Third Year: Roses.

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It was valentines at Hogwarts, and apparently I had a secret admirer. Although I couldn't tell if it was a prank or not.

"On your broomstick?" Pandora asked.

"Broomstick, bed, desk, i'm surprised I haven't been gifted an amortentia yet." I said, linked with Pandora walking to potions.

"That's so sweet though. Reg has a secret admirer!" She teased.

"Shut up," I smiled. "It's probably a prank, or something."

As much as I didn't want it to be a prank, that was my only thought.

I hadn't stopped thinking about him since the yule ball. I knew I shouldn't, god forbid it was forbidden. But I couldn't help it. I couldn't stop thinking about the dance.

"A prank? It's valentine's day, and you're in the most famous pure-blood family," She said, "If anyone were to mess you about, they'd be scared for their life."

"You make all Blacks seem like my mother." I scoffed.

"Because you and Sirius are so stuck up." Pandora said sarcastically.

As we were walking, a smiling face caught up with us. It was Barty.

"Can I steal her for a second?" Barty asked Pandora, she nodded and moved swiftly in front. "Have you gotten my gifts?" He asked.

"What gifts?" I asked confused, then it clicked. "Those were from you?"

"You don't sound impressed." Barty frowned.

"No, I am. I'm just surprised, you haven't spoken to me since the ball." I said.

I had my hopes up. It was all Barty. Not James. As if it would be James sending me sweet gifts.

"Because you didn't give me the chance," Barty said, "I also assumed because you were dancing with Potter-"

"Oh, merlin. No. No. He's my brothers best friend," I said, "The gifts were sweet."

"Yeah?" He asked, "I've got another one."

He passed me w peace of parchment. On it had drawings of dancing cupid bows, it was cheesy.
It asked me to go on a date with him.

"If you say yes, there's another surprise." He grinned.

I didn't want to say yes, but I didn't want to say no. I looked at the parchment for a couple minutes.

"Regina?" Barty asked, knowing I had zoned out.

"Sure, yeah," I smiled. "Sorry I-"

A bunch of rose petals blasted out of the parchment, like confetti. The petals had mine and his initials carved softly into them.

"Oh wow," I said, "How did you do that?"

"With some help," he looked towards Pandora who was smiling. "She helped me with a few charms."

"Oh well, it was wonderful." I smiled, and I hugged him.

"I'll meet you in the courtyard tomorrow at three?" He asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Where are we going?" We started walking to catch up with Pandora, who was waiting for us patiently.

"You'll see," He grinned, "I'm so glad you said yes, Regina."

"Me too," I said, "Call me Reg, though."

"Well, i'll see you tomorrow," He said, "Bye."

He kissed me on the cheek and started walking away. My head started to hurt, and my body started to feel weak, and I didn't know why.

As soon as Pandora reached me, I held on to her arm, I don't think she was noticed I felt unwell. She didn't say anything. We left for class.

{February 14th 1974}

"You're wearing that?" Narcissa asked, looking up from her book on her bed.

"Yeah?" I said not looking for her approval.

I looked in the mirror, my outfit was a black turtle neck with black jeans, black boots, and a dark green checkered flannel. My hair was curly, not gelled like Narcissa requested.

"This is your first date, you're meant to look breathtaking," She stood up, "Not like you're a professor."

"Maybe I like looking like a professor," I said. "Besides, Barty might like it."

"Barty likes anything on you," She said, "He's very smitten with you."

"You think?"

"I know," She smiled. "You have three minutes to get downstairs, so you better go." She clapped.

I nodded and headed out of the dorm, and downstairs. The February air was still crisp, frost was still biting the leaves and pavements.
I walked down with only a flannel and no coat.

"M'lady." He said, "Glad to see you could join me." He smiled, and took my hand. His hand was warm.

"Sorry i'm late." I said.

"Nonsense, I was early," He smiled, "Shall we?"

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