CHAPTER 5: Thank You

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Nothing to me beats the moments I spend outdoors in my favorite spot, sketching some landscape and or whatever comes into my head and inspires me at the time.

I've always loved sketching. It's in a way like my journaling and helps bring me comfort and peace along with serenity.

This is how I escape from reality when I need to. It's almost like escaping to a dream and or different place I have created that only I can go to.

When the sun began going down, I had realized I lost track of time and stayed here all morning and pretty much all day long. So I gathered my things up and began heading back towards my house.

The wind started to pick up some more and I can't explain how or why, but I felt like something was wrong and very soon, something was going to happen.  In which I have always had that ability (stronger than most) among other so called 'gifts', as my mom always called them. So I began picking up the pace more until I heard a very deep growl come from nearby somewhere in the trees surrounding me.

I stopped and began to sniff the air a bit then heard another growl come from a close distance but in a different direction than the first one.

My gut quickly began telling me that whatever they were, they weren't rogues and there were more than one. Though their scent was not like anything I have ever smelled before.

All wolves and practically everyone, especially rogues, give off a certain aroma and whatever these were, it was unfamiliar.

Afraid to find out what they were, I quickly started sprinting several feet until I felt something heavy jump on top of me and knock me hard onto the ground, face first, tearing at my backpack.

I quickly take it off and start sprinting straight ahead as I knew I was getting closer to my house but then I got knocked down yet again, face down and I quickly started to try and turn onto my back to look at it to  fight it off of me, but this thing wasn't letting me.

Then out of nowhere, I suddenly felt lighter and heard a few yelps, growls and as soon as I flipped over and sat up, I noticed the same wolf I recognized from the other night that had ran after me, he was single- handedly, fighting off one by one these three creatures who looked like wolves but yet their features were more grotesque.

Soon enough, they all ran off, yelping in pain with the wolf that saved me just now panting before turning to look at me. I couldn't help but feel grateful yet in shock still with what all just happened.

He took a few steps towards me then stopped half way before moving his head down and walking off before I got the chance to try stopping him.

"Wait!" I called out as I started to stand up while brushing the dirt as much as I could off of me before walking towards the wolf.

"Thank you for helping me. I appreciate it." I smile at it.

It stopped and nodded at me before turning and sprinting away.

I wanted so badly to find out who it was and thank them properly. Maybe cook them dinner or buy them some dinner - something to thank them for saving my life. However, they took off before I got the chance to say anything else.

Hopefully I will see them again so that I can talk to them and also apologize from the other night when I snapped at them the way that I did - it was rude of me.

I was having a terrible day and night at the time and all I had wanted was some peace and quiet then he had come creeping up, ruining it, but then now, I don't know, maybe I assumed the wrong thing.

During the next week, I tried to see if I could see him again (assuming it's a 'him') even though I am sure it is, maybe even an Alpha from the way he is built. But so far, nothing.

That's what I thought at least until tonight when it was getting late and colder, then decided to start making my way back towards my house and when I got close by my backyard, I stopped the moment I heard a rustling sound and smelled a strong scent of cinnamon?

Once I looked over to my right in the woods, I saw two green eyes looking at me and right away knew it was the same wolf that saved me.

My wolf was excited and before shifting back to my human form, I walked over towards him.

"Hi." I greeted him through mind link.

"Hi." He replied and his voice sounded oddly familiar, but I ignored it.

"Why did you take off so fast the other night?! I wanted to thank you and offer to pay you back for saving my life." I tell him.

"It wasn't necessary. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, that's all. Nothing special." He explains.

"Well, despite what you think, I still would like to pay you back for saving me and also, to apologize for the way I acted towards you the first night I saw you." I started to explain.

He stood there for a moment without saying or doing anything other than looking off to the side. For a moment there, I thought he was trying to tell me to leave him alone and turning down my offer.

"Okay, I can take a hint. Again, thank you for saving me." I tell him and turn around to begin walking away towards my house when I hear him stop me.

"Okay!"  He shouts.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Okay. I accept your apology and accept your invitation to making it up to me. Why don't we meet in front of the pizza place in town tomorrow night at around six?" He suggests.

"Alright, see you then."  I smiled.

We then went our separate ways and I felt a little giddy, I won't lie. He sounded hot too.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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