CHAPTER 37: But How?!?

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This was it. This was the moment I have been waiting for a very long time. The outcome to these games were going to change both of our lives forever.

While standing in the middle of the arena at the entrance of the labrinth of a course, I took one last look around at the crowd who all were cheering for me and despite the fact that I appreciated their support, my pack's, both mine and Mara's parents as well as Mara's, she was all I cared about looking at.

I gestured with my lips a kiss at her as she blew me one in return and then the moment I heard the announcer start talking, that's when the 'reality' of this all settled in. I could die tonight.

Jericho and I both shifted quickly into our wolves (me of course, still faster at shifting than him) and prepared to start as soon as the announcer told us to. However, before doing so, Jericho told me something that took a lot for me to not rip out his throat then and there.

"Don't you worry brother. I'll be sure to take care of Mara for you." Jericho winked and smirked at me.

"You'll never get the chance." I tell him.

Then seconds later, we shifted. The next thing I heard was the man say 'GO!' and Jericho and I had taken off.

There were two entrances and two exits. Although they were the same courses and obstacles we each were going through, we both still weren't allowed to be together.

A few minutes into the labrinth, I began getting flashbacks of the last time I was in here and what had happened. However, my wolf thankfully shut me up and had me refocus on what was happening now.

My wolf and I were doing great and even though I wasn't one hundred percent certain, I still deep down felt like I was doing better than Jericho.

Just knowing the fact that he suggested even doing this in the first place was surprising but then again, on the other hand, he will be the one making a fool of himself.

This course tests everything and no matter how hard you try and train for this, whether mentally and or physically, these obstacles remind you every time that you can't prepare ever enough for these.

Suddenly, I felt myself stumble after feeling myself getting hit from behind. Once I came to a complete halt and got up to see if it was Jericho or not, it wasn't. It was another wolf who I didn't recognize and since it's against the rules to turn on mindlink, I couldn't tell who it was. Although, I'm sure Jericho had something to do with it.

The other wolf and mine were standing at a stance a few feet from one another and he showed his sharp teeth as did I while we growled and then sprinted towards one another and began fighting.

Blood was drawn immediately from the both of us as we snapped, snarled some more at one another and even clawed each other.

Whoever this wolf was, he doesn't stand a chance. At least that's what I had thought up until a moment later after he had somehow managed to throw me hard and far off from on top of him of me pinning him down to the ground, to where I forcefully hit one of the stones walls covered in bushes that made up the labrinth.

The impact from the hit and the height at which I had fallen from after bouncing off the wall onto the ground was so hard that I nearly went unconscious.

My wolf and I seemed to be badly injured to where we struggled to stand. But then I saw the wolf begin to walk menacingly towards me as if he was going to finish me off and at that exact moment, I began to think about Mara.

I had made a promise to her and I had intended to keep it. Not to mention I remembered what my father once told me when I was in a state of defeat during my first year of him training me in how to fight like a strong Alpha.

"There will be moments in our lives when we get knocked down and sometimes it will feel like we have been defeated. But defeat only happens to those who give up. Never give up! Never surrender or go down without a fight!"

Him and my grandfather were always great philosophers and always had wisdom and motivational quotes like that, some even from others they had quoted. However, for this moment in time, right now, that particular one had gotten to me.

And just as if by some miraculous gesture, I felt myself begin to get up. Still a struggle as my legs were shaking from the pain and I just stared deep into his eyes - met his glare and it was as of it all happened in slow motion then began to speed up, but we clashed with each other once again only this time, the wolf laid lifeless on the ground.

I watched and waited a brief moment to see who it was but, the moment I saw the person shift into their human form, I still didn't recognize them.

When trying to next hurry and continue to finish this game, I suddenly began hearing the uproar of the crowd cheering loudly throughout the entire arena.

Why were they cheering?!

Then it hit me. That son-of-a-bitch beat me!
But how?! No! I don't accept this defeat. I'm not sure in how I am going to prove this neither but somehow, I just know he had sent this asshole to try and prevent me from winning or even worse, to try and KILL me.

I hurried throughout the rest of everything and came to a complete and abrupt stop the moment I reached the end of the labrinth and saw Mara hugging.....Me?!? 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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