CHAPTER 38: All For Nothing?!?

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While standing there hugging him, I had opened my eyes and looked across the way behind him and saw....Merrick?!

What the....before I could finish that thought, I suddenly turned my mind link on and apparently so did Merrick.

Immediately I became frozen. How could I have not known?! Why didn't my wolf tell me? Oh, that's right, I had to turn it off.

I then push this stranger  away but as soon as I do and get a good look at them, I see that it was Jericho. But how?

"What the fuck?!" I tell him while trying to push away.

He then harshly pulls me back in against him as I continue to struggle.

"Let go of me!" I demanded.

"Not so fast. Like I told you before, I always win." He grins in a cold and sinister way. "And thanks to your father's connections, I was able to easily deceive you by being given a serum that allows me to shift into another person. And who better than my brother?!" He smiles.

"You sick fuck!" I yelled while continuing to struggle out of his grasp.

I started screaming out for Merrick but Jericho immediately stopped me and tried telling me Merrick wasn't coming back.

"JERICHO!" Merrick shouted as the entire arena now fell silent.

Jericho stood straight up and turned to look behind him.

"Well well well. I see you made it out alive, brother." Jericho remarked.

It was the way he said the word 'alive' that shook me to my core.

"Yeah well, never send a fucking weak amateur to do your bidding. You want the title? The recognition? Respect? Then fucking earn it! Come and try to kill me yourself!" Merrick states.

Okay what the hell is going on here?!?

The next thing I knew, I quickly watched as Jericho and Merrick began charging towards one another right before jumping in mid-air and shifting back into their wolf forms as their clothes shredded and immediately began fighting each other.

I wasn't going to allow this to happen so I then quickly shifted into my wolf form and started sprinting towards Jericho and Merrick to try and get Jericho, since Merrick had seemed to have been several injured.

Then right as I got close enough, I was quickly stopped from a sudden excruciating pain that radiating throughout my head, causing me to come to an abrupt stop and forced my wolf to whimper in pain and agony as we struggled to stand back up onto all fours.

I knew who was doing this and the pain seemed to have been so debilitating, I had felt helpless to even fight back and help my wolf.

I began hearing Goldwyn's voice mind link me.

"Now that I have grabbed both of your attention, I plan to finish the completion to your transformation." I hear him tell me.

Despite the pain, I try and look to see where he is and can tell he has too shifted into his wolf form by now and is walking towards me.

"I. Will. Never join you." I struggled to mindlink him in reply.

"You have no choice now. Your mate soon will be done with and you'll be left with no one. Besides, I am your father. My blood runs through your veins. I am your destiny." He goes on.

"The hell you are. I know my destiny and it does not involve you. And I may have your blood in me but I also have my mother's. And hers is by FAR, stronger than yours." I finally manage to tell him before forcing my wolf and I to immediately get up and swiftly leap towards Goldwyn before we begin rolling around and start fighting each other.

I'm not sure how this will end for me as I'm more than well aware there is a more than likely chance he can kill me, but I sure as hell won't go down without a fight.

I have chosen my destiny and I refuse to allow evil to win.

Every second that passes by feels like forever as I try and ignore the pain in my head that still lingers as well as the pain I feel from the injuries I am obtaining in this moment.

Then suddenly I hear a yelp coming from my mate. I turn my head to look at him for not even a second when I am hurled forcefully towards the stone wall in the arena.

I felt the impact from the wall followed by the hard impact onto the ground nearly knocking me unconscious.

I quickly begin to feel my wolf and I start fading in and out of consciousness along with our sight becoming blurred.

Our body is badly damaged and injured. It even hurts to breathe. My breath becomes more and more shallow.

I heard helping and then two distinctive loud gutteral growls then began to hear both my mother and Merrick's as they rushed to my aid and started trying to help me.

I was able to briefly get a glance between them,.at both Merrick's father and Goldwyn's wolves fighting one another before I notice Merrick's father pounce on top of him, holding him down on his chest as they try and continue snapping at each other, before Merrick's father, pushes his paw onto Goldwyn's neck, cutting off his air supply until the sound of his neck breaking echoes throughout the arena.

I have now shifted into my human form and both my mother as well as Merrick's are trying to cover me up and to stay still but all I can think of is about Merrick.

"Shh...Calm down." My mother tries to stop me.

"No! We have to help Merrick!" I screamed out.

"It's alright. He's going to be okay. You need to not move." My mother started to cry.

Please let him be alright. Please. Oh God, please don't let this all be for nothing.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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