CHAPTER 11: Not Doing This Alone

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After that big whole ordeal last night, it took a while to calm Merrick down once we stepped inside my house but eventually he did and I had told both Merrick and his friends that they could stay here a while and I mind-linked my parents to let them know and they said it was fine (although they sounded rushed and as if I interrupted them), I still had accepted their approval.

After having a big breakfast, we were supposed to all sit down to try and figure out what we were going to do, but the moment I finished the dishes, there was a knock at the door.

Jakob peeked out through the curtains and saw it was some random guy.

Merrick cautiously walked towards the door and opened it up slowly until he saw who it was before opening the door wide opened and invited the person in.

"Oh my god, Colbert!" He says.

The guy looked to be in his late thirties and we knew right away he was a wolf also.

"Guys, this is Colbert. He's the one trying to prove my innocence." He introduced him to us all, starting with me.

We all took a seat in the living room as he made it a point to tell us right away that there was something wrong.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first but I wanted to tell you in person before word gets out." He began.

He took a sip from the cup of coffee I just poured for him.

"What is it?" Merrick asks worried.

"Lately, there have been issues with proving your innocence. Then right when I thought we were back to square one again, I spoke with the Elders (not including your father), they have some things they need to ask you. It seems like in exchange for some information you may not be needing to go to trial." He explains.

Merrick and I look at each other before looking back at him.

"What's the catch?" I asked randomly.

"No catch. They didn't tell me details but they did mention how they feel there is proof of a few suspicious things that have happened within the council over the past few years. Not to mention they are looking into your case more thoroughly now." He states.

"Wow." Merrick says after a brief moment of silence.

"I think that they will find you not guilty and that you were innocent of that killing."

"But why would they take my word now over any physical proof?" Merrick asked him.

"Trust me. I have a few things that I am working on that will help you out, but I don't want to get ahead of myself, just in case you. I will let you know more about my findings when they are solid." Colbert assured Merrick with a smile.

After taking a few moments of debating if whether or not he should trust him, Merrick finally agreed.

"Alright." Merrick nods in reply. "When does the council want to see me? Also, how are they going to meet with me and not my father since he is the Head Elder?" He asks.

"It's a private meeting they told me. They said they wanted to speak with you before the end of the week. That leaves you five days." Colbert tells us.

"That's soon." He says.

"Trust me, it'll be worth it." Colbert smirks.

Merrick looks at me and I look at him feeling a little bit sad that he will have to head towards England to meet with them, since that is where they are. While I stayed behind, with his brother back in town.

"And what about Mara? We're mates and I'm not going without her or my friends here, for that matter." Merrick tells him.

It warmed my heart to hear him say that but also made me realize that he needs to do what he has to and if they don't want me there, then I have to respect that.

"Of course." Colbert says happily. "That's why I already took the liberty in getting first class tickets for you all."

I was a bit surprised but am more than elated to know that I can accompany him and his friends can come along as well because as far as I'm concerned, all of us in this room are pack.

"Great!" I replied excitedly. "Maybe I can see my parents too."

"I would love to meet them." Merrick tells me.

"Now that that's all settled and taken care of, here is some money to get you all in first class for both the flight and train. As soon as you all step off the plane, there will be a car waiting for you guys and from there, you will need to get on a train that will take at least three, maybe four days, to get to the place they wish to meet you at and where you guys will possibly be staying while in England." He mentions while pulling out the stacks of money along with the address.

"Holy shit! This is more than enough for us all." Merrick states.

"Yes but you will all need to eat and have some fun, if possible. If you need anymore, however, just let me know." He tells us while standing up.

"Thank you. But wait, if like you said, it will take 3-4 days to get to this certain location, that would mean we would need to leave by tonight." I pointed out.

"At the latest. It takes a little over 8 hours on the plane, then may take close to an hour for the train. Mind you you still all have to check-in at both, in which could take some time. But let me know when you land and are on the train and so forth. I will meet you at the train station where you will be getting off at." Colbert finishes.

"Okay." Merrick replies. "Thanks." He shakes his hand.

"You know I got your back. Always have." Colbert smiles then they give one another a bro hug and right before he steps out, he turns one last time to make a suggestion. "Oh and do try to be as discreet as possible."

While walking off, we close the door behind us and are all still trying to comprehend what all just happened here and then even look at the stacks of money, in which most are obviously not all in american money.

When he said discreet, I am wondering in how we can do that even since this is a small town and who knows of Jericho already has his friends and them watching us.

I feel a bit worried at the moment and unsure about this. Something doesn't feel right and I'm not sure if I feel that way because of the situation and how quickly we need to leave or if I am still trying to make sense of some stuff.

Either way, I will follow him wherever. He will not do this alone.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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