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Ranboo pov

"What," I respond in a deadpan tone. He needs to stop being annoying.
"I met 404!"
My brain comes to a halt.
"You did what?!"
Tommy steps back, trying to avoid my wrath. My arms stiffened by my sides, this was bad. This was so fucking bad.
"Y- you know what this means right?" I panicked
"No... what does it mean?" Tommy asks, now nervous of what he'd done. I don't usually get mad.
"They'll know where we live, this is so so bad!" I yell. Tubbo was at work right now, I'd just got back from my shift at Nikis' as well. Tommy was going work tomorrow. My eyes flashed purple and my brain just went on auto pilot.

Tommy pov

I stood there nervously as Ranboo ranted, and suddenly their just went still. Their eyes were purple.  Waving my hand infronrt of their face a couple times I concluded they was unresponsive.  Oof that sucks for them. Then it hit me. Previously Ranboo had confided in me about a problem they had: Their Enderwalk state. They were nervous about telling me and had stumbled over their words a bit...

I was sitting on the sofa and Ranboo had walked up to me cautiously. Their eyebrows were pointed upwards in a sad way.
"I need to tell you something-" they cut themself off.
"Yeah what's up big person?" I ask, tilting my head to the side and my ears pointed downwards; thinking they were annoyed at me.
Worriedly they waved their hands infront of them,  trying to reassure me that they was not infact annoyed at me.
"Its just something I see as an issue so I thought I would tell you just incase it does become one!"
"Oh pogchamp! What is it?" I ask cheerily.
"Ummm, I have this thing I like to describe as my 'Enderwalk state'"
"Whats that?"

And that was that. We hadn't bought the subject up since but now it seemed necessary .
"Big person?" I ask cautiously.
"Oh dear."

Time skip -_-_-_-___-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_

Right. They still hadn't shown up. Problem. Oh noooo tubbos home soon and Ranboo is gone.  This kinda sucks ngl.

The flat around me is wrecked. The fridge beeped at me inscensently and the drips from the tap made my ears hurt.
I clutched my ears in an attempt to block out the stupid fucking noise. It would be really fucking bad if Tubbo came home to me panicking.

My breath calmed itself down and it now came out in even breathes. My stomach felt like it had been stabbed with a knife. Cramps from stress no doubt.

I grabbed my coat and jumped out the window.

Tubbo pov

I open the unlocked door.
The apartment was silent. I dropped my bag on our sagging sofa and looked about our home. No screaming or crying.
I'm now starting to worry.
"Tommy? Ranboo?" No answer. White flowers grew from my hair.

The flowers have different meanings with different colours:
Red- angry
Blue - sad
White- worried
Green- jealous
Pink- affection (platonic or not)
Black- dead lol
( I'll add more when it's necessary)

I ran up to our shared bedroom and saw no one sleeping. Maybe they went out? But no note.
Grabbing my bag again I went out the window.

Ranboo pov

My mind was blank. And I was trapped in it. I couldn't get out, and my body was on auto pilot which sucked miserably. My back hurt as if someone had carved into it - another drawback to me teleporting to much.

I banged on the sides of the black dome that imprisoned me. Futile attempts. I learnt that it was just better to wait it out. Even though I hated being useless.

Ovals were situated on the outside of my dome, showing me what was happening.

I just killed a man. Well, you only live once right? It teleported out of there before the police came. I swear to Philza if I get arrested I will cry. I don't know where we teleported next. Usually I can't teleport somewhere without knowing it.

Fuck my faulty memory.

A door opened and....

Thought I would end it there and make ya'll suffer a bit ig.
Thank you for reading and hope you have a good day :)

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