67/Leave without you.

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"That is crazy!" Mia says as we ordered Pizza and are eating it on the bed in our dresses it's 12 am.

I told her what happened with Hero. "I know right!" I say shoving a piece of pizza in my mouth.

"It is just weird to me though how he didn't think to tell you, and it was so random like if you didn't go to prom would he ever reach out to you again?" She questions.

"Good question." I laugh then sigh. "I don't know Mia, what do I do?"

"Do you love him?" She asks.


"Is he worth it?" she asks.

"I don't know, we really aren't good for each other but, I love him." I sigh.

"Do you think he'll change?" she asks.

"Yes. London is a new start with him and I pray he did change already, he seems a little different but he's the same Hero I fell in love with."

"It's only been three months, you guys are dramatic." she rolls her eyes.

"Three months is a long time for us!" I defend myself.

"I guess. I don't know if I like him for you but if you're happy, that's all that matters." she shrugs.

"A lot can change in three months." I say and stand up and go into my bag and begin getting something to sleep in.

"Still not a fan of him." she shrugs.

"That's it, I'm booking a flight. I'll surprise him." I laugh and grab my phone and she rolls her eyes and leans back.

"Good luck."

"Thank you." I smile.


"So you booked it?" she asks as I just got out of the shower and I'm changing. It's sunday morning,

"Sure did." I laugh brushing my hair. "My flights at eight thirty I think, his is at eight so we will just be on different planes, I'm excited to go to london though." I add.

"That's a whole other country, are you sure you're ready to do this?" she questions.

"You don't seem happy or support that I'm doing this," I sigh.

"It's not that. I genuinely am happy for you if you're happy obviously but this is so last minute you barely thought about this." she looks at me clipping her hair up. "I love and care for you like a sister Jo, and I'll always be here when you need somewhere to go or need something but you two are so on and off, do you think moving to another country with him is a really such an amazing idea?" she ask.

She's right, so right. Damnit Mia.

"I don't think it's such an amazing idea..." I sigh. "I don't know what I'm doing!" I declare, "It's all so fast and random and I'm not even thinking but a big part of me wants to go so I guess I'm saying screw it and doing it."

"Let's go get brunch with Hero and Felix, they're waiting." she says and I raise my eyebrow at her. "How do you know that?" I ask.

I still have Hero blocked on everything but we said when we went to the hotel that we would be at 12 for brunch at this one restaurant by their hotel.

"Felix asked for my number." she smiles and I push her shoulder as I pull on my light blue skinny jeans.

"I knew it! You were on your phone all night." I laugh and then put on my white fitted shirt, it's short sleeves.

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