CHAPTER 16: A New Course

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Once we were finished with dinner and everything, my father mentioned he wanted to speak with me alone for a moment before Mara and I left.

"It's good to see you son. It truly is." He tells me serious with sincerity.

"It's good to see you too. Although I have to admit, I wasn't expecting things to go so well." I chuckled.

He started to chuckle as well.

"Yeah. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but...." He stops himself for a moment and looks as though he is about to break down and tear up, but then he stops himself to collect his thoughts before continuing to shock and surprise me yet again tonight.

"Listen, I know what you're up to. In fact, I knew this moment would eventually come. I just had hoped I had fixed everything before anyone found out." He started to explain.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat before I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Merrick, we're both grown men. Not to mention that you have never been able to lie."

Shit! He caught me.

"I'm sorry. However, on the other hand, after everything they told me about what you've done, I can't help but believe them." I explain.

"I know. And I don't blame you. I just wished things were different. I took risks going behind their backs because I knew they wouldn't support my decisions but, I promise you that I did it for the better for everyone." He states.

"How could that be though? You've made new deals and have recreated treaties, with some that never needed to have been changed." I point out.

Is he seriously going to excuse his decisions and defend them as doing what he has been doing in order to make things better for us all?!

"You don't understand. This entire thing has become more complicated than it ever needed to become. Your mother and I both have fought throughout the years, since you and your brother were little, trying to convince the Elders to adapt. The Elders are too set in their ways to see that times have changed and the world has evolved. We needed to revise our treaties and create new ones with new standards mixed with some of the older ones." He starts explaining.

"I'm confused. I thought everything was fine and HAS been fine for centuries because of the treaties we had made." I mention.

"For the most part, yes. Again though, times have changed and there are new hybrids these days and we need to make sure there is peace with them instead of labeling them as rogues or unwanted kinds." He explains.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that?" I asked.

"Because I tried to protect you. I love both you and Jericho and would do anything for you boys, including your mother. Which is also why, what I am about to tell you is very difficult and really hard for me." He begins.

"What?" I asked feeling fearful of what he is about to tell me.

"When you were sent away, we knew you were innocent. Your mother and I tried everything we could to fight and try to clear your name. We tried looking for evidence to get you out. Although we didn't know until somebody came forward recently, that it was Jericho who did that to that wolf and left you to take the blame, did we know who exactly did it. During the time it took to try and look into your conviction, I came across certain treaties that were already broken or in the process of becoming undone, I had little time to try and make things right while at the same time creating new treaties with others."

"But why would the other Elders say that, especially the Head Elder?" I asked still in disbelief as to what I was hearing.

I do have to say though, to my father's credit that he too has never lied to me or anyone. So I can't help but believe him. Not to mention the look in his eyes and tone in his voice tells me he isn't lieing.

"They don't want to taint their names and place any disgrace to themselves. Meanwhile, they are trying to create a war and turn me into a big enemy." He explains.

He continues to divulge more information to me that has me shocked and more upset than ever at the council and others who have known about this.

This changes everything and what my father and I begin to discuss next will certainly change the future of the council and many other things that will create hopefully a more honest and better way of doing things.

Things are about to get ugly, I can already predict, but hopefully, for the better.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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