CHAPTER 1: Lucky Me.....

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"Let me explain something to you, if you think that for one second I am going to ever accept YOU as my mate, then you are sadly mistaken, not to mention PATHETIC in ever thinking I would in the first place. Besides, consider what I'm about to do for you as a favor. This way nobody has to hear you bitch and cry about being in pain. Not to mention that would make things suspicious. So, to get this over with....I, Jericho Harrington, REJECT you, Mara Robinson, as my mate!"

It's amazing how much words themselves can hurt you and destroy your entire world. They can make you feel physical pain that you never fathomed you would ever feel.

Ever since I was a little girl, as do many others, I have waited until the day I would meet my mate and together we would live happily ever after. I was no exception - or so I thought. For I too, longed for the day to come when the one I was always destined to be with forever, who would love me unconditionally, would accept me as theirs and make everything better, would take me away.

Little did I know, that clearly was not the case for me and as far as I was concerned, from the years I had spent hearing about 'finding our mates,' I heard you rarely get a second chance at another one and if so, it takes a very long time. So now here I am. MATE-LESS and alone for who knows how long.

Instead of picking out dresses and planning for my 'big day' or announcement of me finding my mate finally, I am instead trying to find ways to live with the fact I was just rejected by my so-called 'mate' a couple months ago and became an even more pathetic girl than others thought I was before that ordeal.

Several days before prom, was when I was rejected by him and of course it was in front of an audience.

I should have known better anyways, because after moving here a few years back, Jericho has made it a mission to make my life a living hell everyday. He was always the most popular guy in school and never paid much attention to me unless it was to humiliate, tease or just overall hurt me in general. 

Now that I'm eighteen and since a few days ago we all had graduated from high school, everybody practically had their own agenda and most of the Senior class had already found their mates and were supposedly running off into the sunset living the very dream I have longed for. 

Looking back now though, the moment I was rejected, I guess what some people would consider to be a 'silver-lining' in the whole thing, was the fact that I wouldn't need to worry about feeling any type of pain from him sleeping with anybody or any of that stuff that comes with not yet being rejected by your so-called mate.

The worst part of that entire thing for me however, was that I wasn't brave enough to tell my parents I didn't find my mate yet when it happened (mostly because I didn't get the chance to) due to the very next day, my mother had overheard it from some lady at the grocery store and then quickly called my father and told him. 

That's one of the downfalls living in a small town sometimes, people gossip and rather true or not, people at times will know things before you find out yourself. 

Both of my parents were heartbroken for me and felt guilty. In particularly, my mother, who felt like for some reason it was her fault I had been rejected. I reassured her that it wasn't, but she still felt guilty anyways. 

I remember two weeks after the rejection, my parents thought I should speak with the Moon Goddess and see if she knew if or and when I would meet my next true mate eventually.

I also asked her why I could never feel the connection before when I first had met with Jericho and all she could tell me was that it was all a mistake and had been hesitating in pairing me with him in the first place. She went on telling me she had been hoping he would change - Yeah, obviously that failed as well, but then promised I would find someone soon enough. 

Now, as great as that all sounded, I couldn't help but feel as though she most likely was being reassuring because of her wanting to make my mother feel better. However, I for one have decided that if it happens for me great, but if it doesn't then it doesn't and I will need to find a way to deal with that at the time. 

I don't let Jericho and his dumbass pack get to me as much anymore though, despite him being handed the title of Alpha (in which came to a shock to the entire town), seeing as to how his older brother was biologically supposed to get it but, he hasn't been around for many years so that's why Jericho received the title.

I've never met his brother but heard a lot about him and how he is the typical 'badboy' who had to be sent away.

I'm not all into gossip too much anyways since I have my own shit to deal with.

Mainly I choose to stay indoors and rarely go out in general, but especially since I graduated and am still not so sure what I want to do next with my life, I had planned to just relax and enjoy my Summer here at home.

The good thing about this Summer in particular was that supposedly, Jericho was meant to leave and go to visit his cousins and uncle overseas for the next few months. So that meant I would be able to walk around town and not worry about having to bump into him or anything. Even his girlfriend and most of his friends supposedly were leaving as well, so to me, I felt like I could do whatever I wanted to and enjoy myself truly - for once. 

My parents both had to leave on business and meet up with the Wolf Council for a month or so and when I asked if I could go with them, they told me I needed to stay here while they sorted some things out and helped the council with a few things. So they just left me some money and I kept the mind link on.

Several hours have passed by already since my parents left and I decided that me and my wolf should go for a run before grabbing some dinner.

There wasn't any food in the house really and since I wasn't feeling like grocery shopping close to closing time, I decided to wait until tomorrow to go instead and tonight would just pick some pizza up.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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