CHAPTER 3: My God, Really!?!

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Who the hell did that asshole think he was?!? And what did he mean the other night by 'accepting me?!' Yeah, no, I don't care what he meant by that. Throughout these past few days since then, I decided not to care.

I have not seen his wolf before and to be honest, I don't care neither who it was, they better not live in this town and bother me again. Next time their wolf see's mine again, they will learn very quickly that I don't want to be bothered.

Judging by the size of his wolf, he must be an Alpha, which in that case, I already don't like him since they are all the same. In fact, I'm sure he is used to making the girls all drop to their knees and swoon over him when in his human form by just a smile, but not me. I'm not falling for that bullshit! Nor do I care for any cockiness and arrogance he  may display neither.

Not to mention the jerk-off completely ruined my alone time and then chased after me. He seemed to somehow excitey wolf and I have to admit smelled really good but, I have given up on all that mate shit. Besides, I already explained to my wolf that I had shut myself off to that, so I didn't have to get hurt again.

Since that happened the other night, I guess it doesn't matter. Hopefully I never have to see him again in my favorite spot in the woods.

Today, I for once did not want to spend it at home and I decided to go walking around into town until I decided what looked to be fun.

One of my favorite shops that I enjoyed going into was a crystals and stones place that also had incense and other things that I was interested in, but mainly was better for witches, I had heard.

I have always loved things that had to do with magic. It wasn't like the card tricks and illusions that humans portrayed, THIS was real.

There was a particular item in there that caught my eye immediately though. It was a necklace with a beautiful deep blue colored stone in the center with a diamond round silver perimeter holding it.

"Hello there." An older woman greeted me.

"Hi." I replied.

"Can I help you?" She greeted me with a smile as she walked over behind the display case.

"Uh yeah, I was wondering how much this necklace was." I pointed out to her.

"It's $500." She states.

Damn, I didn't have that much.

"Okay. Thanks anyways." I replied before turning around to begin leaving.

"However...." She calls out to me and walks up to me around the counter to hand it to me.

"It's on sale today. In fact, I'll let it go for $100." She smiles kindly at me.

"You would really knock that much off of it?" I asked her.

"Yes. Because I can tell that this was meant for you. Almost like it has chosen you." She says the last part with more emphasis.

I'm sure she doesn't mean anything by that because she is just trying to sell me something but then again, she has knocked off nearly $400 off the price. Who am I to complain though?!

"Thanks." I replied back with a smile.

She rang me up as I took out the money and handed it to her and the moment I put it on, I got chills and not in a bad way.

"Please, come back and see me." She smiles real big at me.

"I will. Thank you again." I tell her and leave the shop.

While walking outside, I take one more look into the window and she already has disappeared most likely into the back room, so I just shake off that awkward and strange moment that just occurred before I start walking away.

I feel in a way.....different. Of course not in a bad way or anything but just - different.

Oh well.

The rest of the day I just walked around and said 'hi' to the people who always were kind to me and pretended as though I never had bullies and that everybody liked me and I wasn't the Mara they have come to know since we moved here.

I had also found out today that Jericho's older brother, Merrick, had moved back into town a few days back. In which I guess that's cool. I mean, I never met the guy but I can only assume that he is no different than his asshole of a younger brother, Jericho. So hopefully I can stay clear of him and not have my Summer ruined.

Before heading home, I grabbed some groceries to stock up on some things and as soon as I came walking out then turned the corner, I hit something hard like a wall only when I looked, it wasn't a wall. Instead, it was a big, built, tall guy who looked like he could be an Alpha and probably was one. And with a closer look, I could tell it was Jericho's older brother by his similar glare and his similar facial features.

My wolf tried to let me know how excited she was but I stopped her right away and quickly I felt myself become irritated before snapping at him, after I noticed my bag of groceries were on the ground with my eggs all broken.

"What the hell?!" He snaps at me first.

"Excuse me? You're the one who didn't watch where he was going!" I fired back while picking up the rest of the bags.

"Pff. Says the girl who dropped her grocery bags after not looking when turning the corner." He states with his eyebrow cocked.

"Of course you would be no different." I muttered to myself or had THOUGHT at least, that I had mumbled it to myself.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing. Just you and your brother seem to have been raised with the same arrogant attitude." I tell him then start to walk off in the direction towards my house.

I could tell he wanted to say something or possibly hurt me even as it seems like I got him pretty heated up rather quickly after the comment. But thankfully his friends came walking up to him and prevented him making a scene.

My god, what an asshole, seriously! Then to make matters worse, I will need to get eggs later on since he caused me to drop them. I swear, their parents must be so proud of them.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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