CHAPTER 14: Here Goes Nothing

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When I had agreed to the deal between the elders and I, it wasn't until later that night after dinner while me, Mara and the guys were all going over everything, it wasn't until then that I realized what kind of a deal I had just made.

I'm not backing out. In fact, that isn't an option. However, this meant I would have to speak with my father whom I haven't seen or spoken to since I was put into confinement and he told me I was an embarrassment to the family.

After hearing the Elder explain there was a witness that had come forward and helped clear my name, I thought about what Colbert had told me before in that he had something in the works at the time that could help clear my name.

Throughout this process, I was going to be able to start all over with my life - with Mara.

Throughout the next few days, I contemplated many times in how I was going to approach my father and how I was going to behave so that he didn't get suspicious in why I was talking to him.

My first thought in how to get the information/confessions out from him was me breaking into the house but then I realized that wouldn't have worked and the Elders would have disapproved with that.

Mara and the guys all went over ideas with me until we decided that I would have to apologize to him and that I could even introduce him to Mara as my mate and that way, he wouldn't react drastically - hopefully.

I had sent a message to my father asking if he would be able to make time out of his day to meet Mara and we speak. He agreed and invited us over for dinner tonight.

This entire thing was going to be a process that I knew would take time but that I had to not take too long at the same time.

Mara and I had dressed nice and when we approached the front door, the door opened up and standing there was our butler of the past thirty years, Martin.

"Good evening, Merrick. It's been a while." He greets us with a welcoming smile.

"Yes, it has." I smiled in reply.

He pulled me in for a tight hug as I hugged him back.

He was like the uncle I never had and helped raise my brother and I but was more close to me.

"And who is this?" He asks while looking at Mara.

"Martin, this is my mate, Mara. Mara, this is our butler and good friend of the family, Martin." I introduced them both.

He raised her hand and placed a kiss on top of it.

"It's nice to meet you." She smiled as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"It's a pleasure meeting you." He bowed and smiled at her.

He escorted us inside then had us follow him towards the living room area and offered Mara and I a drink.

While sitting down on the sofa and waiting for Martin to return, I started looking around and thinking back on the many times I would watch movies with my brother and especially my mother. That was of course back before I got the reputation of being a 'bad seed.'

Then Martin returns with our drinks and a moment later, approached my mother and father. They looked no different than before - disappointed and not in love.

The truth about my parents relationship is that they fell out of love many years ago but have only stayed together for appearance sake and are the kind of mates that are rare. Usually when you find your mate, you both are in love. Destiny brought you both together. Unfortunately that wasn't the case with my parents.

Before the Moon Goddess ever become in charge of helping us find our mates, there was something far worse, you usually were forced to marry somebody you never had met before or even if you have, you didn't love. But it was all for appearances in public and such.

I can't say that my parents haven't tried to love one another (my mother more than my father) but still.

Mara and I stood to greet them and my mother looked at the both of us and I noticed immediately, her expression. She was smiling more than I think I have ever seen her smile before.

"Is this is your mate?" She asks while walking up to Mara and I.

"Yes. Mara this is my mother. Mother, this is my mate, Mara." I introduced the both of them.

"Aww it's a pleasure to meet you." She smiles then pulls Mara in closer to give her a big hug.

Although I was pleased to see my mother react this way, I still wasn't sure what was happening. Then again on the other hand, she sounds genuine.

My father came up beside my mother and shook Mara's hand then both my parents looked at me and as my mother held me close to hug me tightly, she mind linked me letting me know we needed to talk about something later on in private, this week.

My mother's tone in her voice sounded concerning to me. But I agreed.

Then my father held out his hand and his smile faded as he next held out his hand for me to shake, still looking as though he was still disappointed in me.

"Hello son. It's good to see you." He says.

"You too, Sir." I replied trying to sound genuine.

"Shall we take a seat since dinner won't be ready for another several minutes?" My mother had suggested.

"Sure." I replied.

Mara and I sat together on the sofa across from my parents sitting on another couch.

Here we go. I need to start this. Wish me luck, I think I might need it. Although I'm sure it will be alright since I do have Mara here with me to help get me through this.

Suddenly the emotions all started to surface and I had to of course force some of my 'intense' emotions down a bit.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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