CHAPTER 20: New Problem

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I was speechless and couldn't find the right words to begin a simple sentence. However, I also was upset about the whole thing and wanted to know more. I deserved an explanation and when she eventually calmed herself down, I took a seat a few inches away from her on the couch and waited to hear her explain.

"It was before I met Pete. Your real father, he was a bully to me when I was very young. We were still in grade school. Then after leaving for several years, he returned. I was sixteen, the Moon Goddess had chosen him and I to be mates and he started to show me a completely different side - dark to the point where he eventually had to be sent away because he needed to have his anger be taken care of. He reassured me he did get his temper under control. He showed me that he had changed and although it wasn't right away that I gave him a chance believed him after a couple of years, until I turned nineteen. That's when he changed." She started. Then took in a couple of breaths and wiped her eyes again before continuing.

"Turned out while he was away for all that time before, he met a few guys that would be considered as rogues. He told me the things they had done and what these people taught him and I told him that I didn't want to be with him anymore. I spoke to the Moon Goddess and explained about the abuse and she immediately reversed the mate-link. He threatened constantly in how he would find me wherever I went and that I would never be safe. Then I met Pete, a few years after I left your dad and one night, when alone, your dad somehow found me and broke into my bedroom and hurt me." She struggles saying the last part.

I knew what she meant though by the way she told me he had 'hurt' her. So that means I was the result of an assault on her.

I felt myself tear up and feel awful in how just a little bit ago I was fixing on being harsh on her for not telling me about my real dad before but after hearing her tell me what she did, I didn't know how to react or respond to all of that.

"Oh my god mom, I'm so sorry." I tell her.

"No." She says and looks at me while taking my hands into hers. "I'm sorry for never telling you. I guess I just thought that if you ever knew how I truly got pregnant with you, I was afraid you might feel guilty or bad, like you were a mistake. Because you weren't. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life." She tears up more while holding my face.

"Aww mom." I cried more as we embraced each other in a hug and cried on each other's shoulders before talking some more.

I reassured her thought that from now until forever, Pete is still my dad.

After she explained to me what all is happening and what my so-called-real-father is planning to do along with the fact that Merrick was just informed of everything, after we have them come back in, we start trying to go over a plan.

"I don't know if we have enough evidence yet." Pete stated.

"Well we're running out of time!" Merrick's father exclaimed.

"Yes, I understand that but we have to make sure there are no lies on our evidence or anything. It has to be foolproof and  concrete." Pete stated.

Eventually we had come to an agreement about the Elders and when to call for a hearing and so forth. However, we now had just as big of a problem that involves my 'real' father wanting to come after me now and according to my mother, kill everybody I love, just so that he can try and take me away to teach me his ways.

He has plans to destroy all of the wolf council and others along the way to eventually have everyone fall to his feet and bow to him.

I want no part of it but I couldn't help but wonder in the back of my head why my father would want me to help him anyways, what made me so special? Then she told me that he has had ancient physical training.

Back in the beginning of our kinds there was a type of physical training that was taught and eventually had become 'too harsh' and severe to the point of too many others being killed. The mental part of the regime of the training back then was cruel and heartless.

Alpha training is tough, by far, on both mental and physical levels but isn't nearly as bad as before. The fighting isn't about being heartless but used as a weapon for self defense and used when needed. Rather than as before, the mentality was more along the lines of doing it because as an Alpha, you have to be the best and better than everyone else. Have to set an example for others and pretty much gave a lot of room for egos to be added in that mix.

None of that matters now though. All that matters is how to deal with everything else that is happening now and figure out what to do about my father.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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