CHAPTER 12: Off to See The Elders

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What the hell just happened?! None of this can really be happening. Not to mention, I felt like there were some things he wanted to tell me but for some reason hesitated and held back a little. Though on the other hand, I do trust him completely.

"Damn! I don't know what's going on but shit, free money and tickets to go to England?! Hell yeah!" One of the guys commented.

"Hold up!" Jakob stated. "How do we know we can even trust this guy? I mean, no offense, I know he helped get you out of confinement early and all but what of this is a trap?!" He asked.

"What makes you think it would be?" I asked him.

"I don't know if you guys noticed and are just ignoring the feeling but, something told me he was wanting to say something, a few times and held back. He also seemed worried and then suddenly, not as much towards the end." Jakob points out.

"Yeah, I got the same feeling too but it could also be the fact, like he mentioned, that there are some new developments in my case that could help prove my innocence and didn't want to jinx himself or whatever. So maybe that's why. Either way, I think at this point, we should just stick together, make a plan before we arrive and afterwards, depending on what the council says." I tell them.

"Okay. I guess you're right." Jakob agrees.

We all sit down and go over for now, a plan to hurry and grab things we needed to where we each had one carry on bag. Then everybody voted for me to hold the money. In which I placed it inside Mara's purse.

We decided to leave within the next two hours to the airport and try to be as discreet as possible and because where the guys were staying at and being close by Mara's property, it was easy and quick for them to grab their stuff then return back in a hurry.

Then as for me, luckily I had a few items of clothing already I had left here at Mara's place from staying over so often and she packed herself a bag then grabbed her purse and we all climbed into my car, not comfortably but were able to all fit, before taking off towards the airport.

While driving, I couldn't help but hear the anxiety and panic Mara was saying to herself in her head.

"Baby, it'll be okay, I promise. And as far as my brother goes, by the time he hears about us leaving, we would have already made contact with the council and explain things along with mentioning the Alpha Games being reinforced." I try to calm her with reassurance as I lift her hand to place a kiss on top of it and that seemed to do the trick - for now at least.

There was a part of me that began feeling, after we bought our first class plane tickets like we were on some sort of secret mission of some kind.

The plan ride took a little over 8 hours and I had mind-linked Colbert to let him know the time of our arrival, half an hour before we landed so that he could have the car driver wait for us. We were picked up in an SUV and the driver was dressed very formal and then we began heading towards the train station where luckily they had two first class cabins opened.

I have never been on a train but had always wanted to and apparently so has Mara.

The cabins were both next to one another and we had grabbed several snacks and drinks from the airport before heading outside to meet the driver, so we had something for the train ride. Then we would of course have meals in the dining car.

Everything was real nice and luxurious and we all felt like royalty in a way.

Mara and I wanted to relax for a moment while the guys wanted to walk around the train and visit the bar area and see what they were serving for meals.

When she finished putting her bags down, I turned her to face me and I held her with my arms wrapped around her waist, while looking into her eyes and holding her close against me.

"Thank you." I tell her.

"Of course. You're mine and I go where you go." She tells me.

"I'm the luckiest man alive."

"Yes you are." She chuckled.

"I'm so fucking in love with you!" I tell her.

"And I'm so fucking in love with you too!" She replies.

Forget the resting time before we meet up with the guys for dinner, I've got other ideas......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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