EPILOGUE: 1 Year Later.....

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Around six months after finding out I was pregnant, we welcomed twins into the world. We had a boy and a girl who had just turned one years old a month ago and I got to tell you, it has been crazy busy taking care of them while being the Luna of a pack and mate of one of the best Alpha's in the world.

Merrick soon after the games had received the recognition for helping save the council and just as promised when he would get the title officially and take his dad's place in the Wolf Council, he right away changed certain laws and banned the Alpha Games from ever taking place again.

Roman handed his title over to his nephew since he had no children and his nephew was next in line for the title as far as his family's bloodline goes and things have been going strong and great.

Both my parents and Merrick's have helped out a lot in taking care of the kids and letting me and Merrick have some alone time occasionally and especially while we are working and doing our duties and taking care of our responsibilities.

I love my kids so much that I always hate leaving them. Of course it isn't because I don't trust his parents or mine with our kids but I guess it's a parent thing or at least a mom thing.

I'm very over protective and even had to be reminded on when winter hit us. I wrapped them up in several layers and Merrick's mom had laughed at me because she thought it was cute and adorable at how overprotective I was being.

She had to explain to me their bodies warm up like ours does in the cold and that I don't want to risk suffocating then or anything and becoming overheated. So I have had to learn that.

You can't necessarily search on the internet for how wolves like us can take care of our babies. But I love being a mother overall.

Months after our kids were born, Merrick and I got married and I must say that I love being a wife as well.

Something I have always longed to see was to someday have kids with my mate and get married and watch him play with the kids, making them laugh and teach them some things. Now I have that and much more.

I couldn't be happier or ask for anything more.

Tonight both Merrick and I had a little date night and is the first time in a long while since we last had one.

Everything was real nice as we dressed up a little bit and he had ordered us a limo to take us to and from places. The entire night felt amazing and will definitely be going down as one of the best nights of my life.

The night breeze was very light and the sky was clear. The moonlight bounced off the waves of the ocean as we walked hand in hand along the beach with our toes in the sand. It was very romantic.

"Thank you again for tonight. I'm so glad we were able to have another date night." I begin to tell him.

"Me too." He smiles. "I know we should do this more often but, well, you know why." He jokes.

"Yeah." I laughed.

"Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world." He begins to explain.

"I know what you mean though. I feel the same way too." I smiled.

"You know, in all honesty, I recently have randomly started thinking about my life and how I used to think I knew what I wanted and how funny it is that The only thing I ever wanted, I have..." He pauses for a brief moment as we stop walking and look at each other before he continues.

"Mara, you've given me a life I never thought I'd ever get the chance to have. You make me feel as though I am more than just my title. Not sure in how I could ever repay you for everything you have done and have given me." He finishes while caressing the side of my face and making me melt into his hand like always while we look into each other's eyes.

"Just having you continue being a great husband and father to our children is more than enough." I replied as I wrapped both my arms around his neck.

"I love you." He tells me.

"I love you too." I smiled.

We stood there throughout the next several moments and I got lost in the moment.

This is better than any fairytale I have ever read or any movie I had ever seen. This, what I have right now...is REAL.

                           The End

Thanks again everyone for joining me on this adventure along with all the others and I will be posting a new chapter for my next new story on Friday. :) I will post on my message board when it is up on Friday but look for it. :) Love you all! :):) Hope you enjoyed the story.

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