16/Touching the Virgin Mary?

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As I'm pulling up my black jean skirt and throwing on my light blue sweater, I look in the mirror adjusting my curled hair and then when I'm about to place mascara on I notice the mark on my cheek is there.. and is very noticeable. It doesn't hurt, only if I touch it or put pressure on it.

I just sigh and run downstairs and get into my moms car. She doesn't say a word to me the entire car ride and I just try to also stay as silent as I can the entire time.

She pulls up to the school and mumbles something under her breath and I just look at her and get out of the car.

I see Mercy and she hugs me, "You look adorable." she says running her hands through my hair then her smile drops. "My good lord Jo.. are you okay?" she says caressing my face. I take her hand and bring it down and nod. "Yeah, I just fell. It's nothing big."

"Jo.." she says.

"I need to tell you something, though." I say and she nods, "Okay? Okay? What!?" she smiles. "Jack asked me out and I said.. yeah." I say and her eyes go wide and she jumps and she hugs me. "No way!" she hugs me. "Since when?"

"Since last night." I smile and then she jumps up and down and hugs me tight. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Merc." I smile and the bell rings

"Tell me more at lunch!" she says and I nod walking into school and opening my locker and exchanging my book. I close my locker and jump when Jack is leaning against the locker next to me wearing his jeans and his light grey hoodie. "Hey." He says and I hug my books together to my chest. "Hey." I smile and he puts two fingers under my chin and pulls me into a gentle kiss. I smile once he pulls away and he pushes a piece of hair behind my ear and then his smile fades. "Oh my god Jo, are you-?" he says touching the bruise on my cheek. I nod and bring his hand down then he brings his hand back up caressing it, "What happened?" he asks and then I see Hero over by the stairs with another girl all over him look directly at us and then he notices my bruise. My gosh. I didn't want to make this a damn big deal because I don't even care about it.

"Nothing-"I begin before Hero runs over and shoves Jack. He places his hand on my face and I just stand there dumbfounded, Jack's eyes are just wide and everyone is staring. "What the fuck happened-" Hero begins before someone comes up to him and pats his shoulder, "Why are you touching the virgin mary man? You like her or sum?" he says and laughs and Hero looks at me and shakes his head dropping his hand, "I'd rather throw up then ever touch her." he says and walks away and gasps and oh's are filled throughout the hallway and Jack comes back over to me.

"I don't even know what to say to that." he says and I sigh, "Me neither. I don't really care though. He's a dick, and acts like a dick. I don't care about him not wanting to touch me because I don't want him ever touching me, ever." I say and the bell rings and I plant a kiss on his lips and rush to history class.

Now what the hell is Hero's problem? Because he had no problem taking my shirt off and not being able to get his hands off me yesterday so I'm not comprehending.

I sit down and just sigh and pull out my books.

The class is about to be over and Hero has been on his phone the entire class and just huffing and puffing. Then the bell rings and he bolts out and I'm slowly behind him with Mercy and I see him try to bolt up the stairs before Ally grabs him by his hoodie and pulls him back and all stand around in the hallway. "Don't fucking touch me?" Hero yells at her pulling himself back and his immature friends all yell laughing.

"Stop ignoring my damn texts!" She yells and she looks hurt. "I don't know what to tell you Ally, I don't want anything from this and I told you nothing would come from this!" He yells back rubbing his temples and Ally's best friend Kelis runs up next to her, "Ally," she says out of breath, "I told you, stop it with him. You deserve better then someone who makes out and fucks girls for a living when you can do so much better then that." She says patting his chest. "So you kissed her, fucked her? What did you do with her?" Ally asks and my eyes go wide..who is she talking about?

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