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Someone really annoying is commenting on my videos
User : sleepykitten123

404 pov (again)

A heavy teenager isn't the best thing to drag through the receding light with a handful of heroes chasing you, and said child is trying to escape your grasp.

"Let me go!" He shouts hitting my arm.
I sigh,
"Shut it!" I didn't use my sleeping power on him, I need to drop him off somewhere  and need to make sure he gets home safe. Eh here is as good as anywhere. I release my hold, roughly dropping him on the ground.

"See ya," and I walk off with total swag and confidence. He just seems to lay there baffled by what happened. Aww that was funny yet tiring.

A bluey purpley portal with square swirls round the edges opens up infront of me and I walk through, happy to get home.


I sigh as Dream sits on Sapnap. Stupid best friends. Laying my head back down, I try and sleep through Dreams inscensent yelling. Who thought it would be a good idea to have:
All in the same fucking room! It's madness. Eret an niki are disputing who wears a dress better, quackity and karl are basically making out, Dream and sapnap are fighting (and Sapnaps occasionally looking over at karl and quackity jealously).

Absolute madness. How did Schlatt expect us to plan the attack l Iike this? To be honest I don't think we should be attacking Lmanburg this soon. Maybe Pogtopia. Not the most heavily defended city in the country.

I was a mecernary before Schlatt found me. Killing for a living was tough- my heart not ready for this. Starting out when I was 15 was scarring, all that blood on my hands at that young an age. The heroes tried to recruit me at one point but they'd already failed me once - why trust them again?

My shoulder was hit into by a certain green blob, I sneer at him. All of them were incompetent fools.
"Chill out 404 , it's a good day!" Quackity yells at me. If only he knew,
"I have every reason to be annoyed." I snap back, they giggle and I storm out.

I seem unreasonable but I have every right to be mad right now. Dreams porcelain mask gleams in the moonlight as he follows me out,
"You didn't have to be that mean you know?" Dream mutters quietly. He pulls his mask off , showing his perfect face. His skin was pale and dotted with freckles,  lime green eyes shone in the darkness. I shake myself - stop getting distracted.
"We could have been so much Dream- and now you act like nothing happened?" He let's out a quite sigh and turns to go back in.
"I’m sorry, I loved you more than I was supposed to.”
“And how much were you supposed to love me?”
“I wasn’t.”
He leaves me, shivering in the cold night air.

Ranboo pov

After many stressful hours Tommy walks in, looking proud of himself.
"What did you do this time?" I ask exasperatedly.
"Guess." He says in an infuriatingly smug tone.
"What," I respond in a deadpan tone. He needs to stop being annoying.
"I met 404!"
My brain comes to a halt.
"You did what?!"

A/N I was supposed to right a longer chpater
404 and Dream have drama?

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