25/To the maroon dress!

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Its Monday morning, were off school today and I'm now out to breakfast with Ethan as our families are at the table down from us. I stayed over Mercy's Friday night and it was nice, we did face masks, watched movies and ate lots of ice cream and popcorn. Saturday obviously the boys were not going to come over...so we just went out to the movies and then I went home around dinner time. Katherine left after dinner and she hugged me, telling me to text and call her everyday and make good decisions blah blah. 

I was upset all weekend about Jack and about Hero but obviously she knew about the Jack thing and that's all she thought. I just lost Jack because of Hero and Hero told me he wouldn't hurt me, and it's exactly what he did, I won't let him hurt me again, never again.

Jack texted me a few times, asking how I was, telling me he's sorry, and goodnight and good morning texts. I haven't been answering him, nothing from Hero, he's probably been having sex all weekend with random girls and getting drunk.

"So you guys are like...officially broken up?" Ethan asks taking a bite of his waffle.

"Well," I sip my strawberry milkshake, my favorite. "I guess? I mean technically? I want to be done, but I told him we were done? I don't even know." I sigh. I told Ethan everything, not really everything but a lot to keep him updated. He knows I cheated on Jack and he isn't fond of me doing it but It already happened and he said he's glad I did end it before I kept doing it. I mean we really have been dating for like three weeks. Wasn't that special.. I guess.

"What has he been texting you?" Ethan asks and I twirl my wavy blonde hair with my finger.

"Oh Jo please forgive, oh Jo I care about you so much, Oh please Jo we can't let Hero's dumbass get in between us blah blah, stuff like that you know." I let out a breath and shake my head. "I'm learning not to care so much, its better. I mean obviously I still care about a lot of things but certain things I've learned to not care so much about anymore, you know?" I lick my lips then sip my milkshake again

"Public school has definitely changed you." he laughs and raises his eyebrows.

"You think?" I raise my eyebrows back at him.

It's clear public school and the people I hang out with have changed me for sure, I don't know if I'd admit that to anyone ever but I know it has. I can't tell if it was for the better or for the worst, it may could be for both but I know I'm not the same Jo who first stepped foot into this new high school.

"No, I know." he laughs rubbing his hands on his grey jeans. I look at my phone buzzing and Mercy's calling me, "One ." I say to him and he nods and begins going on his phone as I answer.

"Hey, can I-" I say to Mercy and she cuts me off, "I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I need you to come with me." she says and I make a weird face and Ethan looks at me confused, I forgot he has no clue what she just said to me. "You want me to come to a wedding with you?" I question.

"Yes, did you not just hear me ask that? Like dress hot, do hot makeup, gorgeous hair, you know?" she says.

I laugh, "Who's wedding?"

"My cousins, come on please!" she says and I sigh, "Where at? Here?"

"Nope in Miami." she says and I shake my head to myself, "We live in Seattle, Washington do you know how far that is?" I say and she laughs. "Yep."

"I can't-" I begin and she cuts me off. "I'm kidding. It's like 45 minutes away, we'd be staying in this luxury house my parents own. It's like it's own area so all the houses are near one another and they'd barely be home." she says and I sigh. "Is Hero going?" I ask into a sigh.

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