Im screwee

449 16 3

I want to thank you for recgoninsing my younger sisters IQ. Me and her were brainstorming this new idea I had for a Techno centric au

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. – Sam Keen

Nikis pov

I don't know why I did that. I shouldn't have. I didn't even know them. So why?

Wasn't I supposed to be a cold hearted villain? How was I supposed to be a villain when I was rescuing stupid kids.

I hated this.

Yet still I hadn't let schlatt out of the bubble, and I was starting to get thirsty from how long I was holding the bubble. The kid was hopefully long gone- not all the people here would be sympathetic to them.

Maybe Eret would leave them alone.
However, if one of the Dream Team found them-
Well their dead meat.

Still it was none of my concern.

Walking into the kitchen, I reached for a glass of water. Should I hand Schlatt in? At the moment my cover was blown.  The video was live streamed hy that cock bastard.

I sighed. How had it come to me being a traitor and then betraying the people who I was working with to betray the other people? A/n idk leave me alone

How did my young self amount to a traitorous rat? All I wanted when I was younger was to become a hero and help others. I changed career paths.


There still hadn't been any news of Ranboo returning home.

They were still in the compound. Where? Not anywhere public, thats for sure.

Maybe I could just wander about?
"Ranboo?" My soft German lilt sounding through.
"I'm not going to hurt you Ranboo, I saved you after all. Where are you? Your friends will be worried for you. Do you want them to worry?"
I hoped guilt tripping them would work. Apparently they were stronger than that. 

How would I find them? Their a Ender hybrid so they could just teleport away which sucked.

Ender hybrids. Maybe I do have some in a chest somewhere.


Endstone. If that didn't work then allium flowers would have to do.

"Hey ranboo? I've got some endstone for you, and some allium," I smirked a bit at the end , this would work. Enders are attracted to flowers and end stone.


Their they were.

"I'm so sorry I didn't leave, I - I wanted to come out because you seemed nice but I was scared that S-Schlatt would come out and I'm rambling again!"

Wow. They had alot to say apparently.

"Its fine, I just didnt want you to be here when Schlatt got out the bubble because I just endangered my place Jeremy because of you."

I jab them in the chest at the end to emphasis my point. How stupid could someone be?

"Do you not get it? You just endangered my spy place and now you're still here, and my power is going to literally pop soon. You can't teleport out of HERE! Schlatt made it so no power can get in and out. So you need to find keys and get the fuck out of here!"

I shouted all of that, in anger. How could someone be that idiotic?
They were in the lair of the most wanted villain in the country and they hadn't left.

"I I was going to but 404 was guarding the door and I didn't want that fight personally," They say back,
Maybe they had a point.

"I need to go, are you coming?" I whisper. The anger had suddenly deserted me and left me drained and ready to just keel over.
They nod.

I surround them in a bubble.
"404? I was told to take the prisoner out to a safe house - apparently we have been compromised,"
"Sure thing niki," he grins at me.
Oh my lord I feel so bad. 404 is a nice person when you get to know him.

"Oh by the way, I need to talk to you after you've done that ,"  I tilt my head to the side confused.
Me and 404 don't talk that much so I had no idea what he wanted.

"Sure !" He unlocks the door and let's me out.

--_-_-__-_-_-_ A/N I swear this is the third time skip

Ranboo pov

Niki finally let both bubbles pop  when  we were about half hour from the compound.

What was still bothering me was how I got there. I can't remember being there before today.

"Thank you so so much Niki, you can stay with us if you feel unsafe at your Home,"
A simple favour but I think I saw tears in her eyes. Schlatt must be horrible. Well yeah he just tried to kill me.

"How far are we from Lmanburg?" I ask suddenly - I'm not good with landscapes and I could teleport there.

"Umm about half hour why? Or 5 miles?"
"I can't teleport us if you want? I can drop you off at the heroes agency if you want?" She nods. So do I.

I grab her arm and ..

I let go of her arm and she stumbles about a bit
"Please don't throw up, and if you do don't throw up near me," I say dryly , I still have sarcasm even after being tortured.

Fun fact, I was tortured a bit longer before hand but that wasn't broadcasted.

I have cuts on my back

"That was horrible, how do you do that everytime?!" She whisper screams at me. We are in Philzas office.
Don't ask, I don't know how either , ask the author A/N please don't idk either, let's say rnaboo picked Tommy up one time
Now we wait for Wilbur  to come in, hopefully.
If not we walk out.

In all honestly I forgot Philza was dead. He didn't get much screen time and no one really mourned him ( shut up Ranboo) also he wasn't very important.

The door handle turned after about an hour waiting.

Ranboo breaking the fourth wall
I have no idea what I'm doing tbh
Anyways enjoy this slightly long chapter :)))

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