Ch. 2 The Welcome Commitee

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Arizona's POV

"Alright. I'm going to wake her up now. You can speak to her after our sensory exam. Don't be alarmed if she's sad, mad, overly excited, energetic or offish."

I nod to all of Edwards details and Amelia grabs my hand. "It'll be okay" she says looking into my eyes. I smile sheepishly and pull my hand out of her grasp. "Yep. Sure will." I say stepping away a little.

I just lost my wife. I don't need her to be making moves.

They start to wake her up and her eyes start to open. "Sofia, my name is Doctor Shepherd. Do you remember me?"

She smiles a little dazed and nods. "And this is Doctor Edwards" she once again nods.

"And this is your mommy" Sofia looks at me and furrows her eyebrows "that's NOT my mommy."

"Yes, she is baby."

"No. No she's not!!!" She screams starting to cry.

"Baby, baby. Look at me. I'm your mommy. I'm your momma. Your daddy is on his way."

"No!! I saw my mommy in my dreams!! I saw my mommy she was here!!"

I shake my head and I walk out to be met by mark. "Hey?? What are you doing out here???"

"She doesn't think I'm her mommy. She saw her mommy in her dreams. I'm not her mommy. Her mommy fucking killed herself." I snap pushing him out of my way to go outside and get some air.

He grabs my wrist aggressively and pulls me face to face with him. "You do NOT tell her any of that shit. You do NOT get to take this shit out on her. Or I will ruin your fucking life." He growls out making my blood boil. I knee him in the nuts and stomp on his foot and take off walking while he's doubled over on the floor.

"Fucking prick." I mumble to myself walking to the paddling lot. I sit down on a bench outside and start crying.

Why? Why did you have to leave her like that? You piece of shit.

"Robbins. Why are you sitting out here alone?" Karev asks sitting down next to me wrapping an arm around me. "I can't go in there. She- she doesn't think I'm her mommy. She says callies her mommy and that I'm not."

"I'm sorry Robbins. That's hard."

"It is. And it sucks because I can't just make Callie go see her. I can't just tell Callie 'your daughter needs you. Come back' she's never coming back."

"I know. I know it's hard. But she's doing so well. She's taken a liking to Shepherd quite a bit. Mark is playing chutes and ladders with her right now. If you need to go home, I understand. We all do. We're all here for you and for Sofia."

I shake my head and wipe my tears. "I'm gonna face her. I'm gonna reintroduce myself to her and explain. Maybe that's all she needs."

Karev nods and turns to go into the hospital but turns around and waits for me. "You coming?" I nod hesitantly and follow him in. My heart racing against my chest.

We arrive at Sofia's door and I take a deep breath. Time to face her.

I walk in with Alex behind me and she's playing with mark on her bed. I walk further in and catch her attention as well as marks.

"Hey Sofia." I say smiling a little making her sink back into her pillows with an angry look on her face.

"I'll explain how I know you. I married your mommy. Your mommy's name was Callie. You daddy's name is mark. I'm your momma. 5 months ago your mommy died. She died and now I take care of you some days and your daddy takes care of you other days. I'm sorry for scaring you earlier, but is this making sense?"

She nods sheepishly and then asks "then why did I see my mommy in my dreams."

I shake my head and shrug my shoulders. "I'm not sure baby. I'm not sure." She starts to cry a little and my heart shatters. "Waitta go Arizona." Mark says giving me a go to hell look. "Mark you need to get the f- out. Just get out." I snap grabbing his shirt and pulling him up off her bed.

He flips shit and grabs me by the shoulders of my shirt and runs me into the wall. Immediately fear is struck in me. He has a look in his eyes I've never seen mark have. Immediately Amelia is on him.

"Mark!!! Sloan!! Let go!! Let go of her!!" She yells getting between us and pushing him out the door. She grabs my shoulders and looks in my fearful eyes. "You're okay. Are you okay? Did you hit your head??"

She pulls out her flashlight and starts shining it in my eyes. "Amelia. Amelia. Stop. I'm fine. I'm fine. He just scared me a little." I say shaking my head walking to Sofia's bed.

"He scared me." She says looking at me with more tears in her eyes. This is so hard.

"I'm sorry baby. He's just stressed. Let's keep playing. Doctor Shepherd can join next time, right Shepherd?"

She smiles wide and nods. "Absolutely. I'd love to." She goes and sits on the other side of Sofia's bed and our eyes meet halfway through the game.

2 years ago

"Doctor Robbins!! Can you come with me for a consult??"

"Absolutely Shepherd. Where should we meet??" I ask giving a nurse my charts. She leans into my ear and whispers "on call room 168" I feel myself get turned on and I turn around to look at her.

Those eyes. Gosh. Those eyes.

"Well Doctor Shepherd. What'd we say about doing things at work?"

"Mmmm give me attitude. I dare you." She says grabbing my throat making me become even more turned on. "Oh you dare me? I guess I've got to take it on." I say smirking at her making her smack the outside of my thigh.

"Hey!!" I say laughing pulling away from her. "On call room. 168. 20 minutes or you get more where that came from." I feel my face turn red and I nod.

Those eyes. Those lips. That voice.


"Arizonaaaaa" I snap out of my trance and blush.


"It's your turn. Don't make princess Sofia wait." She says smiling at me.

That smile.

An eventful chapter!! How's the book so far?

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