Ch. 12 Recovering

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2 days later

Amelias POV

Edwards presents "Amelia Shepherd, day 4, recovering from car against tree. No verbal communication, no pain medications, no movement in the left hand. Aware of her surroundings and she's 3 days post op from brain surgery and a spleen removal."

Derek smiles and nods. "And the results from that tox screen?"


I fucking told her.

They run a few tests and the last one is testing my ability to communicate.

"Hum for us"

I take a deep breath and try my hardest to portray any sound. Eventually I squeeze out a low groan and they all smile.

"Vocal chords are still intact."

They all say their goodbyes and walk out and in walks Arizona. She was released last night. She went home and took a shower and came back to see me. She smiles and I feel my heart completely melt.

I still love you.

"Well you look great. You passed all the tests with flying colors"

I nod and she scrunches her eyebrows at me. And grabs my hand.

"You look tired."

I look like a sausage link. I wish I could fucking write.

"Hey hey!" And in walks Delilah. Arizona slides her hand out of mine and stands up and walks out.

Please. Please come back.

"Well that was awkward. How are you?"

I just look at her and she furrows her eyebrows similar to how Arizona did earlier.

"Can you hear me?" I nod and she carries on with questioning.

"Can you speak?" I shake my head no and she nods.

We sit there in complete silence for a good 15 minutes and eventually she says "well, I have a trial in 30 minutes. I should go back over. Just wanted to see you."

I nod and she walks out. I patiently wait for ari to come back.

She never does..

The next day

I want Arizona. I sit up in bed and I get painful shots of pins and needles into my toes.

I don't care. I want Arizona.

I throw my right leg over the side of the bed and have to pick my other leg up with my hands and set it on the floor. I can't feel it.

I try to stand and collapse to the floor.

This is probably why I'm labeled fall risk with a bracelet.

I crawl to the door and every single inch I move my entire body burns immensely.

I want Arizona.

I get to the door and pull myself into a standing position. I'm standing on my cast and limping with my left foot. This is the dumbest idea I've ever had.

I get outside of my door and I grab the railing against the wall. I'm slowly but surely walking. Dangerously, sure.

"Amelia??? Amelia?? Get back in bed!!" April yells walking past me with papers. I shake my head and I continue my trek. I'm going to the peds floor and I'm gonna see Arizona.

"Amelia!! Come on!! Get in the chair!!" I shake my head with tears in my eyes angrily.

No. No. I'm going to see Arizona.

"Get into this chair NOW!!"

I turn around and I take a deep breath and open my mouth to speak.

"I- *cough* am- g-going to- se-see ari." I rasp out with fire in my eyes. April is shocked. She is shocked and pleased that I spoke.

"Alright. Okay you can do that. Climb in the chair. I will take you to see her." I hope up my left hand and try my hardest to lift my pinky for a pinky swear. She figures out what I'm doing and links our pinkies together.

I sit down and she wheels me to the elevator and we go up to the peds wing. First person we see is Alex and he looks at us bamboozled. "Uh-" I hold my right hand casted up and I take a deep breath.

"Wh-where is- ari?"

"She- uh- she's in CT."

We nod and take off for peds CT and there she is. I'm wheeled in the door and she looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Amelia?? Why would you let her-"

"Shush. I-I speak."

She looks at me shocked.

"Y-you d-Didnt come back. I w-was in a h-hospital bed. Y-y-y" I stop in frustration and Arizona nods. "Take your time."

"Y-you n-nnn-need to c-come back. Ev-every t-time." I stutter out.

"Okay. I will come back. Every time. I'm glad you're talking to me. Let me finish my CT scan and I'll come see you. April. A word?"

She nods and she leaves me in the hall and closes the door.

Arizona's POV

"The stuttering??" I ask concerned

"She had Brain damage. She might not ever lose her stutter."

"Did she just ask you to wheel her down here?"

"Well no. I found her walking down the hall. She said she was coming to see you and so I told her to sit in the wheelchair and I'd wheel her down here. She was using her cast to walk and her casted hand to hold the rail."

Oh my gosh.

"Okay. Okay. I'm almost done with this. Take her to her room. I'll be down in 5 minutes."

April's opens the door and grabs Amelias chair and she stops her.

"I-I r-real-really l-l-lll"

"Deep breath. Don't be so nervous to say this."

"I- really l-love y-you."

"And I love you more. Go back to your room."

I'm falling back in love with Amelia Shepherd.


do y'all think her stutter will leave her, will she ever regain mobility in her left arm or leg?

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