Ch. 1 Memories

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Arizona's POV

I walk into the hospital after being told to go home and rest, ready to see my daughter.

"Doctor Edwards. How is she doing today??" I ask strolling into Sofia's room where she's sleeping peacefully.

"Today her vitals are stable. Her blood pressure is a little low but that's normal for just having brain surgery. Her medical coma will be lifted today and you'll get to talk to her. We just have to do a few sensory tests as soon as she wakes up."

I nod and sit down next to her bed and grab her hand. I miss talking to my little bug.

2 weeks ago

"Shepherd!!! It's Sofia!! She's collapsed. She's unresponsive!! Please!! Help her!!" I yell running into the hospital by Sofia's gurney. "Edwards book CT right now and clear up an OR for me. This tumor is coming out today."

We rush to CT only to find that the tumor has grown significantly and needs to be taken out immediately.

"Doctor Robbins. You need to sit in the waiting room." Edwards says grabbing my arm making me snap. "No!! That is my daughter in there and she's scared. You will NOT make me go anywhere! She is my only thing left of Callie. You will not do this to me!!" I yell jabbing a finger into Edwards chest with every word I say.

"Doctor Robbins!! You are my superior and I respect you but if you don't go into that waiting room right now I will have security escort you out of the hospital FULLY!"

I start to calm down and I walk out of the room. "You better update me every half hour." Edwards nods and runs to surgery.


"Doctor Robbins."


"I've said your name 5 or 6 times" Amelia Shepherd says sitting down next to me. "Sorry. Just thinking" I say shaking my head a little and walking out to go get some coffee.

As I walk down the corridor I have thousands of eyes on me. I continue to walk and get stared at like a science experiment till Meredith joins me. "You're getting looks."

"Oh am I?? I didn't know that Meredith. Didn't notice the whole hallway has eyes."

"Don't be bitchy. I was just saying."

"Well you know what Meredith. Theyre staring for one of two reasons." I say before turning my attention to the crowd around me. "Reason one: they all know my daughter is in a coma from brain surgery. Reason two: they all know that my wife, my best friend, my rock. Killed herself 5 months ago and that she will never come back and I will always be the fucking freak!!"

Immediately eyes turn back to their paperwork and mark comes running up to me. "Hey. Hey. Shhh. Come on." He says guiding me to an on call room.

"What's going on??"

"Well mark. She left you and Sofia notes. Guess what, she didn't leave me anything. Nothing. It's probably my fucking fault she did it. I mean look at the circumstances!! We got into an argument an hour before she did it. She killed herself because I made her do it. I didn't see the signs. I didn't take care of her. I didn't-"

"Stop it now. She loved you. She loved you and that's not going to be denounced because you feel insecure. We have a daughter in a room here recovering from brain surgery. Get over yourself and go take care of her. That's what Callie would've wanted."

Did he just call me selfish for feeling this way about my wife?

"Sure. Alright. Whatever. I'll get over it. Get out."

"Robbins. That's not what I meant. I meant-"

"I do not give a flying fuck what you meant. Get. The. Hell. Out." I say opening the door for him. He sighs loudly and stomps out.

Fuck him.

"That was crazy." A voice says from the top bunk making me jump a little.

"How long have you been in here?!"

"About 15 minutes. He shouldn't have said that."

The stranger that belongs to the voice walks into the light and I'm met with Amelia Shepherds piercing blue eyes.

"Shepherd please leave." I say rolling my eyes and moving to open the door for her. She grabs my wrist and stops me and I look at her questionably.

"I'm sorry Callie did this to you."

"I-she- it's not her fault."

"It was her choice to go that way. And it's brutal and hard but it's wrong of her. Sofia and you will forever be lost and confused especially you. Not leaving you a note is the worst thing she could've done. I bet she'll regret that for the rest of your life."

I shake my head and blink away my tears threatening to fall.

"Don't stay strong in front of me. This is a hard time. Vulnerability helps you to know that you still feel"

I nod and I feel a tear stream down my face.

"I miss her more than I can even explain. I miss her sleeping in bed with me and holding me. I miss Sofia running and getting into bed with us. I miss her sitting next to the bathroom door while I shower. I miss the spontaneous kind gestures like flowers or chocolate. I miss- I miss her." I blubber out starting to sob.

"I'm sorry Arizona. I'm so sorry." She says pulling me into a hug. "I've missed hugs. From anyone. Everyone looks at me like I'm so fragile that I will break at the slightest touch. I'm a touchy person. I like hugs and this is just so nice I don't want to let go." I say hugging her tighter.

"Then don't let go. Just stand like this with me for a minute. A minute of serenity. After this minute we will go wake up Sofia so she can see her mommy. I'm sure she misses seeing you."

"I miss her voice and her beautiful eyes." I say thinking about her little grin that squints her eyes up.

How was the first chapter fellassss??

Do you think Sofia will wake up the same? Or will she wake up completely different?

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