CHAPTER 7: Mates

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Last night was interesting and a bit intriguing. He surprised me and I somehow don't get the vibe that he is anything like his brother.

It is a bit early to assume still but, even if it turns out that he truly is nothing like Jericho, then that could easily be excused as the reason being he is older and more mature.

After mindlinking with my parents and getting ready for lunch, right on time, I noticed Merrick pull into the driveway and we took off to a nice little food place to grab some lunch (in which he DID allow me to pay this time) before we next headed towards a nice big park that is big enough to have everything and everyone spread out at a good enough distance.

Even though it didn't matter too much, since the people I wouldn't want to really run into anyways, were gone.

We sat next to each other with our backs against a tree and ate while getting to know one another more.

Things seemed to be going so well that I started to think for a short moment at one point, that this had to be some kind of a dream or that any moment I would find out it was some kind of a sick and twisted joke, but my wolf reminded me otherwise.

Throughout the next two weeks, I have noticed when we hung out, that I really have been enjoying his company a lot and like being around him and love the way he makes me feel. I feel the way others normally feel when they Have found their mates. But if that were true, wouldn't he have said something? And wouldn't my wolf have said something also?!

Before I was able to bring it up today after we saw a movie, we are stopped by the hundredth person since we started hanging out, mostly girls, try and talk as well as flirt with him and he seems to not mind it so much.

Although at the same time, I don't even know if him and I are dating or just hanging out. Sure we have had a few moments here and there to kiss and didn't or even hold hands and aren't still, so I guess I shouldn't be bitchy but at the same time, my wolf and I are very jealous and upset as well at how he is reacting to these girls flirting with him.

Now, it isn't that he really flirts back and he does introduce me by name at least, but I want him and want everybody to know it too. But I don't want to sound like a bitch.

After the girl tells him to call her, I start stomping away pissed off and feeling a little hurt.

How could I be so stupid?! Sure he has been nice to me and all and I thought he was getting the same vibes off of me like I was with him but I guess it wasn't true.

"Go back damnit!" She snaps at me.

"No! CLEARLY he wants to be just friends or whatever and doesn't seem to mind all the attention he is getting from other girls!" I fired back at her.

"I have been trying to tell you this for a while now, but since you have been so good at shutting down any possibility or hope to finding a mate, it has been really hard to say anything, but NOW?! Well, here it is....HE IS OUR FUCKING MATE!" She states.

I was in complete disbelief and shock. There is no way that is true. I can't have another mate so fast! Besides, that would have meant he would have already known and should have said something but hasn't.

"That's not funny, Millie!"  I fired back at her.

"It's the damn truth! Like I said seconds ago, you have been fighting any feeling that would be associated with him being our mate that it was difficult trying to get through to you to that point but since you are being an idiot and could BLOW our chance this time at happiness, I am NOT going to let it slip away! Last time wasn't your fault but if you screw this up, this time, it WILL be your fault!" She says with finality.

The next thing I feel is a strong hand grab my arm and turn me around to face him.

"Where are you going?" Merrick asks.

"I thought you and your girl there might have wanted some alone time!" I snapped at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Woah! Calm down. I can't help it if girls think I'm attractive and want to hit on me." He fires back.

"Yeah well, you should really be more respectful and..." I began to rant until he stopped me.

"And what?! Tell them to fuck off?!" He says with a chuckle.

"SOMETHING!" I snap back.

"Why do you even care?!" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

Not sure why that last part hurt me but it did sting a bit.

"Because.....because.....I don't know. I don't know anything any more." I start to break down a little. "You know what, do what you want with whoever you want. It's none of my business. I just god, never mind. I refuse to be embarrassed again." I muttered the last part in defeat and was getting ready to walk away until he caught me before I could walk off and pulled me in close against his chest while smashing his lips onto mine and me letting my wolf take over and enjoy this moment....starting by kissing him back.

Then once we pulled our heads apart to catch our breaths, we both muttered to each other......


Next chapter will be posted soon! :) As in later today (Tuesday).

Also, again, I know this all sounds a bit fast, but the full book version, once out, will have more scenes, take a bit longer (not too much longer) to be together and admit they're mates, etc. Also, in the book version, I may change a few things with the order, in particular, when they finally admit to being mates and her wolf telling her. I have an idea for this chapter that will be a bit different but hope you all still are enjoying this story and like this chapter too. Not sure also, but unless I can think of another way to write this chapter for this short version, I will keep this scene in. :);)

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