CHAPTER 4: That's It Of That

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What the hell is going on?!? Does the universe hate me or something? I mean, I know it's a small town and shit but do I have to bump into her so many times?

I'm not sure why I became so agitated though and snapped at her like I did because deep down I really did feel bad I made her drop her eggs and everything but her attitude seriously needs to be readjusted and put into check. It's no way to live your life with an attitude everyday.

However, that voice of hers did sound familiar.....

Luckily my friends showed up right on time and helped me forget about what just happened for the most part. Although I still couldn't help but wonder in who she was and most importantly, why the hell I even cared in the first place.

I had all the guys come on over and hang out at the house (like old times) after picking up some food and drinks, then somehow, while playing a game of Poker, I found mostly my wolf, make me come right out and ask about the girl.

"Hey, you guys know who that girl was from earlier?" I asked.

"What girl?" My best friend, Jakob asked.

"You know, the girl who bumped into me and gave me shit in front of the store? She took off seconds before you guys came up to me that you guys saw run off." I reminded them.

"Ooohhh yeah, uh....." Jakob began snapping his fingers several times to try and remember until he finally did. "Mara Robinson."

"What do you know about her?" I ask.

They all stopped and looked at me, even the guys watching TV did the same.

"Why?" Jakob asks me while smirking and moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Damn, it was just a question. No big deal." I tell them and toss in a few poker chips to the pile in the middle of the table.

Everybody continues going back to what they were doing while I was annoyed at my wolf for forcing that out. Now the guys are going to get suspicious.

"There's not much to tell. Her and her parents had both moved here into town a few years back and nothing else. She mostly keeps to herself. I mean, to tell you the truth, we haven't been back here until a month ago. We had to leave for a couple years but, from what I know and have heard, she's practically a 'loner', I guess you could say. No friends or anything. And not sure if this is true or not, but apparently she was rejected by her mate right before prom a few months ago." He mentions.

"Huh." I replied. That would explain why she didn't feel what I feel. Wait though, that still doesn't exain anything. To come and think of it, if that were true even, she would have to wait a while before finding another one. Is the Moon Goddess high or something?!?

"Why, you interested in her or something?" Jakob starts teasing again.

"Hell no! Just don't remember seeing her before I was sent away, that's it and just wanted to make sure there was nothing I missed, is all. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, she's got an attitude problem." I remarked.

"Really? Hmm, I thought she was more like a quiet person." He comments before taking a drink of his beer.

"Far from it, from what I've experienced." I say bitterly.

There is a part of me now that is feeling a little bad because of hearing about her being rejected by her mate. However, at the same time, that doesn't give her the right to be snappy towards people.

Oh well, I'll just be sure to try and stay clear out of her way from now on.


The next few days went a little better and it seemed as though I no longer was smelling her scent and wasn't even seeing her.

Then that all changed the minute I decided to take my wolf for a run into the woods during the daylight this time and accidentally stumbled upon her sitting in human form, leaning back up against a tree and what looked to be, drawing?

I wanted to try and walk away before she saw my wolf and yell at us over it being 'her woods' or something like that but it was really hard. My wolf became frozen almost and stood firmly in place watching her sketch.

She looked so beautiful and nice as she sat there sketching away as the gentle breeze moved pieces of strands that were loose from her braid on the side that didn't seem to bother her.

Maybe I have come off rather harshly towards her and maybe it was a mistake about the whole assuming her being my mate and that she instead was just wearing a strong vanilla scented lotion of some kind and overall my wolf and I have just been longing for too long to find a mate, that we missread a few signs.

I swear that I could stand forever in this spot just looking and admiring her this way, but I also don't want to get caught and come off especially as a creep or weirdo. So I force my wolf to snap out of whatever trance he is in and make us continue to walk in the opposite direction and far away from her.

You know, even if there was a brief moment of the possibility on her ever being my mate and there were the legit signs she was, it still wouldn't explain how come she never felt it or again, brings me to the other thought that maybe she ignored it herself because she wouldn't want to entertain the idea.

I am going to no longer try and overthink or read too much into it. After all, the Moon Goddess would have us both feeling the same thing. So that answers it all. No more thoughts about it ever again.

How the hell does she have me overthinking things now when I am not usually one that does?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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