Chap 11 magcon lexi wait what

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Lexi POV

There stood the person who helped the person trying to kill me the person who broke my heart and the people who helped me/ made my life worse.


It has been a week since the Harry incident and the boys went out for dinner while I heal up at home I thought I was alone watching tv but I thought wrong.

Cameron showed up I haven't fully forgiven cam for what he did. Cam looks at me and says "look I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself look at you your beautiful, sweet and when we kissed each other I know you felt it too" he said looking at me. I got angry he just thinks he owns me even though Harry is dead. "look I don't love you ok I love Nash and please just move on" I said while rolling my eyes. He chuckled and I looked at him confusingly and he said "well babe I can't let you love Nash because I love you too much" he said while moving closer to me he started leaning in and I backed up and slapped him. "CAMERON GET IT THROUGH YOU THICK SKULL I DINT LIKE YOU" I yelled then he pinned me to the wall and said "your gonna pay for that" he said while smirking.

I kicked him right I the junk he groaned and fell to the ground. Now this is my chance to run I hopped over him and ran I turned around to see cam charging at me. I ran up the stairs while screaming.

I tripped the last step so clichè I screamed because one my foot hurt and I have cameron Dallas trying to rape me. Cam just picks me up and puts me on his shoulder and scream and punch and kick his back.

He brings me up to his room and locks the door he puts me down I try to stand up but I can't my foot hurts like a bitch. I look at cam and say "please don't cam your better than this" he then gets out a knife and says "if you fight it hurt me or scream I cut you got it." I was just sobbing and he unclothed me and I think you can guess what happened after that.

1week later Nash and I have been fighting a lot lately he gets texts from this girl and he says it's nothing and he has also been coming home drunk and last night he hurt me. We are now in the living room yelling at each other. I say "if you gonna keep on doing this I'm gonna leave" he just laughs and say "leave you have no where else to go we are all you got" and with that I left and never saw them again until now.

Flashback over

I have never told the boys that the magcon boys helped me or anything I said boys I didn't name them they asked who they were and I didn't tell them not even Sam.

I am just at the bottom of the stairs looking at the magcon boys with wide eyes and they look at me the same.
To break the tension I pretend I don't know them I say "hi my name is Lexi" they just say "umm hi" says matt.

Kian says "hey want to go swimming and get to know each other better" I say "sure" and Ricky yells "YASS BITCH" I just laugh and everyone goes to get changed. I get changed into my normal black bikini and put on shorts and a crop top.

I head downstairs and see everyone ready Jc yells "LETS GO" Shawn says "dam you guys are loud" I just laugh and say "clearly you haven't met them" then I hear Nash mumble "yea but we've met you" God what a prick everyone hops in the pool while I just take off my crop top and shorts. yes I still have the scars on my arms from when I was alone I have some on my back some on my legs and a little more near my ribs the ones on my wrist are from me the ones from over my body are. From mystery man but I got a huge nasty one from cameron that time he was rapeing me I screamed because I was scared and he cut me right in the rib.

I see Kian walking over he takes my wrists I have been 2 months clean I'm proud of my self he checks my wrists and smiles seeing I haven't cut and I smile saying "2months clean." He smiles and picks me up and puts me in his shoulder. And I jumps in the pool I swim up laughing and then Connor yells "LETS PLAY CHICKEN" everyone agrees.

The teams are me and Kian, Nash and Cam, Matt and Carter, Hayes and Shawn, Jack and Jack and Aaron and Taylor. For o2l it's Connor and Ricky, Trevor and Jc and Sam sat out and cheered us on.

It's me and Kian vs Nash and cam. Nash is on top and I'm on top nash pushes me and I push him he pushes me harder I almost fell off them I remember all the pain in my life and push him he instantly fell off and everyone is cheering.

After a couple of hours of swimming and playing we play truth or dare. Hayes say "Lexi truth or dare" and he says "I dare you to sing a song for us" I say "oh I can't sing" and Trevor say "come on we've never heard you sing I say fine and start singing just give me a reason by pink.


Right from the start you were a thief you stole my heart and I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty and with every touch you fix them
Now you've been talking in your sleep oh oh things you've never say to me oh oh
Tell me that you've had enough of our love, our love

Just give me a reason just a little bit's enough just a second were not broken just bent and we can learn to love again It's in the stars it's been written in the stars of our hearts
Were not broken just bent and we can learn to love again

Singing over

I finished the song and everyone is looking at me with wide eyes I feel insecure when people stare at me its like they are looking at my flaws."so Jc truth or dare" I say simply and he just stares and Trevor screams "THAT WAS AMAZING" and everyone else agrees.

I just shrug and Kian say "You are singing more often" I just roll my eyes and he whispers in my ear "cause it's hot" I blush and giggle and he chuckles. we continued playing when I got tired and fell asleep on Kian shoulder.

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