CHAPTER 28: They Deserve Better

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I was awakened by the sunlight hitting my eyes and causing me to squint.

While sitting up slowly, I quickly tried covering my eyes and decided to get up and close the curtains.

I was feeling well rested. In fact, I was feeling more rested than I have ever felt in my entire life. Glad I was able to catch up on some sleep.

When I look back at the bed, I noticed Merrick wasn't beside me, like I had expected him to be. Where was he? Eh, maybe he was out for a run.

Then I started to sniff the air as I right away smelled some delicious food and heard voices coming from downstairs.

I began making my way down and as soon as I had reached the dining table where everyone was at, everybody fell instantly silent and looked at me with some hesitation then with surprise.

Merrick's mother finally broke the awkward moment by walking up to help escort me to a chair next to hers.

"Good morning sweetie." She smiles at me.

"Good morning." I replied. "Why are you all looking at me weird?"

"Why don't you take a seat. You must be hungry." She says as she pulls out a chair for me.

Everybody remains quiet and we all start passing plates of food around then begin eating. However, I quickly notice that Merrick isn't here and that there's no place setting even for him. Okay, what the hell is going on?

"Where's Merrick?" I asked.

Both of his parents along with everyone else puts their heads down and continue to eat nonchalantly as though they didn't hear me and I start to think that maybe I did something and if so, I don't remember. Either way, I am not going to allow any disrespect or be given the silent treatment without an explanation.

"Look, I don't know what I did. Whatever it was, I'm sorry. But if this is how it's going to be then I can just find some other place to go and stay." I boldly state.

Next I heard a loud sigh from Merrick's father at the opposite end of the table before he began to explain everything.

"I was hoping we could wait until after breakfast to explain things to you but, you've been asleep for a while already so, I guess it is only fair." He began.

Oh God, what the hell is he going to tell me?
Did I do something to hurt them or Merrick? Is that why he isn't here? Oh God, do I want to even know? Yes, yes I do.

"A week ago, we had just gotten you back from after being captured by your father. He had manipulated you and erased all memories except for a few, and replaced them with new ones. Lies of course but, he had nearly finished the completion of turning you fully into what he was. Thankfully we were able to extract all the damage he had done and even the memories he had replaced. Though full recovery from you will still take some time, at least now you have a chance to. Right away our doctor gave you something that made you sleep for the past week and help ease any pain or recollection of what happened." He states with guilt in his voice.

Merrick's mother continued to finish telling me more things and it took me a moment to fully grasp and understand what was happening but once I had, I suddenly felt sick and as if I was a terrible person.

"Oh my god." I muttered to myself. "So, wait, why didn't you guys come and get me sooner, before my father did anything?" I hesitated to ask at first but knew I needed to.

"Please forgive us, Mara. We only waited as long as we had to come and get you because, well, your father is very powerful and seems to have had created quite an army of his. He even recruited Jericho." Merrick's mother tearfully says and then tries to wipe some tears away.

Everybody was silent. I could tell though as I looked around, that their facial expressions showed a lot of guilt and empathy for me. I didn't want that. I didn't DESERVE it. Not after I treated Merrick and then allowed him to apparently be put into my father's.....No! I have to stop thinking this way. Yet, how could I not?

"No." I said out loud. "It's me who should be sorry. I have failed all of you. You all deserve better. I am not a good Luna. I'm not strong enough and apparently have disappointed even Merrick. I can tell from his absence and by the way you guys aren't telling me as to why he isn't here or even where he is. I fucked up. Excuse me." I quickly stood up and started to leave out the back and took off deep into the woods until I couldn't run any more.

Then I dropped to my knees and held my face while crying and screaming loudly from the pain I was beginning to feel. It was a terrible pain and my wolf is crying in pain from not being with Merrick.

This pain is unbearable and hurts so badly I just want to rip out my heart. In fact, this is the type of pain you usually feel when your, he wouldn't.

My god, why me?!? What have I done that was so terrible to where life has brought me here?

I continue crying hard until I end up falling asleep.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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