CHAPTER 39: A Change Of Plans

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It was over. Finally Jericho was dead as well as Goldwyn. However, there was no victory to have been celebrated. I didn't feel better.

None of this hatred or fight should have ever taken place. But it did and at the end of the day, despite the bullshit I had to go through from my brother, he was still my brother. My blood.

I used to want to change the law and have the Alpha Games return. For so long I didn't know or see the reason why it was ever banned. Because for many years prior to it's extinction, rumor had it that it was the one true final test to determine what kind of an Alpha you are.

However, now, after going through this and looking at the aftermath. I can see and understand more as to why they banned it in the first place and if I do get to take my father's place in the council eventually, I plan to keep it banned.

There will always be enemies and people that disagree with the decisions we make as a council and as a whole. Together. But I am sure that every council we meet with and every generation that comes around will learn from the mistakes we have made and not repeat the past. That's what I hope to install when I become the councilman someday.

While I started to be lifted up and be carried away by several men - as I couldn't move from my injuries, I noticed that the silence in the entire arena along with the pure shock from the ones who witnessed all of this, it was unreal to me.

Back in the gladiator days, people paid to come and watch many fight and even die. They cheered throughout the entire time, up until well enough after the fights were over. But this was nothing like that.

I guess they could tell this was unreal to them as well and to them too, this was not a victory to be celebrated.

I ended up being taken back to my parents house along with Mara, where there were several doctors including our pack doctor, helping both me and Mara.

Mara and I both had endured severe injuries and would be left with a couple scars and be badly internally bruised to our bones for a good while and would need to take it easy also.

The worst part of this was as a wolf, although pain is pain and hurts like hell, times that by a hundred and that's how the pain feels in human form.

I was more worried about Mara though. Then to make matters worse, the doctor wanted us to both wait a few days at least to see each other because we both needed our rest.

I didn't want to go along with that but my mother was very persistent in making sure I left her alone for a few days.

After the third day, I couldn't take it anymore and woke up before everybody and went in to see her. From that moment on I wasn't going to leave her side.

We talked with one another for a good while before we joined everybody else downstairs for breakfast.

Both hers and my parents explained everything that had happened and I even was told Jakob and my pack all helped out with Jericho.

Apparently Jericho was given something by Goldwyn that made him physically stronger than he really was and was what made it more difficult for me to take him down by myself.

Thank God for my pack and family.

Mara and I were looking forward to relaxing  until we were completely healed. But then there was a knock at the door and it was our pack doctor.

He had all of us sit down in the living room while asking how we were and took a look at us and tried having to see what type of movements and how much we could move.

He said we seemed to be healing at the usual pace but Mara will take a little longer to. Now usually females can heal slower than a guy but it was the way he said the last part that made me begin to think that he meant something else.

"What do you mean?" Mara asked.

Our pack doctor looked around the room at everybody then back at us and smiled real big at us.

"We had to run a few tests on Mara because of certain injuries she sustained during the fight, and everything looks fine. But we also saw that you guys are pregnant." He announced.

Everyone was silent and in complete shock. Did he just say what I think he did? No. He couldn't be serious. Then suddenly I began to remember the few times I noticed she had felt sick and especially and has recently been having a huge appetite - more than usual.

I looked over at Mara and saw her eyes water and when she looked at me, she began to smile, as did I. Then we heard everybody else begin to clap and cheer in excitement as her and I stood up and held one another.

I couldn't help but pick her up and kiss her while spinning her around.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna be a dad!" I said with much excitement.

Never thought I would see the day, or at least had not expected it until later on, like after Mara and I had gotten married, but fuck it.

Everybody began hugging and congratulating us and from this moment on, nothing mattered most to me. I mean, of course Mara has always meant more to me than anything, ever since the day I met her. However, just knowing she is carrying our kid is astounding.

Now wait, this means we don't have too much time to prepare because unlike humans who can go 8-9 months of pregnancy, wolves are different.

Female wolves give birth a few months before that and will be a more intense experience but hey, we can handle it.

Life couldn't get better than this. The outcome of things this far have been better than expected and although it does piss me off deep down inside knowing she was pregnant and all of this shit happened with the Alpha Games and she had gotten hurt, at least we now know the baby wasn't hurt.

Since we are going to put that all into the past now, I guess the only thing to look forward to really is the birth of our child as we live happily ever after.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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