Eret my beloved

228 12 18

Schlatt pov

"I'm disappointed in you all. Aren't you supposed to be villains. Cold hearted killers. Yet in the past month , a socially awkward teenage kid and a tied up hero have escaped. So. Pray tell me what the fuck is wrong with you guys?!"
I was pacing the floor, waiting for an answer.
"To be fair sir, you were stopped by a bubble."
I slammed the speaker into the wall.

"Eret. Niki is a highly trained spy and I was not expecting one of my right hand men to turn against me so I think I can be spared on this account."

"Mmm but it was a highly trained hero. And you let the kid escape first."
They raise an eyebrow at me, I bare my teeth,
"You listen to me Eret," I spat her name like it was poison," I am your leader and I want respect," I dig my arm into his throat harder,

"Let me the fuck go Schlatt. I came to you of my own will. You didn't kidnap me, or bribe me, nor was I desperate. If I left you know the only thing that would happen is that your team would be weakened. So think fucking twice before threatening me."
They made a portal at their feet and appeared on the other side of the room.


"Anyone else wanna complain or can I get to the main point?"

About half the people raised their hands.

"Good. Continuing...."

---------------------- comment any funny things that happened to you :)

Eret pov

I sat back and let Schlatt talk about his stupid plans. He had no idea what he was doing.

He was just babbling on about god knows what and we had to sit through it. This is another level of torture.

"Schlatt. vous n'avez pas le droit de diriger ce groupe et vous êtes trop incompétent pour bien le diriger. Je pars car tes plans sont tellement stupides."

I didnt think any of them knew French, but 404 nods as well, and Quackity looks up in surprise, not ignorant surprise but as if he was surprised I had the guts to say it.

Schlatt looks surprised but a dark anger quickly covers his face,
"колко езика знаеш Eret? (How many languages do you know Eret?) " He asks, tilting his head to the side.
"достатъчно. (Enough.)"
He glares at me,
"O zaman git. Artık burada istenmiyorsun.(fine, go then. You are no longer welcome here)"
404 was still listening intently to the conversation- he knew all the languages we spoke in. Weird but if he wanted to learn them then it isn't that weird.

"Schlatt," 404 starts , "Eret has a point. At the moment you aren't a very good leader.  You killed the no.1 hero sure but how well did that victory go? You trade children for fucks sake!" 404 steps forward and starts shouting,
"How many lives will you take before you realise its all futile, its all pointless. Killing children can't be the only thing to motivate you, so tell me. What is it?"

"Do you remember killing people George? Remember the blood spilt under your own hand?

"Shut the fuck up."

Ooooooo angst.

I realise we haven't had much Bench Trio content but oh well

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