink and look away, probably afraid of my testosterone filled body and the fact I could shank them very easily.
"We are not afraid gremlin child"
Shit I said that outlowd .
"Yes you did," a humoured voice helpfully states, "anyways we weren't going to criticize your body frame - although it is quite concerning- but we wanted to know about the scars." Concern filled eyes met my cyan blue ones.
"Heh, it's a long story" I say , rubbing the back of my neck, "can we do the X ray?
"It's already done Niki and Theseus"  Henry says, in his robotic voice.

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