a little bit goes a long way

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Ranboo POV

I see Tommy shaking and crying inside and I'm consumed with an overwhelming wave of rage. I begin to start forwards to Dream but I remember that he has Tommys life and sanity in his hands...

I tremble in my spot. Me nor Tubbo knew what Dream would risk for whatever he wanted. We didn't even know what he wanted full stop.
Both Sapnaps and Tommy's life were on the line- it all depended who bit first.

Tubbo pressed harder on Sapnap neck, drawing blood. His eyes widened. Dream didn't back down through this. He seemed certain that he could get what he wanted- with or without casualties.

At this point Tommy was full on screaming at us, but we didn't know what he was saying. His eyes were wide set in a panic and you could see shining tears in his eyes.

Wincing, I look back over at Dream hoping he let his common sense take over. Not likely. I clutched my acorn charm, hoping it worked.
Closing my eyes I concentrated and tried not to let my common sense get in the way.

Purple particles surrounded me and a soft vwhoop sounded . I landed on a squidgy bubbley surface and knew immediately that it worked.
I opened my eyes and looked around. It was scary seeing your own dead body, along with your platonic husbands. Up close Tommy looked even worse. I grabbed his shoulder gently and he looked at me terrified.
His ears were down and his tail was hanging very low.

A weight barreled into me as Tommy threw himself at me for a hug (not shipping) and I wrapped my arms around him. Ten more seconds and I can teleport out. Damn the cool down I have.
I know they can see us, but all I see is the illusion Dream trapped Tommy in. This was a risky move as I didn't know if Dream would input another illusion specially for me. Cool downs over.
My arms are wrapped around Tommy- but now we're out back in the alley. I feel like I should have teleported out sooner, with Tubbo but Sapnap fighting me kinda clouded my mind a bit. Tubbo looks over at me with gratefulness in his eyes.

The knife was still pressed against Sapnaps throat and now Dream looks a little less sure of himself now that he doesn't have Toms as leverage.
"Cmon now we were just playing." A green glow illuminated his mask from the back. I hold Tommy a little closer to my just incase he targets him again.
"Cool and so we're we. Throw us all your illusion bubbles and anything else you have." Tubbo pushes a duffel bag towards Dream, god knows how he got that.

Once everything was in the bag tubbo swiftly pushed Sapnap out of his graps and grabbed the bag. Sapnap fell towards Dream and fell onto him, knocking both of them over.
Tubs ran towards me and we teleported out.
"Did you check for a tracker?" I ask, my tail wagging behind me nervously. Tubbo cast me a cold look, telling me he thought I was an idiot for thinking him an idiot for not checking for a tracker.

Tommy was still silent and that definaltey wasn't normal. I waved a hand infront of his face. Eh guess he disassociated again.
"He's gone." I say with a grim look, supporting Tommy.
"You - he's not dead!" Tubbo looks so distressed right now ha.
"Yeah I'm kidding, he's disassociated once more," poetic shit and all that. I took English as a gsce and it payed off apparently.

Tommy pov
All I remember is hugging Ranboo (ew no I didn't do that) and now I'm awake on the sofa. How did that happen?
I swing my legs over the edge and onto out trodden down rug -who can afford carpets lol- and stand up. I was a but woozy at first but I managed to stand up straight.
Wobbling, I made my way over to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water, drinking it in 3 swift gulps. My tail twitched in annoyance. I was hungry again. Oh well, let's go dumpster dive for food again.

Running from an angry shop owner. OK, I said dumpster dive. However. Shop lifting isn't that much different. Right? Anyways an angry shop person is now chasing me and I didn't even get the food. Rip off I think. I turn a sharp corner and nearly lost my footing on the slippery ground, skidding slightly. I put my hands out to steady myself, and continuing the corner.

Aight imma leave it here, I've been meaning to get a chapter out so you'll have to take this  ¾ chapter lol. Have a nice day :D

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