CHAPTER 32: I'm Sorry

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Despite being against the Alpha Games for a while because of how dangerous it was and the fear I had about Merrick getting badly hurt or worse, getting killed, I knew it still meant a lot to him.

Although I was hurt from yesterday's drama after hearing what his father and Roman told us, I was hurt and angry and to be honest, still kind of am but, at the end of the day, things all come down to what our next moves should be.

This morning, it seemed that Merrick had slept in and was one of the last ones to wake up. We all ate an awkward quiet breakfast at the table here and I decided to break the silence.

"Merrick, I know this is probably something you don't want to hear right now but, I think that you should still go through with the Alpha Games and go up against your brother."

After saying that, everybody froze and looked at me surprised then looked at Merrick at the opposite end of the table where he looked up from his coffee mug at me and glared before sternly replying.

"I told you last night, I don't give a shit about any of that anymore." He tries to calmly tell me.

"I know you did but I also know that that wasn't true. I know if you back out, things will get worse. Your brother will...." I started to try and explain until he abruptly stood up and pushed the chair forcefully behind him.

"Drop it, Mara!" He states through clenched teeth.

"No! I will not drop it! I am not going to stand back and watch you sink deep down into the pit of darkness. Trust me, I have been there and it's nearly impossible to get out. Do you think that by ignoring the issues and recent threats at hand, they'll just go away?! My father will always look for me and try to do what he did. Not to mention your brother will always find a way to try and kill you. I have dealt with your brother's shit for too fucking long, that I refuse to have him try and take away the one thing in my life that I love just as much as my mother and Peter. Maybe even more." I state.

"Why do you want me to do the Alpha Games so badly all of a sudden for, huh?! So I can get back at my brother for not just what all he has done to me but so that you can watch him suffer from things he has done to you?! Or is it because you want the title and to be able to tell people your mate is the Alpha and the new Elder in the Wolf Council so that you can fulfill some fantasy of being a somebody?!" He fires back at me and that right there pissed me off more but also, hurt me badly.

However, fuck it! I'm not going to let him make me cry. I know this isn't him and he is just using me to express his anger out on but you know what? Fine, he wants to act like a damn child then he can go ahead. I myself am giving him space to cool down. For I too needed to also cool down. So I went into the room and slammed the door shut.

A few moments later, I got myself become sick and threw up in the bathroom. Usually that happens when I get as upset as I am right now. Although before I would always eat my emotions but since I have worked on not doing that anymore, I am feeling this shit and it has gotten me sick. -Damn emotions.

I could hear for the next almost hour, Jakob trying to talk to Merrick and they go back and forth yelling at each other and I just begin tuning them out until I shortly after hear the door slam shut, then there was silence again. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop and honestly, I don't know what's scarier to me - it being THAT quiet or sharing an awkward moment of silence. 

Either way, I needed to relax and calm myself, so I turned off the mind link and began watching some TV. After several hours passed by and it was nearly dark, I came walking out of the room finally and noticed that most of the guys were sitting on the couch in the living room area watching some movie and they all stopped to look at me. 

I noticed while scanning around the room real fast, that Jakob wasn't here and still there was no Merrick either. Even though I already knew he wasn't here since I couldn't smell him. I guess I had really upset him and should really have to learn how to keep my mouth shut on certain topics from now on. Yet, I don't regret necessarily what I told him. 

Jakob had next came walking in carrying some food and sodas for dinner and smiled once he saw me. 

"Hey girl!" He greeted me. 

"Hey." I replied feeling a bit embarrassed from me being overdramatic earlier. 

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. It's nice to have someone else not afraid to call him out on his shit." He winks at me. 

I chuckled as did the rest of the guys and we all sat down to eat and I watched a movie with them. Then right as I began throwing away some trash, Jakob helped me and tried to reassure me that Merrick is alright and was the one who had crossed the line. 

"I know but. I crossed the line too. I guess I'm not used to being a mate or being in a relationship to where I should be careful with how I approach things with him." I tell him. 

"Wow! Spoken like a true victim. And here I thought you were stronger than that." He smirked. 

I just smiled back at him. 

"I know things will be okay, it just sucks that he got so upset he needed to blow off enough steam to leave for practically the entire day." I tell him. 

"Yeah, he can sometimes be a baby. But hey, he loves you." He tells me. 

"I know. And I love him too." I replied back. 

While the guys all hung out and stayed up longer, I went to take a bath to soak away all the bad energy I was feeling. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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